Punch Takes the Lead in the New Mon-Tues Ratings Despite Healer’s Rabid Following
The just ended MBC drama Pride & Prejudice not only made room for a new arrival to shake up Mon-Tues ratings, it also put the struggling drama out of its misery. P&P was decent in the first half but basically unwatchable in the second half with how crazy dull it got. The entire narrative was like watching a tire slowly deflate in the wilderness without nothing around to relieve the boredom. P&P’s ratings also kept dropping so by the end both Healer on KBS and SBS‘s dark Punch overtook it in ratings.
Now that fusion sageuk Shine or Go Crazy has arrived on MBC, it’s time to take a look at the audience picks with these three contenders. The winner turns out to be Punch as it took a major leap frog over Healer to land in first with 13.3% AGB while Healer remains steady with 10.4% AGB and SoGC brought up the rear with 8.8% AGB premiere week ratings. It’s not an abysmal start for SoGC but Punch is really the one strong horse that appears to be gaining steam as its story ups the intensity.
Of the three dramas I’m only watching Healer, and have been following that drama regularly since episode 1. I loved it early on but the interest has waned just a smidge so it’s merely like now, which feels rather an outlying opinion considering what a cult rabid following the drama has generated with viewers despite its middle-of-the-road ratings. I wouldn’t call Healer either a hit or a failure, but definitely a drama with more buzz than solid numbers to back up its popularity.
I find Healer entertaining to watch and all three leads in Yoo Ji Tae, Park Min Young, and Ji Chang Wook are doing a fantastic job with both acting and chemistry. I personally feel the writing is actually rather underwhelming and am more interested in the big picture rather than parsing the details. Punch is totally not my dish and I’m still waffling about whether to check out SoGC despite my Jang Hyuk and Im Joo Hwan love. The competition for Mon-Tues will stay this way until mid-February when Blood arrives to take over for Healer and Punch bows out to give way for Heard it Through the Grapevine.
Enjoy watching healer.
Have not yet check out punch.
Unni .. i just started watching punch recently.. and boy was i hooked from the start.. a really awesome drama..
I strongly recommend ths drama to anyone.. i have lost interest in korean dramas the past year.. mkst start out strong that fizzle out half way through.
But o think Punch will be awesome frm start to end. I do admit its nt everyone cup of tea..
As for healer.. i m yt to watch..
Punch is great drama i told you guys. So intense. The story was flawless. Not to mention the awesome acts by Kim Rae Won, Kim Ah Joong, Jo jaehyun. The story not that heavy. Try it. You’ll fall for it hehehehe
Ohhhh just a like for healer?
I though find it entertaining, great acting by the leads and good storytelling. Till now it’s been holding up on quality and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it will end strong. 🙂
Yeah, I’m also hoping it ends well, unlike City Hunter.
I’m flabbergasted by Punch’s high ratings. It’s a surreal experience to be watching and loving a really, really, really well-written, well-acted and intelligent Drama that is actually getting the sort of ratings love it TOTALLY DESERVES. Like you, I’m enjoying Healer, but the gulf between the two shows is well-reflected in the surprising difference in their ratings. Punch is a great example of how good K Dramas can be when they get it right.
I’m watching Healer right now and it doesn’t get really interesting till the two leads meet. I was planning to wait for a few more episodes of Punch to air so I could binge watch but I think I’ll start now.
Well i think many factors affect the fact that punch is in the leading in Korea.
Mostly due to the fact that it addresess important issues of corruption in the Korean society and the story is tight and solid, also very suspenseful, the characters are very great, the story is also very realistic.The actors and actresses are also very good and popular in Korea so it might have higher ratings due to that. I’ve been watching it and i love it. Healer on the other hand i also love,but the two dramas are different in genre though Healer has kind of loose story, it is quite good to the average viewer, its like a drama you can relax and watch and anticipate each moment even if some are quite predictable, and there are many squee moments. Also most of the “rabid following” are international viewers and have no influence whatsoever on live ratings. Or may the Korean viewers taste are just different. But i love both dramas, they have their strong and weak points and hope they both get to do well in their ratings
I’m actually crazy in love with healer. I think about it daily, listen to the ost to live through the rest of the week. The chemistry between park minyoung and ji changwook is so amazing and sizzling. And the plot, it has been so unpredictable for me. I’m sure you watched the most recent episode. And omg I don’t even know how I can survive the rest of the week.
Omg same here I’m so in love with healer that I can’t watch any other shows beside it. It’s taking up my life. It’s so far one of my all time favorite shows deepening on its ending. Ji Chang wook fighting 🙂
Love “Punch”, even though it is going to be a tear jerker, I still want to watch Kim Rae Won’s superb acting. Wonderful actor have missed him so much. Can’t wait to see his movie new “Gangnam 1970”!!! 🙂
Punch is a good drama to watch! Very well written and you would always look forward to the next episode. Kim Rae Won is doing an amazing job as Park Jung Hwan including all her leading lady and the rest of the casts. Kudos to the writer and the production staff! Hope it remains that way till the end.
I don’t know why I end up skipping dramas with crazy fan following like Healer or YFAS while it airs. Here I am watching Kill Me Heal Me every week but not Healer even though it is totally my type of story. I’ll probably end up doing a marathon next week as everyone is talking about it.
I’m definitely watching Punch too. Not only do I like Kim Rae Won, but the story seems interesting and intense. Nice to see his drama doing well.
Punch is a really great drama…tightly written, great scripts……The pace of the story really fast and i’ve never felt this much of thrill watching the drama before…..
As for the rating, I think the korean viewers like the drama with less romance, opposite the international’s viewers who like squee worth romance…( BTW, there is almost no romance in Punch)
Healer is like City Hunter to me. While Lee Min Ho is off doing other stuff, another man has stolen my heart. Why do I feel like Healer is my calling lols. Anyhow, I’m mildly addicted to that show.
Lol at “while lee min ho is doing other stuff” yeah like wearing high school uniforms. From city hunter to heirs *shake head*
Anyhow I don’t know if anyone can beat lee min hot at his game, I did have some city hunter vibes during healer first few episodes. I must say though JCW did make the role his own as the show got along and he’s growing on me. Even PMY I’m kinda liking her a lot more!
And we LOVE JCW’s voice, very seductive, alluring and mesmerizing…
I love Lee Minho, but since he’s barely on the tv screen anymore (he didn’t do a drama in 2014 right)? I’ll take Ji Chang Wook… love his eyes ^^
Imo, Ji Chang Wook is a better actor than Lee Min Ho although the latter is much more famous than the former. JCW is more capable of communicating every subtle nuance of emotion. I used to be a fan of LMH after watching Faith and City Hunter. Also I’ve been a huge fan of Lee Jung Suk since IHYV. But now JCW has taken place of these stellar actors as my #1 favorite K actor….LOL…Just one blow by Healer, these top K actors tumble below where Ji Chang Wook stands in my heart.
Punch is SUPERB !!!
Everything …
I am watching Punch and Healer and loving both of them. Punch is darker and Healer is mostly fluffy but both are really entertaining and addictive. Helps that I am now a converted Ji Chang wook and Kim Rae Won fan. The casts for both drama are equally good too. 2015 have been good for me.
Am actually watch My Sunshine too. Boy that drama is draggy like shit. But I like male lead again so I sat through all the repetitive flashbacks, blatant ppl and slo-mo convo just to see him get his happily ever after.
Am watching and loving both Healer and Punch. Two different genres, but imho equally well-written. Both casts show excellent acting.
I love Punch’s script–so witty, the writer’s ink does not go dry on the metaphors. And the see-saw between protagonists-antagonists keep me on the edge of my seat always. However, as far as characters go not much to love. Although there’s one you really love to hate–Lee Tae Joon.
As for Healer, ohh, the romance. And the OTP chemistry. Can’t help the global fangerling, it seems.
What is the full name of the drama you are watching? My Sunshine? I googled it but did not find it. Who is the male lead?
Ellie, I’m not surprised you can’t find it cause it’s a cdrama starring Wallace Chung. I think Koala posted about the drama before. It’s based on a popular web novel. The plot is too thin and it’s actually amusing how everything takes twice as long to happen, flashbacks popping up randomly and for like the 10th time every episode and the so not subtle ppl makes me cackle. IMHO, only Wallace is worth watching, even the young actor version of him is handsome. Shallow me.
i’ve watched shine or go crazy eps 1 & 2 and i’m loving it so far. it looks really promising.
I actually watched Healer first, but I need 2 first episode to finally like it. And then I randomly watch Punch and get hooked.
I like healer, but I love Punch so much..
I wonder though, why subtitle for healer is so slow despite its popular?
Healer is actually sub faster on Viki. But Healer has an exclusive USA license with Dramafever, so no other website can touch it for a period of time. Viki has it available right away, faster than Punch actually, but only available outside the USA. For Viki, they have a two week delay because of Dramafever’s exclusivity.
I watched both at the same time and both are good. I am the opposite–I like Punch, bot love Healer and completely surprised how amazing it has become. At the top of the best dramas for me.
Sorry, two weeks delay for Healer on Viki is only USA. It is available right away for non USA countries. The international appeal is crazy as it is the most active community on all websites.
Would love to check out Punch when I have free time. I checked out E01 of SoGC and it was kind of cute actually.
I’m enjoying Healer and this week’s episodes were better than all the previous ones as it made me wait and watch for the raw vids. I’m still not reading the comments though on recap threads as I don’t want it to end up like IHYV which I found so overrated and overhyped even if I liked it (more for LJS than LBY and the romance). I tried to read a page of Healer E13’s comments last night to see what they’re all buzzing about and after skimming through it, I just had to put my head in my hands. *shakes head* I’m glad people are enjoying it enough to post comments and squee, but gosh at the overanalysis and inanity.
Tried healer but couldn’t pass the first ep.Iread the comments on dramabeans 90% is actually about how hot JCW is and how better he is than LMH in CH.the remaining 10% is about the drama and its plot.I think I will try and watch punch,cos I,ve only been reading the recaps.maybe punch will be the drama to reviveS the low rating in kdramas since YFAS.I think Pinocchio already did so for Hyun Bin,s drama.its just for it to follow up.
I read the comments on dramabeans and it is actually opposite for me with reactions and discussion of the drama at 90%, and 10% on how hot JCW. People are delurking for the first time, like myself to discuss the drama (never did that in all my years watching kdramas) and it is interesting to read the various analysis there.
I watched City Hunter, and like both drama. JCW has taken this role and made it his own. Never heard of him, and he is pulling of an impressive performance that is well deserving of the praise. Really a great actor. Good for him.
Haha, that’s because his character is so adorable and dreamy! He’s the heart of the drama. I found first ep of healer to be borrring, but by the end of episode 1 and so forth, it starts to get really good and fluffy.
Is the online rating for Healer low?thought since not its not doing very well on tv ratings then it must be doing really well online?
Its quite also 15 to 19%.
Yeay! I love Punch! The story is back and forth but at the end of every episode always made me want to jump to the next chapter right away to know what will Park Jung Hwan do next. Kim Rae Won acting superb and so cool. Punch hwaiting!
I stopped watching healer and instead just read recaps at drama beans and go watch the scenes that seem to be interesting or captivating which are mostly Yoo Ji Tae scenes. I could care less about the romance since it’s not really interesting to me. Punch is awesome but it’s some pretty heavy material. Park Jung Hwan is a great character because he is a jerk and not in that cold chaebol jerk but an actual jerk who’s not really a good guy but why do I feel sympathetic towards him. Kim Rae won plays him superbly and the in the last episode in that crying scene oh gosh how good was he.
Yay! So happy that Punch is getting the ratings that it deserves.
The script is so amazing and the cast is great- it has been a while since I have watched such a well written drama! 🙂
I like Healer too and am watching it when I can, but not too crazy about it.
As for Shine or Go Crazy, I am staying away from that drama- looks weird.
Earlier eps were all about comparing CH and healer and how hot JCW was.its a good thing to know that they re talking about the drama instead
HEALER !!! Punch comes second since the story itself is kinda ‘heavy’ for my brain. lols.. i watch Healer and punch but trust me, healer is addictive!!!
Punch and Healer are my Mondays and Tuesdays addiction.
But I love Punch more because it keeps me on the edge of my seat and there’s always something unforeseeable. Great cast.
And me watching Punch only.
I love this post!!!! I love how you guys discuss about how good punch and healer are.. Mostly I like because Punch watchers and lurkers spoke up here, which now, make me curious about Punch… 😀
I’m a sucker for thriller and mind blowing drama.
And PUNCH is soooo damnnnn awesome!!!
The characters,the story, are well written. There’s no boring moment in every episode but at the end always make me feel anxious for next episode.
p/s: Hoping they can break 20 % rating since nowadays show stuck at 15-16 % rating as far as i know… Plus Jo Jae Hyun make a promise to only wear underwear on broadcast show with Kim Rae Won if they surplus 22 %.. lol
* i mean surpass. My typing doesn’t get in line with my brain.. ;p
haven’t watched punch yet, but yes healer. come on, number 1 next week!
Punch is FREAKING AMAZING. Try it when you have the time. 🙂
Punch is good. I watched it until ep 7 but now it’s on hold – for Healer.
Can’t do other dramas now. That’s how distracting and addictive Healer is.
Punch isn’t getting that much buzz but it’s a good drama. Healer is perhaps just appealing to younger viewers. I dropped it after the first 2 episodes. As for Shine or Go Crazy, I’m not a fan of any of the leads so it’s a definite no-watch for me.
Watching Healer and it’s really very good. love the OTP and yoo ji tae and the plot is interesting. of course let’s say no more about the awesome OST.
also i started the first episode of shine or go crazy and despite the weird premise it’s actually looks good! i hope it won’t go downhill later cause the cast is solid especially the veteran actors.
Punch is not so much my cup of tea with the terminal disease plot but the comments here made me curious about it and i added it to my plan to watch later list.
to sum it up monday-tuesday time slot already looks good and the competition will be something to look for.
so to speak the time slot of wed-thu now that HJM joins and we’ll see which multiple disorder drama will lead. anyway i watch KMHM and i plan to watch HJM too. oh it’s going to be busy week for me hah!
I’ve watched 1st episode of Healer but I don’t find myself interested in watching the drama maybe because of the lead actress so I dropped it. I will give Punch a try because of Kim Rae Won..
supposedly it doesn’t get good till the 4th episode or so and then gets better and better. I struggled getting past the first 3 for awhile.
I like Healer so much that right now it had totally spoiled me for any other drama at the moment….and there are so many.
Everytime I try to watch something else while waiting for monday, I just give up and go back watching Healer’s previous episodes.
Part of it is the story that is…fluffy…yes…romantic…yes….but well executed…and beautifully filmed.
All the actors are spot on, but JCW’s acting is just in another level.
The guy is young and of course gorgeous, but it’s such a pleasure to see such a young actor with such amazing acting skills.
He could pull the 7 characters in KMHM in his sleep… he is that good in displaying multiple expressions.
His mind-blowing chemistry with PMY is another plus for me.
They are so naturally compatible that even their non skinship scenes are loaded with chemistry and you just want them to touch.
Anyway for now, Healer has totally spoiled me for anything else…
It’s been a while since I started watching kdramas that I felt this giddy…and I’m immensely enjoying myself and basking in it…which is the whole point of watching dramas for me.
The latest dramas have been a torture to watch just to pass the time because of various reasons: bad scripts; lack of chemistry between the leads..or leads that don’t do much for me, and…. then came HEALER!
Healer is the only drama I’m watching right now… and I’m really picky about k-dramas ^^
I’m watching Healer for Kim Mi-Kyung. She is one of my fav actresses and surely rocking her role there as Ajumma Min Ja. The other leads are also very decent.
Alas, can’t add more dramas to my schedule now.
I’ll just say, anyone who wants to give healer a try, you’ll have to trudge past episode 1-2. I have to admit I was shaking my head through them thinking “come on man who’s this dude copying city hunter and what’s up with all the jumping off buildings, Spider-Man much?” But it’s gets to you…somehow the show It gets better, good and then well…excellent in my opinion. Nothing fresh in the story but well executed and great casting. Sum of the parts effect I guess. I think the fan girling of JCW was not a primary effect. I hardly thought he was hot until say ep6. Well now…I’m won over. Or swoon over
I agree– Healer has a weak start but gets better and better as it goes along, which is something new viewers should keep in mind. The 1st ep of Healer was much too all-over-the-place for me, and I almost dropped it. I stuck with it though, and gradually came to love it. The international fan fervor didn’t really kick in until ep 8, and it’s been pretty intense since then.
I’m also watching Punch and agree that it’s excellent, but it’s more of a cerebral watch for me, whereas Healer is all about the feels.
PUNCH is freaking amazing!
I can’t wait for Monday anymore. Everything about this drama is so so great. Park Jung Hwan itself is such an interesting and complex character. And KRW is really one of a kind actor.
And i just just love the interaction between KRW and his daughter in this drama. Sweet and adorable.
For healer, it’s not my cup of tea. It takes me 3 years to watch City Hunter and maybe this one i’ll passed it too.
Someone said it above but I find all the craze around Healer off putting. It’s irrational on my part, yes, but I can’t shake the feeling.
Haha. After a few dramas back in late 2013-early 2014 I’ve stopped reading comments on recaps because I always got a little perverse and felt the opposite of the majority’s opinion. I just want to enjoy watching and not get stressed out by criticisms or overzealous praises. It’s why I’m still enjoying Healer even if I do find the mania over it strange.
There were a few party poopers in some of the dramas I watched that in truth weren’t really good plotwise, but the more it got criticized, the more I liked it. Ever experienced those commenters who said they’ll stop watching but continued to say they didn’t like it over and over until the final episode, even comparing to other currently airing dramas that they liked? *coughwindsun33cough* And then they’ll get mad when you tell them to stop watching, or stop reading the recaps, or stop commenting? Really wanted to know who they were in person because I wanted to give them a few (or a dozen) bops on their heads.
Some dramas meanwhile, like IHYV, were really good (though I like Pinocchio more), but the craze for LBY, the OTP, and the plot made me so peeved that I liked it less at the end and didn’t even watch the last 2 episodes but just read the recaps.
Re *coughws33cough*
I’m so glad to know it wasn’t just me… the persistent negativity from that one commenter alone really put me off from visiting a certain site for a while.
And it wasn’t just an issue of not reading the comments since it was kind of like going out for a walk in Paris… the fear of stepping in dog poo detracts from the enjoyment of the surroundings.
I agree some of them are doing the MOST. It’s just rabid group mentality at this point.
Another lurker coming out of the woodwork for Punch. It is a stellar show! Not a melodramatic cryfest you would expect from a terminal illness plotline. Instead its an edge of your seat political thriller.
I see Healer too, but mostly on fast forward. I totally get the cuteness factor of the whole cast, but the story line has not gripped me yet. I don’t see the point of having YJT’s character so far, which is a shame since I thought he was the top billed actor in this. He certainly has that profile.
I did check out Healer after seeing what all the buzz was about and I had to sit through quite a bit of episodes before I started to like it. It started getting interesting for me after episode 10 so I’m the opposite from you — the initial meh impression was later replaced by an overall liking. Yeah, i could’ve dropped it anytime, but i really wanted to see and experience why and what was making the comment section in DB healer recaps explode in the 3k’s when my favorite show, K2H, had a similar rabid cult following. But I think i’ve felt even more thrills for god’s gift than I did for healer despite completely hating the ending.
Healer has all the elements of what makes a drama so fun, but there’s something about it (i think how formulaic and predictable it can get) that doesn’t make me fall in love, probably because we’ve seen better. Yes, there’s other stuff like the OTP with great chemistry and their great characters, but for me that’s really the only area it impresses me in, so that’s why i’m sticking with it. A truly heart-stopping drama will excel in all aspects of the action, romance, drama, and comedy.
In the last episode of Punch, when Krw cried, that sealed the deal for me.
Although kdramaverse might want us to think differently, crying is not pretty. Your face scrunches up, nose becomes red and full of snot.
Krw cried like that. Not for lost love. Not for his family. But out of frustration he has so little time when people more corrupt than him can enjoy the world.
I am sold.
Haven’t seen Punch till now, but will def check it out.
Saw Healer and it’s good, but not as brilliant as one should think seeing all those crazy reactions on the net. It got a great cast (Yoo Ji Tae!!! JCW whom I love since Empress Ki, PMY doesn’t annoy me for the first time, Ahjumma’s part is drama gold, dad would you adopt a grown-up, too?), but storywise it is quite average.
Far better is Valid Love, which got me on the edge of my seat during each episode. THIS is some effin great writing and acting. Both men are likeable, the situation is so complicated and even after ep 15 we don’t know where they want to take us. Chapeau.
@newbie.that’s what I,ve been saying.Healer storyline is actually average compared to Punch.to,its not that appealing.but when I voice my opinion,but healer fans would want to eat my alive.I actually find CH much more intresting than Healer.the cast is grat,its just that the story,like miss ockoala said is underwhelming
I loved City Hunter and only like Healer. CH was far from perfect, but from ep1 it was compelling, the cliffhangers after ep7 were great, the PD was awesome (man, those action scenes!), and the OST/BGM perfect. Plus who else would still be sexy in flamingo pink pants other than LMH? 😉
I must confess I prefer Healer over City Hunter (JCW is simply the better actor between him and LMH). I came into the fandom after CH aired and to me it didn’t live up to the hype marathoning it.
At Newbie…You are correct…JCW is a much much better actor than LMH…miles better.
And both the directer of Healer (also the one on CH) and the writer of Healer (also the writer of Faith) have both work with LMH…
That’s probably why people see the comparisons with CH.
Jin Hyuk PD directed Master’s Sun & Doctor Stranger after City Hunter. He’s not Healer’s PD. In some of the action sequences in Healer I wished it was him who directed because he could’ve made the scenes more cooler or more epic like he did in CH.
I admit that JCW’s a good actor (ep14’s last scene convinced me), and that LMH’s acting in his last drama was not as exciting as in his previous roles, but when he was immersed in his roles he really was compelling to watch and brought the characters to life despite the meh writing of some of his dramas. In some of the earlier episodes of Healer, I actually wished he played Healer, but that would have been too similar and CH was much more badass anyway. Looking forward to his first film because it looks like he has that intensity back.
Anyway, just basing on kdrama audiences, judging acting skills is subjective (unless the actors are obviously bad like Yunho or Taecyeon). The more one likes the show, the more hype the actors get. Personally, I think that the weakest actor in both CH & Healer is PMY. She has improved in her crying scenes as she doesn’t make me laugh when she’s crying anymore, but she still hasn’t made me feel anything either yet.
Agree on Lee min ho having intensity and the talent to bring meh characters to at least to life.
But on PMY, I don’t think she’s the weak link on healer. Feel that she’s improve her craft from CH. a little more nuance and sensitivity in building up her character. Whatever it is, the girl does have a knack for building chemistry with her male leads, whether it’s yoochun, LMH or JCW. That’s a skill too. Some dramas with horrible chemistry are painful to watch.
Yup! Second your opinion. LMH used to be my favorite after I watched Faith and City Hunter. But JCW has taken his place with just one blow of Healer…LOL…One of the reasons is that I consider JCW a better actor than LMH. LMH is charming but he is not as capable of communicating subtle emotion as JCW. I watched some old dramas of JCW. This guy obviously has been working very hard to a fine actor, not just a Hallyu star and Healer finally gave him the chance to shine in the spotlight. I’m totally in.
You can easily spot some familiar Healer fans behaving the same atrocious ways in other drama sites. Can see them miles away, just about to eat you up if you dare to offer differing views. Many of them are outright rude and offensive wherever they are. As someone has said it here, its really off putting.
It’s you being offensive and rude first. I don’t see Healer fan being aggressive here. Everyone just expressed personal opinions. An opinion is an opinion. Please respect others with different views than yours and stop making one-man-up nonsense mocking up Healer fans. It’s fine if you don’t like Healer and don’t like how other ppl are frenzy about this drama. But it’s definitely uncivilized and just show your foolish bitterness by degrading Healer fan. You’re really off-putting!
@sue Lol. Someone just proved your point. No Healer fan was quite rude in comments above and was just happy expressing their opinions without offending anyone, but someone contradicted his/herself in every sentence that she wrote and made me laugh at the irony.
@Den So you find pleasure mocking ppl who get offended by someone who dissed up others with different views? This commenter Sue is the FIRST one lashing out offensive remark to attack the personality of Healer fans. Totally annoying!.
I love Punch and I’m glad so many people here watch it too
I’ve only started watching Healer and still plan to watch Punch but man, I’m glad that there are so many interesting kdrama offerings right now.
I’m also REALLY enjoying Kill Me, Heal Me and Heart to Heart. The latter in particular I didn’t expect to like but binge watched in one night. I hope they all stay good till the end. Come on writers, you can do it!
I’m amazed that I’m really, really liking Heart to Heart because I did not like Choi Kang-hee. She has surprised me with how good an actress she is. The story is also progressing faster than a typical K-drama.
love love love healer and a new rabid fan of ji chang wook….i guess the korean ahjummas/grandmas aren’t as sold, but it’s a solid, entertaining drama and i am enjoying the ride…i will eventually watch punch because i also like rae won but it’s just too dark for me to watch right now
Wait, whaaat! I thought for sure you’re watching this drama. Punch is right up in your alley. First episode in, I’m already hooked. I’m only 3 episodes in but Kim Rae Won’s character is so complex, it just draws you in.
On another note, I haven’t watched Healer yet because I’m also watching Heart to Heart (where is the Pie love?) and I want to start Shine because of Jang Hyuk and Park Kyu.
Punch is amazingly captivating right from Ep 1. Kim Ray Wun’s acting has been and is fantastic. His on top of it all. Healer, just another average story-line, about chemistry, romance of OTPs.
That’s your own opinion. I believe for many viewers, Punch is just a boring modern version of endless court strife that has been repeated so much in many other K dramas.
Weird for me that I really can’t understand the hype and buzz around Healer.. And this is coming from JCW’s fan.. I love him and all, but Healer is overhyped too much…
Anyway I love it at first, but now my love is declining… I no longer look forward to Monday and Tuesday like I used to be.
Healer is amazzzzzzing Im so in love with it it’s crazy.
I like Punch a lot. The intensity, the realistic issues, the great acting of all he cast, the very well executed story made it my favorite show of the moment (with Heart to Heart since Ep03/04 you’ll be surprised). About the Healer.. I gave it a try since it’s so popular on dramabeans, well it didn’t manage to catch my interest whether it’s because I have no interest in the premise of the story or is it because I’m not a big fan of its main actors, Idk. Didn’t like it.
Drop Punch after episode 6……too heavy duty for me bcoz cannot find the romance and can’t get the feel…^_*:)) but Healer – ya. …wow! Daebak! !! Just soooo entertaining. …and the feeeeel! ! Love love JCW and PMY their chemistry, great acting too! So far, M enjoyed watching kdrama but won’t go crazy over it …but Healer – ya , what have you done to me….:))
oiiii koala thank you for this wonderful summary of the all the dramas right now (and reminder of things to come), i’m happy to report that for now i’m a happy happy camper in dramaland? i think this is the most number of dramas i’ve enjoyed at any one time – HEALER (SQUEEEEEE) valid love (LSH SQUEEEEE) kill me heal me, heart to heart, hyde jekyll me! KEEP IT COMIN GOOD MEN AND WOMEN OF DAE HAN MIN GUK!!
thank you other koalafriends for sharing about punch, your rave reviews have convinced me to give it a try… maybe when healer & VL end 😉
btw for healer, i’m one of the rabid fans :X i try to maintain some objectivity though, totally ff thru some sections too (sorry moonshiks!) but um it’s HARD when JCW’s face is like that and i’m MELTING. i think he’s actually objectively the best actor of his generation (can anyone raise other names? other youngsters his age just haven’t been given roles to demonstrate their range i think. i’m nuts about LSH but erm there’s just not going to be much going on in corporate/ melodrama shows, while i can see JCW BECOMING his characters, from deluded emperors to double personality healers) which i think can be attributed to his musical training – have heard another actor comment on tv vs musicals before, in musicals everything has to be BIG for the audience to catch it from far away (with no zoom ins) but in tv you want subtlety.
yeah this buzz does remind me of AM1997/4 + YFAS 🙂 was lucky enough to be riding the waves then too, and this one is so nice too, because everyone’s squealing over the OTP, which is the most primal part b/c we just want lurrrrrve.
my first post on KP, delurked just to share the love, whatever your preferences, let’s enjoy the HECK out of this drama season guys! we might have to wait a reeeaaally long time for the next such good one 🙂
LOL…I confess I’m one in the cult rabid crazily following Healer…But who cares if this “cult rabid” a sarcastic label from those who look down at Healer with a bit one-man-up opinions…Drama land, same as other lines of commercial markets, is all about customer choice and service. I happen to be a customer who loves Healer just more than anything else, from script writing, to directing, to cast. This drama serves me well to my satisfaction. It’s not perfect as a whole package, but it’s interesting enough to make my heart fluttered and longing for watching all the episodes over and over again.
For me, Pinocchio is good because one of my favorite actors Lee Jung Suk was on another level of his own acting skills in the drama. But that’s it. I don’t feel like going back to watch Pinocchio again. Pinocchio plot is just too perfectly executed with perfectly developed characters by the end of the final episode that it almost gave me a feel of Jane Austin classics.
As to Punch. Mehhhhh! Not for me. I watched it but never got past the first episode. I dozed off at midway. For me, Punch is just a modern version of endless political strife in historical drama. I’ve had enough of those dark court struggles.
But to my very surprise that Kill Me Heal Me got me hooked. It was started as a filler of void between Healer episodes. But I found Ji Sung’s acting charismatic and the story line is hella hilarious as a circus…..Haha I love this drama. A very good surprise to me as 2015 New Year gift.
It’s all about being entertaining. No more no less. The drama is good if it’s entertaining. Otherwise it’s not. I’d not care if the script writing is overwhelmingly deep full of philosophical or moral insight….Why should I bother? I have tons of serious books authored by Nobel laureates for me to use my brain heavily. So K drama please, just give me much entertainment possible and don’t give me headache like It’s Ok It’s Love.
Typo – Jane Austen
I’m really pissed off at Punch fans who launched personal attack on Healer fans. Drama, like other lines of entertainment, is all about personal taste and choice. There’s no absolute best vs. inferior. Some American audience love Ang Lee’s films but some others cannot sit through his much artistic presentation. It’s fine we have our own preference of genres. But to insult ppl by calling them with wording like off-putting, rude, or atrocious behavior really reflect how ppl who made these remarks are arrogant, smug, and have such great disgraceful bitterness inside their hearts because they can’t take the fact that many ppl just love Healer more than Punch.
Wow. I appreciate your enthusiasm towards Healer but you do realize that you’re doing the exact same thing that you hate others do when they comment about Healer? Attacking fire with fire fuels greater fire. I don’t like it when people comment bad things about my favourite drama as well but let’s think of it objectively, say good things about your favourite drama to encourage others to watch as well, instead of putting other dramas down (which obviously fuels more hate towards Healer fans). This goes to other commenters as well. I watched both Healer and Punch and I love them both. And you don’t like Punch. To each of his own. That’s it. Peace Yo-na style.
Currently watching shine or crazy, love it. Jang hyuk jjang.