
Masked Prosecutor Unveils Serviceable Drama Posters Along with Joo Sang Wook in and Out of the Mask — 14 Comments

  1. Meh promo. As much as I love JSW, I just hope KSA won’t be here only to pass the salt: Promo & title seem very man-oriented. Not expecting anything stellar really. Good old 4 eps try & I’ll decide what to do.

    • Lol. Are they paying royalties? Hah.

      I guess they’re going for a lighter tone. And I’m fine with comedy. I was secretly hoping for a Jason-ish mask. But that would just be creepy, right?

  2. This is where negative ambiance spread like domino effect, I would say despite it’s elementary level of making and editing the posters and no sin happen to judge the book by it’s cover (and I do disappointed by the posters in the first glance), at least with the expectation they can invest more to another aspects, cross my finger and thinking positively. Making a drama not as easy as writing an article so…at least appreciates their hard work.

  3. Gosh! Can’t they come up with better looking mask! I am looking forward to this drama but this is just too lame.

  4. the only thing i really don’t like is how they seem to be holding back, especially KSA. I’m scared she’ll be more of the straight man between the two. Maybe those are the sort of roles she prefers now. Either way, hope it’s good.

    • what do you mean straight man?? as far as I know only Hong Seok Cheon is the only gay in this drama ??!!
      can’t understand why two of comments here points on KSA in a fault…what did she do ??

      • Straight man means the one who acts as the serious party as a contrast to the other actor who does the funny comedic part.

      • Oh and no one is faulting KSA here. She is much loved, that is why the commentors want her to have a more important and interesting role, than merely as a supporting to the male lead.

      • @Febe my 1st question did not meant in serious way :), thank you

        yeah remind me of her last drama where she’s being an alpha lady, but fortunately here that comedic part is just a persona and he has great education background, so can we erase the worries ?…pretty much the spotlight pointed to her, and her character description, I guess she hold the important role, remember when YMH has her own agenda?…catch it up guys keep the positive thinking

  5. I like both posters. I’m loving JSW in a white suit and navy shirt and tie. I really don’t like that mask. It’s creeps me out, I don’t know why. I hope they don’t put him in tights and a cape. Does anyone know if they will?

  6. The first poster is rather dull, but the headlock poster is kinda fun. Looking forward & hoping for an entertaining comedy with lots of laughs!

  7. I like the headlock poster but the other one is just meh. Though i did have fun checking out all the selfies at instagram during promotion period. Hong Seok Cheon is doing a much better job in promotion with all the selfies than the official promotion team lol

  8. I really don’t like luchador masks out of the ring. i was hoping for more a El Zorro type masks where we get to see his smexy hair and chin.

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