
Scholar Who Walks the Night Episode 2 Recap — 36 Comments

    • We will sort of get Myung Hee back but the opposite of how she was… more cold and in fact, i do believe she will somehow ‘hate’ Sung Yul but that’s because she is brainwashed/bewitched by Gwi. That’s what I think anyway…

  1. Lmao.. everytime koala rides on a drama it hits rock bottom or becomes mediocre.. how many shows now and counting. The Koala curse continues.

    some bandwagoners are unlucky by jumping on abandon shows good luck with reviewing twice a week then comes ”DOS” you know its bound to happen

    • Your statement is so lacking in fact I don’t even know where to start tearing it apart from. Koala liking a drama has absolutely no bearing on whether it turns out well or not. I’ve followed her for years and have seen no correlation. Please stop spewing such opinions in a public space

    • I agree but it may be too early to tell. I think his chemistry with LYB may take a little longer but the short amount of time he did have with Myung Hee (KSE) was nice to watch. I can’t wait until reunite; although, he won’t exactly be reuniting with Myung Hee…instead the ‘Crown Princess’. I sure hope the writers play around with the possibility of a love line. No offense to Yang Sun but we know she will probably end up with Sung Yul anyway. I don’t mind their ill fated love though, if the writers do it right. 🙂

  2. I like the drama but that loud background music still needs to be fixed.

    I really enjoyed watching Gwi, he is so Dracula-like and Lee Soo Hyuk looks perfect in the role.

    And Sung Yeol/Yang Sun don’t have his sweet feel that he had with Myung Hee but it’s not nonexistent chemistry either. I don’t get the flat and disinteresting feel from them that I get from Sung Joon and Uee in High Society which is also airing now.

    • Agreed. Imo, it’s not that they don’t have chemistry; it’s just that what they have is
      a different kind. There was heavy emphasis on the romance between KSY and MH. On the other hand, KSY and YS’ interactions are more light and fluffy. I won’t write them off just yet.

      I think LYB is doing great. She isn’t overacting imo.

  3. i hope the present KSE will have ill fated relationship with LJK & LSH. dun mind it at all. i will be OK even in the middle of drama, the plot twist to put KSE in the centre of the story.. 😀 (it is the price u put KSE in this drama, she dont deserve to be outcasted)

    As for LYB, i dun wish to have many lovey dovey scenes between her and LJK, maybe a lot of easy relationship, hope they realized their love at the end of drama.

    That’s all i hope.

    • Some people won’t even acknowledge that she is the female lead, tsk tsk. Even idol actresses get treated better than this.

      • it’s good as long as we know that our girl is doing an awesome job. I am loving her in this role. I maybe one of the few that feels like Myung Hee didn’t have a lot of chemistry with SY. I had to resist the urge to fast forward her scenes. hahaha. all in all, I am enjoying this drama.

  4. I enjoy checking out as many recaps of a particular episode just to get the unique feel from each different recapper. Thanks for taking this on. This drama has a lot going against it. It’s a sageuk, which is not as popular as most genres. It’s also a vampire fantasy, which 9 times out of 10 is just never done right in K-dramas…also the issues with the female leads and then there’s the fact that most of the production team is INEXPERIENCED judging by the awful makeup, music soundtrack and special effects. Don’t let me go on, I’m simply a staunch fan who’s a tad disappointed that this drama came out lacking somewhat. We all want the best for our beloved actors…in my case Lee Joon Gi and I just wish this drama was a lot better. Thank you again for recapping episode 2.

  5. ROFTL!! Snap! I don’t always agree with Koala’s opinions, I think about 7 out of 10 times I’ve disagreed with what she’s written, but this is a bit much.

  6. I don’t think Yang Sun is Seo Jin. I think Seo Jin must have been her older brother or something and he was lost or killed when her family was destroyed over the treason allegations. That’s why she looks like him. It didn’t make sense to me that one of the Ministers (Seo Jin’s dad) would have had his daughter cross-dressing in the palace pretending to be a boy to be the prince’s friend. Just my two cents.

  7. Is it just me or does Lee junki look too old and doesn’t posess the same vibe as the character photo from the manhwa? He looked like an enuch in some photos. Lee soohuyk has the mysterious look of a vampire. Love the story line, but wrong casting can be a damage.

  8. lol, i’ll only pick up this drama if there is a KSE-LSH pairing. tehehehe.
    don’t even know who the female lead is….

  9. lee yoobi looks like a man in some angles
    and i just can’t with the vampire scenes… the fangs and red eyes and everything. it looks ridiculous. not even lee junki’s stellar acting can save me from loling at all his vampire scenes.

  10. i agree with u @Yamapisukii. I also didnt feel the chemistry b/w LJK and KSE,it felt abit rushed.but i can definately feel the chemistry b/w LJK and LYB.

  11. am I the only one liking LYB……I think she has chemistry with LJK. Imo,the love between KSE and LJK looked forced/rushed…

    • no you’re not the only one ! i like lee yoo bi’s character better too xD
      kim so eun – lee joon ki couple is sweet, but it’s nothing unique imo.
      however, it’s kinda fun to see innocently lee yoo bi (yang sun) build a relation with intimidating lee jun ki (sung yul).
      i felt like watching a manga lol (well this is from manhwa, anyway). lee yoo bi is so cute too.

  12. i agree with the chemistry bit, i like yang sun, but she is a bit too sweet for my taste, bubbly but innocent, i wish she had more attitude and sassiness to her, i feel like it would be really more fun in her interactions with jun ki, if she had the sassiness and attitude not the bratty kind though, like in the changing scene after she found out he was in there and saw her(which btw they way he was looking like dude but at the same time hot damn), and then her ending up begging him to help her after she gave him a word or two or a witty still sexy banter between them cause i could totally imagine that, i dont know but for me it could have made the chemistry more palpable. i guess thats just me in my preference cause im not too into the really sweet bubbly types anymore. so far i like the show so i will follow it and lets see how yang sun shapes up with sung yul. also jun ki is totally awesome though

    • Love your suggestion at changing up the scene. I haven’t read the manhwa so I don’t know YS’s real personality but the fact that there was no witty dialogue is probably due to the writer. 🙁

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