
Lego Lee Pairs Up with Rising Young Actress Allison Lin for SETTV Friday Drama Love Cuisine — 10 Comments

  1. I love Lego and am glad to see him back onscreen ( I’m still holding out for that movie settv!!) But can someone tell me what on earth is he wearing during the press conference?! That bothered me more than his slicked back hair

  2. I saw Allison in Haru. She was fine, although she didn’t really wow me or anything. Very typical tw drama for me in terms of her acting. Sometimes I feel like they just spit out lines. In any case, I liked the drama. I saw the Haru press conference footage and she seemed cute there. Maybe I’ll give this one a try. 🙂

  3. I’m not getting chemistry from them (judging only from the pictures), but I’m willing to check out the first episode. I’m hoping this is a winner for Lego.

  4. Aww… I hope you can write a little more on Sunday drama, When I See You Again (you mis-typed it as Wish to See You Again, btw), haha! I liked ep1 of Love Cuisine, it reminds me of old school high-school dramas 麻辣鮮師 and also 智勝鮮師 (which stars Jasper Liu in his earlier days), many huge tw-stars came out from 麻辣鮮師 so I think SETTV is trying to promote rookie actors and actresses here too.

    Lego Lee’s character is very charismatic and Allison Lin is doing a fine job, they look unexpectedly good together (They actually give off similar vibe off screen to me, ha!). I wasn’t feeling this couple at first but they fit their roles as teachers to a perfect tee.

  5. Allison Lin is very cute,hope this couple able to come to Indonesia for promoting Love Cuisine, I really enjoy this drama ,quite funny and romantic .Thanks for all crew for your best acting ?

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