
The Time I Loved You Looking Solidly Intriguing Again with Release of New Fourth Teaser — 8 Comments

  1. Like koala mentioned, i see many supporting characters from Pinocchio. I am looking forward to this and The scholar who walked the night. There is also YongPal with Joo Won and KimTaehee drama airing after Mask.

    • Agreed Ariel is daebak Then again Ha Ji Won is quite awesome too
      I really hope this drama lives up to the Taiwan version because this is quite a solid storyline and did very well in Taiwan looking forward to this drama!!!

  2. Is it just me or does Ha Ji Won look like Hyun Bin in the first picture. Or it might just be me missing the Secret Garden OTP. Love the Queen, looking forward to the drama!

  3. They look very unfit in the high school setting. Sigh! But I’ll give a shot for the sake of Ha Ji Wan and L. Perhaps I’ll just quit watching after that mere 3 episodes of adorable L. LOL….

  4. hope this would different from taiwan version, why?? cuz i just saw Ariel-Bolin’s chemistry in new pic. i would compare them. so no no no.. better different ‘vibe’, so i can enjoy ha ji won eonni and her new pairing man. he’s always good with whoever she played with.. so.. pleaseeee be better 🙂

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