Koala Goes to KCON 2015 This Weekend, Acting Idols and Drama Remakes Look Out
I’ve been so busy the last few months, on top of a major computer meltdown whereby my beloved trusty PC up and died on me and took all my work with it, there was a moment of wanting to just quit blogging and return to the idyllic days of just watching. Ultimately I stuck with it because these fingers just want to type, but decided not to stress out about all the ongoing writing projects and tackle it when I have the time. Then I got invited again to KCON to speak at the 2015 convention, adding more work to my load but in a breath of fresh air way that necessitated more planning and less writing in solitude.
This year’s convention moves from the more urban Los Angeles Sports Arena over to the indoors LA Convention Center for the conference itself and the more slick Staples Center for the two night evening concert. Anything indoors is immediately on my good side, I almost had a heat stroke last year and don’t quite remember much of what happened after finishing my back-to-back panels. This year I’ll be speaking on two panels again – on Saturday will be a panel on “The Rise of the Acting Idol”, while Sunday I’ll be discussing “K-dramas: Remakes v. Originals”. If anyone is headed to KCON and run into me, don’t be shy and stop me to say hi. I promise I don’t bite. ^^
I had planned a giant post-KCON 2014 write up after the convention but then getting home exhausted made the post slip away from me. A year later most of the details are fuzzy if not altogether gone, but the two things that remain crystal clear is (1) seeing Lee Seung Gi in person (my boy!) which rendered me into an incoherent fangirl, and (2) spending the entire CNBLUE set taking pictures of only Kang Min Hyuk. I think there were three other guys onstage with him but I had only eyes for the cutie pie. What? I love my little drummer boy! All in all, last year’s KCON was pretty fun, insane heat not withstanding, so hopefully this year I’ll have more time to chill with drama fans, and get around to posting about the whole weekend afterwards.
That must’ve been so awesome. Jealous of the close ups of Min Hyuk!
And you’re beautiful, koala!
Thank you!
Ms. Koala, u look pretty ?
You’re too kind. ^^
Wow! I’m so envious. I’m in the wrong country to like Korean dramas. They just don’t do stuff like this here. Korean actors may as well live in Narnia for all my chances of ever seeing one in person. Oh, well, I’ll just live vicariously through you. So, have lots and lots of fun!!! Take many pictures! Stalk a celebrity (but in a healthy way)!
I’ll try to stalk as many as I can!
I hope you have a wonderful time this year. And yes, you are a beautiful lady.
Thank you for the lovely compliment, and for frequently commenting on all my posts.
These days heat is frying, be ready for that, Koala.
Me and my family are going to the Festival of Chariots this Sunday, so I’m skipping KCON this year. Have nice time, smiling lady!
KCON is indoors this year so I am not afraid of the heat, woo hoo!
Plus, there’ll be many fans, I’m sure
Look forward to your post ! Keep the great writing and pictures coming!
Thank you for the words of encouragement~
Wow, you’re very pretty Miss Koala! Oh, you got to see Lee Seung Gi in person. That’s pretty cool! Loved him in The King 2 Hearts drama with HJW. I can’t wait to read your write-up from this year’s KCon. Have fun and enjoy!
I did see him in person, he’s just as cute.
Hey there Koala! Nice to add a face to a blogger whose blog I frequent! Have a good one at this year KCON, stay safe, and hope it will be a success for you!
Happy to share my face with my readers, yay! I promise to stay safe and hydrated, and do my best to share my thoughts at the panels.
Been visiting this blog nearly daily for years…so happy to finally “see” you. Hope you had a great time at the KCON.
Thank you, and I hope you continue to visit.
Lovely miss koala…face to name now.Lol.
Besides ksh and Daniel henny… Can u stalk shinhwa too????!! :p
Can’t wait to read your follow up review. Have a blast.
I’ll try to stalk in between official panel-y duties~!
Omg, you kind of look like a salsera I know.
You don’t perhaps live in the sf Bay Area?
Anyways, hope you enjoy kcon. I’ll be there in 2 weeks for the bachata festival.
LOL, all my life I’ve gotten comments that I look like someone that someone knows. I live in LA BTW.
That might just be racism @.@
@bobee it probably is . . . but I’m white and I’ve gotten it all my life, too. But in my case, it’s probably because I have a very, very bland, generic western european white person face. Koala is not bland or generic looking at all, so it’s gotta be something else.
Have a good time here in the States..welcome.
I plan to have a great time!
You have seen seunggi in person? Many said he was really good looking in person is it true? Btw ms koala you are pretty!
Thank you for the compliment for me, and I agree that Seung Gi is super cute in person.
oh, those panels sound really interesting! been curious about your thoughts on park hyung sik’s turn as chang soo on high society. maybe if you find time, you can share your thoughts on the site too?
Hyung Sik and Lim Ji Yeon were the best parts of High Society, ’nuff said.
Two reasons why I would go to K-CON: Shinhwa & You. Unfortunately, I’m planning a trip to LA in September so I don’t want to travel too much. Have fun and I can’t wait to read about your experience.
I’m excited to see Shinhwa too! Me, not so much. XD
Agree with everyone Miss Koala! You are very lovely! And it’s so nice to put a pretty face to your writing!
Now you guys can imagine my face saying the snarky things right at ‘cha!
Enjoy your indoors event
and hopefully you’ll meet tons of celebs to fangirl over. 
Have FUN!
(Thank you for showing us your face. My first thought,too, was ‘Wow. Really pretty and great smile.’)
*blushes* Thank you sweetie.
Wow! what a great opportunity you have. Have fun and please share your stories with us.
I’ll share the stories that can be shared, heh heh.
Hi Koala, you look so pretty so good to finally see your face after reading so many of your thoughts. Congratz on going to KCON would love to be there but Im on the other side of the world. So how does it work? It looks like there is many panels that bloggers are invited to share their thoughts to their fans. So while this is happening do the k-stars perform on another stage away from your panel. Is that why you might miss certain performance? Sorry to bombard you woth questions lol!
You should google KCON and check out the website which explains how it does down. It’s fun but super crowded. ^^
It’s so awesome that you’re speaking at KCON again! I wish I lived in LA just so I could frequent all these cool Korean conferences and concerts, as well as meeting cool bloggers like you! Have a great time in sunny LA! If you get a chance to blog the experience it would be awesome to read about your panel discussion and of course some pics of the stars you see would be a great bonus too.
I didn’t bring my super duper SLR camera this year so pictures won’t be as good but I’ll snap away on my iPhone 6 Plus as best I can!
Very happy to finally “see” you too, Ms Koala!
Happy to be seen, not that I was actively trying to stay hidden all these years either.
Have fun at the indoor panels this year! ^^
Everyone is right, you’re prettyyyyy unni. For some reason I imagined you as a crochety ajumma who’s shaking her cane at stupid dramas and delulu fans. Haha. Sorry about that. :’)
Haha, me too. I’m a little disillusioned to see Koala look like one of the pretty people…
Also, Ms. Koala, have you learned nothing from dramas? Back up your computer! (And USB drives!)
Hehehe and keep a detailed documentation of all your illegal transactions! Because drama logic.
I am crotchety when the situation calls for it, and am definitely an ahjumma at my age. So that’s all correct. But I don’t carry a cane, I just wag my finger LOL.
Thank you miss koala for your frequent posts! I visit your website every single day because I would always assume that I am improving my English while reading my fave entertainment news (which I actually am) hehe.
I’m currently a law student so it really amazes me how you can know SO MUCH about the entertainment scene across k-drama, c-drama and japanese drama while juggling with the crazy workload. I also like to read your sentence structure to see how you manage to simplify several points in one sentence. *blush*
This comment sounds like I’m worshipping you. HAHA. Thanks so much miss koala for the entertainment you bring. Please continue to post!
and do you really introduce yourself as Koala? Heh.
You’re too generous with the compliments, but thank you very much~
Oh, this is exciting! Hope you have fun ^^
Also, you’re a beautiful lady, Koala!
I was born this way so all the credit goes to my parents. XD Yay for my parents deciding to have me. \^.^/
You’re pretty like an actress. I always imagined you as a middle-aged woman. :O
But I am a middle-aged woman, really!
but you dont look like one. really. really nice. wow. you remind me of some asian fashion bloggers in IG. ^^ i wish to see your pic with seunggi oppa in one frame
*Comes out of the shadows*
Ahh, so that’s KOALA!
Seems like i’ll have to attend K-CON; if for nothing else to see how some the k-drama bloggers I follow, look. A K-CON video on was the first, and only time I got to “see” javabeans and girlfriday, as well.
P.S. You’re very pretty!!
LOL I saw your pic and was like “omg its miss koala!” I agree you are beautiful and have an infectious smile! You also look like you’d be so chill and fun to hang with.
I hope one day KCON can tour the states so more of us can have a chance to experience it, that would be really cool. Also I wish you allll the luck stalking cute actors, hopefully you’ve had an encounter already
Can’t wait to hear about the experience and live vicariously through you ha…
Great to see your photo, and your reply to each comment. I enjoy reading your blog very much. Thank you always!!
Cool! Nice to finally see a photo of you. Though I’d imagined you different. I went to KCON two times, though the lines take too long so I missed your panel.
Have fun.
Smart and pretty!!! Hope you’re having a great weekend Koala
Less than 24 hrs until Operation Kidnap Eric commences! I’ve cleared out the trunk of my car! ?
Wow! You live up to my expectation. You look every inch a gossip bitch.
Willing to share your pic?
Thought so.
I’d come to meet you if I could but I am in the midwest. (sigh)