
Hyeri of Girl’s Day Offered Leading Lady Role in Answer Me 1988 — 22 Comments

  1. She is just not interesting. Not anyone I want to spend time listening to.
    Suzy may not be the best actress, for example, but she’s got something.
    Oh well, I may have been Chilbongie burned too badly to watch another Reply. It still hurts.

  2. bwahahaha
    oh gosh! in another life, I want to be casting director for dramaland LOL

    I heard Lee Young Ae comes back to dramaland ..
    hope to read more about this news 😀 😀

  3. I know she’s likable and on fire in Korea in terms of popularity, but this boggles my mind. I hope they at least had her audition and didn’t just hand it to her on a silver platter. Also, this is totally irrelevant, but I do wish they had made girls from more unpopular girl groups audition. If any of them had shown a real spark, it could’ve ignited some real nobodies to fame, which is a narrative I always like to see. Rainbow, Dal Shabet, Nine Muses, etc could’ve really used it.

  4. Goodness. She’s terrible though. There are tons of underrated and far more talented young actresses out there like Jung Somin or Kim Jiwon. Why not them? I don’t get it. Lol

    • OMG, how can you have the same thought with me. THat’s two most underrated actress though they are my favorites. They should have given more lead roles. I dont know why Kim Jiwon always given not very challenging supporting roles like Tothebeautifulyou and heirs. I miss them, i hope they will be cast as lead roles again soon

    • agreed! I don’t understand either why they are keep casting an idol who-not-so-good- at acting, because there are so many young talented actress with great acting skill. *sigh*
      but, at least we have two Jung So Min’s movies this year! and I kinda missing Kim Jiwon, tho 🙁

  5. As if people weren’t put off by another Reply series, this casting sounds just awful. I watched Hyeri in Seonam Girls High and she played the obnoxious, too into herself character which you’d think would be perfect for her ;P yet her acting was still bad and awkward.
    If it was for a minor role, i get it but as the main lead? she doesn’t have the acting chops and I don’t think she’d be able to pull it off.

    Kim Jiwon would be a good choice or perhaps Yoobi since she just turned down School 2015. I honestly don’t understand why they keep trying to cast idols with little acting expeirence for leads. I’d rather watch a rookie actor/actress. At least they’d know what they were doing.

    • Once you peel back the plastic surgery, the costuming, props, lighting and makeup, most idols have about as much talent as your average scrawny high schooler warbling in a karaoke bar.
      To think that they can act, on top of their other non-existent talents, just proves the triumph of modern marketing.

  6. Apparently she was cast but now there’s been a lot of backlash regarding it they are reconsidering it.
    She’s not as terrible in Seonam, but in that case she has a small role and the rest of the cast can compensate for her.

  7. BLEECH BLEECH BLEECH She’s so bad at everything, not only acting. When I heard her sing on the MAMA stage last year I felt so sorry for Ailee for having to share the stage with this talentless robot. God save us all if she keeps getting roles.


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