
Scholar Who Walks the Night Episode 1 Recap — 22 Comments

  1. From the screens lyb was in ,,she was overacting WAY to much ,hope she tones it down ,lee jun ki acting is honestly so perfect,I can’t even put it into words

    • LJK was also overacting, but you didn’t seem to mind it and said it was “perfect.” So when is it good to overact and when is it good to not overact?

  2. Thanks so much! I got ahead of myself and watched it before there were subs…I enjoyed the eye candy of the whole cast. 🙂

  3. Wow! What an episode. Seriously!!! Lee Jun Ki was amazing and although short lived, I really enjoyed Sung Yul & Myung Hee’s love story. Very tragic but well-done and the chemistry was there. I wouldn’t have mind seeing more of them but I’m glad that the actress who plays Myung Hee has a dual role so it won’t be the last of her that we will see. I wonder if the writers will allow them to somehow rekindle some type of romance… maybe not?

    Sung Yul, fighting!!

  4. i was hoping that the romance between Sung Yul & Myung Hee would be in two episodes, before it bacomes 120 years later. hmm, but its exciting to see KSE’s present character.. wanna see how mysterious her character wud be. as for LJK as always he is really good. LSH also impressed me with his ability to pull out the villain character..for LYB i dont expect too much on her character, for now i just can foreseen her character wud be bubbly one and i really hope she is not there just to show her disturbingly cute face (please u already has a cute face, dont try too hard to be cuter)..didnt have a clue on how Chang Min’s n the gisaeng’s characteri hope the show will be continuingly good and increase in rating.

  5. Now I know why my beautiful Joon gi chose this drama. 1st- Blood alots lots of blood, 2nd they have to make all his love one died, murder, whatever, 3rd ACTION!!! as in Fighting….sheesh, Joon gi, why you always love to make us crying along with you ? Could you just makes this scholar got crazy funny and do something silly, maybe in the half to end ? oh, and let your mane of glory fall, pleasee…..

  6. **Lee Soo Hyuk is acting like he’s in a one-man Shakespearean stage production so it’s hard to discuss his acting in terms of nuance, other than he owns the role and makes it wonderfully delicious to watch.***…omg I just can’t..haha I loved this description,so very apt. As is the whole of the recap. Thank you, was really enjoyable and I look forward to the next 19 awesome recaps!! Fighting!

  7. Even so LYB’s character got barely introduced I really like how she grows acting-wise from Nice Guy to now. Can’t wait to see her in the upcoming episodes! 🙂

  8. Awesoooome! Lee jun-ki = awesome and boy,he is fiiiiine.
    Kim seo Eun = sweetness.
    Lee Yu-bi = Ah mean, I can’t even hate her. Adorable!!!
    Lee soo hyuk = he wears guy-liner and he is the villian. I looooooove him. But how can I take him serious with that hair 🙁

  9. when i see yangsun character i think of PMY ‘SungKyunghwan scandal’ kim yeon hee’s.
    i prefer JunSo (Lee Joongi & Kim So Eun) even they are not be each other but their love story i love it. pls be couple in real life.

  10. finished watching the first episode and had to go here to read your thoughts on the first episode as its what i always look forward to when reading your drama recaps.

    great first episode and i hope it continues to be good. im not really a fan of period dramas but there’s a few which i loved and this might be included in that list.

  11. Pingback:“Scholar Who Walks The Night” First Impressions: I AM PUMPED FOR THIS!!! | Asia Reviewer Maniac

  12. Wow! amazing recap of the first episode! Feels like watching the whole thing already! 😀

    I now have a drive to watch this drama. 😀

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