
Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 15 Recap — 21 Comments

  1. See what I mean about the comment about just how even worse the drama seems like to like to go down. Sigh…

    I was just wanting this whole TJ thing to be over.

    I don’t have much to say right now. My real life has been about as stressful as it is to watch this, which is very. They better bring back the rom com seriously. I know no one else likes SJ/Hana (Robin/Hana) but I still love them, and I’m rooting for SJ/Hana to really kick it up about 10000 notches. PLEASE!!!

  2. Can I love you? T_T
    I said to you SeoJin-sshi that action really work than this f*** words, you even said that you’ll do anything you want to do before

  3. Thank you so much for putting in the hours to get this suck to us framed in interesting words. I can’t even speak words of how dumb dumb dumb the whole kidnapping of the kidnapped and the kidnappers is.

    My favorite thing is that when you say “the circus is apparently still around” you mean THE CIRCUS is apparently still around. Not only is it a circus that it’s in the show, but it’s a CIRCUS.

    Poor HB. I saw sub 4% ratings. Can I make it to the end? I will do my damnedest.

  4. Everybody looked like a zombie during this episode. It was supposed to be moving one, but the energy just seems sapped.

  5. @ Koala and @ jomo –
    Hang in there!! Only 6 of us in the whole dramaverse are still watching this. LOL – who knows….maybe Tae Joo hypnotized us too. 😛

    Apparently my luv for Hyun Bin knows no bounds. We should do some kind of *cheer* when this is over. Either that or group therapy.

    • I think Hyun Bin secretly hypnotized us!!! Look at how many “wasted” hours we spent on this just to watch him. And koala group therapy is needed with Binnie secretly doubling as the psychiatrist. I think it will then be a very crowded room (or maybe not… and just the handful of us here).

  6. This drama should be buried. Erase it from Hyun Bin’s resume. Even his ‘Nonstop’ stuff back in the days is watchable than this piece of —-

    It’ll probably be another 3-4 years till his next drama or ever? Hopefully he’s choose wisely next time, at least work with scriptwriters who can write.

  7. i’ll never know why you chose this binnie. you could have waited for a better script! *sobs* whatever, i’ll keep supporting this drama till the end…sigh.

  8. I have run out of comments. God please give me back my sanity after I am done with this crappy drama. I also need to cry my heart out for my dear Hyun Bin.

  9. Hey it’s not too bad.
    I actually did like some moments. That is if u look past all the crazy plot parts.
    seojin is really the one saving grace. That need to remake a drama with seojin only and minus everyone everything else.
    I like his directness with hana. In a way it’s slow paced but he has his issues his confession are subtle yet direct: I love this abt this character.

    I like him enough to continue to the end.

    In fact I’m not for melding both Robin and seojin. Robin should be annihilated and only seojin be left. Don’t mess this part drama for goodness sake!

  10. “Another Wednesday, another crappy episode of Hyde, Jekyll, Me.” Haha, but ain’t that the truth! Not sure how much more of this I can take. At least your comments are entertaining– thanks, Koala.

  11. Thanks for telling it like it is, Koala. Sometimes on another site I feel like there’s too much uncritical, polite acceptance of whatever a drama dishes out. I like reading your honest and hilarious reactions, even if I don’t always agree 🙂

  12. see as the rating is this low. hyun bin k-fan must have give up on this drama already. the pd should just cut it to 18 ep.

  13. Love Hyde Jekyll Me. Don’t care about the rating ehehehe . I love so much watching my binnie
    HJM not at all to be ashamed of its record.

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