
Lee Jong Seok and Jung Yong Hwa to Guest on Happy Camp Episodes Set in Busan Korea — 28 Comments

    • lmao… can’t wait. If PSH and YG are really just friends, then they’ll be friendly and get along fine, if they don’t, then I guess he is a ex-bf now…

      • Lol, I think Yh isn’t SH ex b/f. If it is true, I don’t think one of 2 will accept to join the show, though they r professional, both Js n YH is still human, they can’t hide their feeling. And SH is still support YH now, go to his program, FNC concert, high five in Beaksang. Somehow, I guess YH, and maybe JS use this chance to clarify the Relationship between YH and SH. And fans is really overacting at all.

      • same here! the fact that she didnt say anything about that simply means case closed

      • If you believe psh’statement then you will believe that she ever said she will keep not going public even yes she is dating that person

    • Only their shippers are under the delusion that yonghwa and shinhye dated. How can she date him when she only get so much hate everytime she is associated with him?

  1. the same day Lee Jong Suk and Jung Yong Hwa filming Happy Camp in Busan… Park Shin Hye also in Busan for CF filming.
    it’s so funny if you follow the shipping fans twitter

  2. I’m sure Yonghwa and PSH never dated, if not they wouldn’t agree doing this show together. Shinhye was in Busan that day too. They seems to really love traveling together, from Thailand, London, Hawaii and now Busan.

  3. Wah can’t wait!!!
    Lol guys if you follow jongsuk and shinhye shipper forum (of course dispatch), they are obviously dating, lmao…with shinye’s appearance in busan also it shows that the dating ‘scandal’ didn’t affect her…she doesn’t care if dispatch will attack them again..seem that they are ready to admit it?
    For yonghwa..I don’t know..if yes he was her bf, it’s good then because it means jongsuk and yonghwa are so professiinal

  4. it is funny that when you follow accounts you will know that shinhye and jongsuk are happily dating. if only i can post photos here. i have some taken by saesangs

  5. @pull
    Yes, pls upload it on imgur/photobucket/twitter.
    Or maybe you can sign up at soompi forum, there’s shipper thread. Lol

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