
Big Three Networks Line Up Pretty Leading Lady MCs for Year End Drama Awards — 18 Comments

  1. Yaay for MC Sooyoung. She is a great MC so its no bummer that MBC chose her to be one of the co-host for the ceremony. Its so great that she is getting more and more recognized as a n actress and MC 🙂
    Plus she has worked with Shin Dong Yup before so I am anticipating their interactions ! Last year, when she received the Best New Rookie Award at SBS Entertainment Awards, he was one of the MC and said “she is really amazing ! Not only she is good at acting but hosting too” so kyaaah. I cant wait for My Spring Days cast to attend to attend

  2. To bad Tvn didn’t get an award show because hands down they produced the best productions this year and late last year. The only drama I am currently watching from the big three is Pinocchio and the best airing drama right now is Misaeng, which airs in TvN.

  3. Well Sooyoung is a legit MC, thats part of her work description. She even won award last year for best new MC. We`ll see how well other two girls can do.

    • It isn’t 1st time for Park shin hye to be MC she started 2004 with LSG in Music Trend SBS , Melon Music Awards ……….etc .

      • I know, what i was trying to say is Sooyoung is a MC for Hanbam which is Entertainment Show on SBS. So she is been doing this every week for past two years. It`s different than doing occasional MC jobs like PSH or PMY.

  4. i wouldn’t say Park Shin Hye eon big last year for Heirs. She only won best couple, top 10 star and excellence award for sbs, not top excellence so not big.

  5. Do u know how many awards she receive for that drama?it more than what JJ received for YWcFAS.she received awards in the US too for that,what are u talking about?name one actress that received that many awards last year or this year?

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