
Ji Soo Drops New Pictorial with Every Shot a Visual Knockout — 12 Comments

  1. I love how 2015 is already building a list of new breakout stars – Ji Soo tops the list of course, but Yook Sungjae is a nice followup. They’ve earned a lot of love from their dramas.

  2. I personally like Nam Joo Hyuk. He put in a nice effort in School 2015 and is completely mesmerizing the reality show from JTBC called Let’s go to school. I think a little bit more polishing, he will be LJS No.2

    • I personally think Nam Joo Hyuk is super flat.And looks super flat beside Kim So Hyun and Yook Sungjae. Yook Sukjae looked like a pro beside him. I can’t even know wether he’s acting sad or angry. He’s just flat. He better practices before becoming the next LJS. Because before LJS’s break out, he was also flat. So I hope he will develop better.

    • I was wondering whether you would have your say . You did . He is attractive , not yet having definite features , as for me .

  3. lol koala fangirling hard on Jisoo..but who wouldn’t. i mean this boy has a very serious charms that u cant resist. I saw somebody post jisoo pic for Elle in soompi forum. For Jisoo lovers, you guys definitely need to check it out..swooning ><

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