Yoo Seung Ho Runs His Way into Hearts as the New Face of Adidas Korea
Sometimes a star gets selected to rep a brand or item and it just doesn’t fit their image. That’s not the case here as Yoo Seung Ho is the new face of Adidas in Korea and it couldn’t be a better fit. You can run into my heart any day, my darling boy! His first post military project the sageuk movie The Joseon Magician wrapped filming already and is currently in post-production with an eye towards a year end release date. While I’m anxious for him to do a drama soon, all the 2015 dramas are basically called for and if he picks a drama that will be fully pre-produced then it’ll be even longer a wait to see him on the small screen. Thankfully he’s going plenty of CFs lined up with his enduring popularity as Korea’s most adored grown up male child actor.
Yoo Seung Ho for Adidas:
hot! noona waits for your comeback. drama juseyooo.. BBXJ korean version maybe 😀
I agree with u, i hope he is going to be the main lead of bu bu jing xin korean version too. So glad if his pair in that drama is park shin hye
Omg please god no to park shin hye. One of the most dissapointing actress ive ever seen.
The potential is there but rarely do i ever see a spark of something more from her.
I vote Beak Jin Hee!
I don’t get how that adaptation’s going to work. Are they going to attempt a Qing dynasty drama? I can’t see them doing it right since it’s a story set in Chinese history with Chinese culture. Like honestly I thought the Yuan dynasty portrayal in Empress Ki strange enough. If they decide to make everything set in Korean history, then that would just be another historical time travel drama that wouldn’t really need the BBJX name attached to it. I mean the historical aspect of the story is pretty prevalent. Either way, this seems like a strange sort of thing to do. I’d check it out if only to find out what it’s like.
And kim soo hyun just got new cf contract with cuckoo rice cooker.. This month will be mostly about korean star get new contract or end of contract for cf..
Such a cutie!!!!! I can’t wait till he comes back to dramaland. YSH is giving off some manly vibes with his sexy voice yet he still have the boyish charm!
He looks so fresh! (Idk if that’s the word I’m looking for). Ok, so he’s looking fit and fine..
The video made me realize that he has a somewhat small stature (which is fine!) and waaah, he’s so cute and handsome at the same time. Such a good looking guy!!
WHY! WHY! WHY! What this child does to me!
He is so cute but became so manly now. ….I wish we could see his film sooner.
What a cutie! I’ve loved him since his movie the Way Home…too, too adorable!
He’s so pretty, it’s unreal! I hope he accepts a drama role soon. I’ve really missed him on my screen!
He always makes me feel like a proud noona. I miss my boy so bad. Please let me see you on small screen soon. Foghting!
OMG. He is really all grown up now. Great life choice to enlist early.
Mi niño bello … siempre tan lindo…