
Pinocchio Episode 10 Recap — 39 Comments

  1. Wow…. First comment hey?? Thks again for super fast recap.
    This drama is soooooo good… How are we going to survive 7 more days???? Sigh….

  2. I confess I’m addicted. Before I was ”meh” but now it is loove. OMG this is the best character PSH ever played and she is sure showing her acting stills.
    And chemistry wise I also think they are the best.

    I hear your voice was great storywise however the lawyer plot was meh and ridiculous plus I couldn’t see chemistry between OTP. I loved both as family than couple but this drama I can really ship the otp.

  3. Dear Miss Koala, thank you for these recaps!

    I’m so in love with this drama. Every character brings in his individual colour to finish this beautiful picture. Our OTP are truly each other’s everything. The chemistry is so sizzling that I wish for more kisses and hugs every time they are alone together. Still, I have to agree that the lack of skinship increases significance of their interactions. It helps to focus on how they help each other as real partners of this cute relationship. The way Dal po looks at In ha is just too good for it being just a drama romance =) [I guess I’m trying to find something to divert my focus to from whatever scary might come next week]

    I’m waiting for more Bum Jo and Yoo Rae, cuz right now they don’t feel like real second leads. It’s just they are portrayed to be so nice that I actually feel sorry for seeing only a friction of them. No need to split our precious OTP, but I just hope that Dalpo’s jealousy will lead to more steamy scenes between our OTP (hehe). Real scenes, please, not the ones in our Dad’s imagination. Though, I adore them. I also adored our YGN team tonight. They made for such awesome comic relief. I guess Yoo Rae could give them master class at being undercover.

    There is so much that could be written about this episode. The pace of the story scares me at moments because we still have half of the show to go through. So, for now I will indulge myself in some Jong Seok’s great acting. Just finished “Hot Blooded Youth” – completely opposite Dalpo and Bum Jo there.

    P.s. just realised that I’ve written so much… o.0

  4. Wow, thank you Ms Koala for the extremely quick recap, this is so amazing to read your recap and thoughts of the episode that has not being sub yet.
    I love Pinocchio so much, every segment of this drama is utilized well to tell an amazing story. you just know that when the shit does hit the fan about hyung, In Ha would be there to support Dal po emotionally as well as professionally.
    Will Hyung accept that Ha Myung is alive? can he really be healed from his hatred and revenge? i don’t think hyung had any intention to hurt in ha at that moment, he was just full of rage and curiosity of how she knew so much about the past, especially because she is Cha Ok daughter, and from the attack she did during questioning time towards her mum, makes hyung confuse about In Ha.
    the possibility is very minute, but once hyung has calmed and his righteous meter is back, he may turn himself in and allow his brother to interview him as to why and how he was motivated to seek revenge for his dads honor and for the death of his family.
    funny how the YGN 4 were there at the lecture, i really like them, they have integrity in their reporting, whereas Cha OK is all about sensationalizing a story, just to make it more news worthy.
    so glad that this OTP are not the typical kdrama noble idiocy type, nor are they denying their true feelings, they both are refreshingly up front about it all, i know Dp kept it secret for ages but he had reason too. just can’t wait for next weeks episode, because this writer keeps you guessing, its not predictable what will follow on from each great episode.

  5. Thanks for the recap, Ms Koala! OMG what an ending. Lee Jong Suk and the cast are on fire!! I am glad the comedy is back with the YGN bosses cos they are just awesomely bad. I don’t know how I am gonna survive the week until the next episode and I just saw the preview and its not helping…I want the next episode NOW!!

  6. Thank you for the recap!

    I love our central OTP… I love how they support each other and how they trust each other so much because instead of running away or being a noble idiot they decided to just tackle the problems and work it out… Its more satisfying that way.. Seeing them try and fight because we see all the more how deserving they are of each other. There is no beating aroud the bush with these two, and thats a refreshing change from all the other kdrama characters who chose noble idiocy because they dont want to cause pain or see their lover hurt… Which most often than not causes frustration on us viewers.
    Although i still wish for more sweeter moments for our OTP but i can wait for that because at this moment its just fascinating to watch them be a pillar for support for one another and i bet dal po is gonna need a whole lot of support when the hyung issue will come crashing down at both of them.

  7. Thanks for the recap.
    It seems for to early to have the noble idiocy ruled out and dad letting the chaebol go. Ultimatively Dal Po lied to dad about his family and this lie will eventually come back to hunt him. One can only home that sweat grandpa will set things straight for the family.
    In regard to the fire which killed dad, it also feels that there may be more to the story that the reporters missed in all the initial hatred against the Ki family. They only reported about dad sending in the firefighters, but what about the chemicals stored there and fire prevention? etc.
    The story in Pinocchio is about the truth and how this will make things right. True family. True and honest reporting after researching circumstance. True love.

    • True… Dal po or in ha could still succumb to noble idiocy…but im glad that for the half part of this drama…they used common sense and did not do that…that is why the pacing and momentum of this drama is good and i hope and pray its stay that way and gets better for us viewers.

  8. The pace is on fire! It’s as if a secret every episode is bound to be unravelled. And we’re only halfway through! Now I’m ecstatic with this obviously, but it’s somehow making me worried that the show would run out of steam at the latter half of this cour. Surely, we’re not about to deal with Dal Po’s family tragedy for another 10 more episodes? I’m genuinely curious and hoping that the writer can give us more beyond Dal Po’s story and actually start exploring the other second leads who are just sitting at the background right now, though of course that is not to say that I don’t care about the meat and potato of the show, which is at center stage right now. But after when everything’s been said and done (hyung getting captured and Dal Po revealing to the world his real identity) then I would expect and like to know what happens to the blooming reporting careers of the rest of our scrupulous reporters in training. I’m waiting to be surprised. Keep up the good work Pinocchio and be consistently awesome until the end.

    • Yep, im hoping that pinocchio stays good till the end of its run. I dont know what the writers are thinking but i hope they have a great story for us till the end, that this is a throughly thought out drama…pinocchio team please keep giving us wonderful episodes!

      Pinocchio fighting!!!!

  9. Ms Koala, you are super fast this time.. I read it in the dawn (my country time) and surprised you already post you pinocchio.. but I was very busy to work that time.

    I love pinocchio like most of people here.. and each episode surprising me how they move this fast. I’m happy with this pace but and afraid if it becomes slower in the next 10 episodes. But writernim I believe in you!

    and, do dalpo already knows that somehow Cha Ok contribute to mommy suicide with turn hyung to jail that night she committed suicide? Like Cha Ok said he could die with mommy, but of course it could end different like mommy will cancel her suicide if there was hyung with them, coz I see hyung is more rational. If he knew it but still that calm towards In Ha in the rooftop, that make me wonder why he didn’t shock. I believe until now Dalpo only knew that Hyung is away that time mom committed suicide. Or Am I wrong?

  10. it has been only 10 episode and the truth are all coming outtt… i’m curious what the other 10 episodes will tell! usually in other drama this sort of truth are coming out in the last 4-5 episodes >.<
    rrrgghh waiting for another week is torture!

  11. I don’t even know where to begin. The heart break on both of my boys faces, the disbelief and pain on hyung’s. I don’t even known how he will begin to accept that DP/HM is who he say she is. He must have a thousand and one questions running through his head most of all WHY DIDN’T HE TELL HIM WHO HE WAS THE VERY MOMENT THEY MET! Omo then not even possibly being a murder (I flip flop sometimes I think he did it sometimes I don’t) but having to accept the fact that his little brother fears him and for him in who he has become. Said brother has been raised by and is a son in the family that was once the family of the person he dispices, and is also in love with said loath woman’s daughter. Omo so much for my bad to get over. Then let’s not even tough on the guilt and self loathing has for everything that happened to his family and how he couldn’t do anything about it then (I think this is one of the main things that drives him, He’s angry at himself, blames himself, and hasn’t forgiven himself for so much. For not being able to stop the slander back then-yes it is all out now, but it is all too little too late imho-, not being there that night to save his mom and brother (I bet he blames him self even more than he does CH for being in lock up the night that they died), and never getting a sincere apology and confession of wrong from CH. Then he’s going to have to come to reach the point of confessing his crimes, paying for what he may or may not have done, and eventually accepting everything and everyone in DP/HM’s life and living happily ever after with his brother, sister-in-law, piggy bank stealing grandpa, and imaginative father in law. I really need hyung to get his happily ever after (which is family) too. Oh lord then we have grandpa and appa who will have to hear the whole story, accept things, and let our OTP be together. And here I thought we might not have enough material to fill the second half of the series. I wish it was Wednesday already.

  12. this ep was off the chain!!! i really hope lee jong suk grab home the best actor Award,and shin hye best actress,along with best couples and ofc, hyung rookie Award too.

    seriously,this drama broke most of the kdrama rules on storyline and storytelling.

  13. i love all the actors in this series. they’re perfect fit for their role. specialy Yoon Gyun-Sang and Lee Jong Suk. who ever did the casting, props to you!

    looking forward to the next episode!

  14. Love this site and the great recaps. I love how fast they’re up.

    I love this drama and all it’s juicy bits but… Dal Po is kinda irking me as far as the situation with his brother. He should have told his brother from the beginning who he was even if he thought Jae Myung had done something terrible. Especially after their father’s remains were found. Dal Po said his brother might not be who he thinks he is but so what. Dal Po himself lied about who he was for years so why does it not cross his mind that maybe his brother had to do things he never would have done otherwise to get through losing his entire family? Then the only reason he told Jae Myung who he really was was to protect In Ha. Jae Myung thought Dal Po was DEAD but Dal Po only saw fit to tell him who he was so he could protect In Ha?! Jae Myung has been hurting and missing his family for years but Dal Po would rather preserve things in his new life than reunite with his brother. I was loving Dal Po until he didn’t tell his brother he was alive and started investigating him instead. The truth will come out anyway so why not try to help him face the consequences rather than lie to your brother and sweep what he did under the rug?

    I was mad that Dal Po let Chang Ok slide during the lecture but I knew In Ha was going to let her have it and that it would make a better impact. Dal Po might be letting go of the past and trying to find happiness in the future but that’s because he was far removed from the backlash of the false accusations. His brother had to endure all of that by himself. I just hope that Dal Po starts to have his brother’s back now. I wanna go back to my blind love for Dal Po and have hearts in my eyes for him and In Ha. I can’t do that if he gets all judgey with his brother.

    Side note: How cute is Bum Jo’s mom?! The love for her son has no limits. It’s such a nice change from all the usual controlling mother tropes. It took a couple of episodes for me to get used to seeing Kim Hae Sook being so loving and supportive after the nightmare she was in Marriage not Dating.

    • I couldnt blame dal po though. He had always thought that his hyung had abandoned him and his mom… We viewers know that wasnt the case but dal po hasnt found that out yet…and of course he cherish the choi family… They continue to be his haven for 13 years, they give him love and and a warm home with no questions asked. They treated him like real family and he owes a lot to that family its not just because he loves in ha, sure she is on top of that list but he also loves grandpa and even grateful to in ha’s appa for letting him stay. Without the choi’s love and support dal po may very have ended like jae myung. The choi’s were his second chance at family and what a loving family they were. So of course dal po would be hesitant…

    • it was smart of Dalpo’s to not reveal himself, he was there because he was investigating a criminal suspect then even thought the guy turns out to be his brother, they haven’t seen each other for 13 years it’s a long time, it was prudent of him to investigate further before revealing his identity, not only for his sake but also for his adoptive family’s security.

  15. Love the progress this episode. I feel that in ha’s monologue there was not merely cathartic though. The reaction on cha ok’s face during and after the monologue shows that she knows that everything in ha said was true, no matter how much she wanted to kid herself and justify her past mistakes. While the damage had already been done, I think it is a step in progress in terms of character development for us to know that cha ok has some conscience, which is why she couldn’t respond to in ha. And at least in ha’s monologue will stop jae myung from going on his revenge killing spree.

  16. Lee jong Suk can have chemistry with a tree..He’s that good!

    He had amazing chemistry with Kim Woo Bin, with Lee Bo Young in “I hear your voice” who is 20 years older than him.

    He even had chemistry with the expressionless Ji Se Yong.

    So it’s no surprise that he has chemistry with Park Shin Hye.

    That kid is a natural….

  17. Hi, just really need to say I’m loving this drama, can’t wait for the next recap. I have been reading recaps from last year but never wrote down a comment. This drama has finally forced me to write someting.

  18. omo <3 sooo good drama and the chemistry between our park shin hye and lee jong suk is just amazing more than psh and lmh !!
    hope to see moore skinships between them in this drama
    fighting !! :*

  19. This question might seem a bit foolish but did their mother really die? If there was any solid proof that said she died on the night they jumped off the cliff then I think I’ve missed it while watching the episodes and please, just ignore my comment.

    I just can’t help but wonder what will happen on the next episodes if Dal Po/Ha Myung will confess the crimes of his hyung already next episode.

    • Yes their mother died, in episode 4 when they show the case of Ki Ho Sang at YGN assessment exam, there it was implied that the body of the mother had found and the son’s body is still missing.

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