
Kang Dong Won Pulls Off Fashion Extremes and Still Looks Handsome — 22 Comments

  1. That first picture is super hot.

    As I scroll down, I realized how much he reminds me of Jung Joon Young or should I say how much Jung Joon Young resembles Kang Dong Won. And oh my, what skinny legs KDW has. A bit too skinny to my liking but still a hottie and cutie. 🙂
    And he looks good in anything.

  2. I’m with you in the minority. In fact when I first saw him in drama 1% of anything? I thought he was too ugly to be an actor.

  3. Im part of the majority. I love him and his movies :D. This man is soooo beautiful, and he totally works those outfits. He has such nice legs that I’m jealous, and he even looks good, walking in those tight ass pants.

  4. ok to leather pants and the boots, indeed he has style!
    but then: what’s with that necklace? really looks ugly and strange overall

  5. I’m part of the majority. I love him and his movies. This man is too handsome. He has such nice legs that I’m jealous, and he even looks good walking in those tight ass pants.

  6. I guess his stylist knew that he can carry those outfits, even it looks weird for others!! Man, his stylist did a greAt job!! Willing to experiment in a sense that she knows Her actors will never go wrong or i must say will never be a fashion victim!!

  7. “After just looking at Kang Dong Won’s face continuously while editing, trying to look at other people is like… ha…”.
    Oh I feel you, editing producer of The Priest.
    Kang dong won is very attractive and the fact that he’s out a lot these days for his movie promotion makes his fans happy for he’ll like dissappear from radar if he doesn’t have any projects.

  8. Rotfl! These clothes are truly hilarious. I have absolutely no idea how on earth he manages to look good in THAT. I guess the saying “it’s not important what you wear but how you wear it” is really true.

  9. It is indeed a wonder that he pulls the whole thing off.

    I do like him as an actor, he chooses the projects I like and he always is good (despite the outcome of the film). Also he is one of those wonders who doesn’t have a bad side. The camera can film him anywhere and he looks really good all the time.

  10. Sorry Koala, he’s working the outfits but I’m not feeling anything other than “huh?”. Those striped zipper pants? No. Those platform house slippers? HELL no. If anything though, I love his coat. Looks so warm lol

  11. it’s like KDW is the Johnny Depp of Korea, he just does what he wants with his career not really wanting to be popular but taking on more edgier roles to prove himself, of what, IDK and IDC coz all I want for him is to be in a RomCom tv series or movie but he deems himself too cool for that.
    And I question the heeled boots, I think he is tall so he doesn’t need the added height, if he was paid to wear it then fine but if that’s what his stylist made him wear, well, he must be pretty confident or doesn’t care if he’s made to wear rags. But why so thin?

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