
Long Preview Shows Sassy Go Go is All Ready for Cheerleading Duking it Out with Academic Achievement — 13 Comments

  1. At first I imagine it was like Bring it On, and I was so exited. But after seing the trailer I`m actually looking forward to this drama even more because it looks like the drama has heart.

  2. I thought not to watch it but it looks really fun..well i guess i’ll wait to read the comments after 2 episodes will air..

  3. I’m really looking forward to this, it looks really cute. BUT that horrible title makes me want to Sassy Go Go throw up. Why couldn’t they stick with Cheer Up? It made so much more sense! Who thought the title change was a good idea?? No one who speaks english, that’s for sure.

  4. I’m really looking forward to this. I’m trying not to be too excited but I can’t help myself. Haha. And they have been practicing their dance routines very hard, so I hope it turns out well!
    And this drama is 12 episodes long, not 16 as mentioned I believe?

  5. This actually seems promising. I see a lot of familiar faces from the School series. I wonder how much prefilming they did. The trailer looks as if there’s enough content for 4-6 episodes.

  6. The otp picture is everything. I watched the first two episodes and they are brilliant. I’m hooked <3 Characters and plot are both on point.

  7. this drama is soooo good 🙂 i’m glad i’m trying to watch it.
    for you who like school drama such as angry mom, and reply 1997, you should watch this.

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