
Aaron Yan and Joanne Tseng are Perfectly Paired Up in First Peek at SETTV Drama Refresh Man — 16 Comments

  1. “This is the perfect antidote to Marry Me or Not ending next weekend at a sweet and compact 15 episodes, which is something SETTV never ever does even when it has a dud of a drama on its lands, and the good dramas get dragged out to a sputtering end other than for the die hard fans….”

    Hahaha…is Koala comparing Mary Me or Not to popular Bormance? LOL..I usually got on this blog and just followed whatever had been mentioned or recommended to watch. But Bromance had never been on koala’s blog until days ago when some fans mentioned it. Then bang! I found it lots of fun to tag along with a rabid (international as well as Chinese-speaking) fan club through each episode of Bromance. LOL….My religion background doesn’t support same sex marriage. Nonetheless, Bromance put me in different perspectives to look at same sex relationship. So is this what Ms. Koala considers “dud?”

    On the other hand, I cringed at almost every minute of the overly exaggerating and frivolous storyline of MMON, specifically the scenes between the OTP. You may consider the chemistry between the OTP of MMON amazing. For me, they’re definitely overacting and excessive. Just my personal preference and opinions. MMON fans, please don’t trash talk to or about me. Thanks for your civilization.

    • I think she’s actually referring to SETTV dramas as a whole as they tend to drag out good stories, such as In A Good Way – 26ep… and so many others unnecessarily lengthened due to high popularity or to create some time for dramas following after it. Maybe you should chill a little and not jump to conclusion, she didn’t even mention Bromance in this post. You are getting way too sensitive over an old post having different opinion. I feel like some Bromance fans are overreacting. Just accept it, some people like it, some don’t like it. It’s normal.

      • Btw, I’m not watching MMON (due to some issues) but I just don’t think it’s nice to mention Bromance in an unrelated post. Anyways, looking forward to this drama. I hope it’ll be a much better drama than Fall in Love With Me which went makjang in the 2nd half.

      • Well, I’m not oversensitive. It’s ok for ppl to dislike Bromance and be critical. I’m totally fine with that. But, yes with my guess, I’m also entitled to express my own opinions since this is an online FREE forum in a democratic society unless the blogger herself blocks my from making comments or deleting my posts. If you don’t agree with me about what I see about any dramas, you’re welcome to express your own opinions about those dramas. But don’t relate it to my personality such as “being oversensitive”. That’s what I mean by on the edge of trash talk since you don’t know me in person. There’s no point to reference anything to do with my personality or character. OK… Be civilized.

      • Yup! Were you one of those fans who recommended Bromance to me in another thread? Thank you. I was bored to death without anything interesting to watch. I’ve been enjoy many fun moments of the drama including BTS. LOL….I still don’t consider myself a rabid fan yet because I’ve not done anything like spazzing on Soompi other than just read the hilariously funny comments from fangirls or even fanboys. LMAO….Imo, Bromance is the best gender bender drama out there so far. And I think many Bromance viewers agree with my prior point. The OTP has incredible chemistry and Megan Lai is one word to describe – super!

    • “Way too sensitive” over this issue, I’m not referring to your personality since I obviously don’t know you and I’m just discussing about this topic.

      Miss Koala didn’t even mention Bromance in her post and you just “assume” that she’s comparing Bromance to MMON and you start comparing both in an “unrelated post” (which should be a post about Aaron’s new drama), just like you just “assume” I’m criticizing your personality, which I’m not. Your initial posts actually come off as rude to me, and not civilized, which is why I’m replying to you to ask you not to read too much into things and jump into conclusions. Again, I’m just referring to your posts and not you as a person.

      I’m not even a fan of MMON (haven’t even watch it), just a bystander who is anticipating Joanne and Aaron’s new drama but feeling annoyed that the reply section is about an unrelated drama. Yes, you can go off-topic in this so-called democratic cyber world but not in a rude way. Btw, I do like Bromance and casually enjoy the cheese and its fun but some of the overly passionate fans are killing the fun. Peace.

      • Wait a minute! Me “rude” to you??? LOL…I didn’t even know you existed when I posted the initial comment. Where’s your logic coming from? Hahahaha….I’ve been a fan of Ms. Koala and a regular reader of her blogs. I just posed a question whether Koala was comparing MMON with Bromance. I didn’t even answer my own question but only expressed my opinions about these two T-dramas. What’s the problem to mention Bromance even it’s not explicitly quoted in the blog? Why is it not nice to mention another drama in an unrelated post? A lot of Koala’s readers did that. Is there a law or even unwritten rule demanding blog readers to avoid mentioning unrelated topics? Besides, Bromance is not totally unrelated to this blog since it’s currently aired on SETTV that was part of the focus of this blog. You puzzle me much with your responses. I can’t really explain your reactions to my comments unless you feel uneasy (I was gonna say butthurt but it might sound too aggressive to you) about how many ppl just love Bromance and that’s why….

        Ppl have different tastes and opinions about drama. And we saw fans passionately rave about different dramas or actors/actresses they admire. I’m not even a “rabid” fan of Bromance but just found this drama a lot more fun to watch compared with many dramas that are currently aired. If you feel disturbed about fans’ love of certain dramas, then you definitely have issues. You can be critical of Bromance. But to direct your negative criticism (by saying “overreacting” or “too sensitive”) to the audience who favors Bromance is a bit offensive and not a civil way in a dramaland to discuss with other fans.

  2. I definitely will check this one out. I just love Aaron’s screen presence regardless of the female lead. She’s in Marry Me Or Not. Unfortunately MMON is not in my favor. But I still managed to finish up all the episodes of Aaron’s prior drama, Fall in Love with me, even that drama is a failure partially thanks to the so-so female lead.

    • I agree that Fall in Love with Me was…meh. It started out good, then the plot went crazy. I actually don’t mind the cast, it’s the plot that gets me. They try to show that not all characters are black-and-white good or bad but the actions they all take start to make no sense. Like the characters went bonkers. They suddenly go crazy, then become sane; I just couldn’t keep up.

      As for Marry Me or Not, I decided not to watch even though I like Joanne. But she’s a second lead and I’m just not interested in the main leads even if the main male lead is handsome. I also don’t like the way the love triangle? was set up either.

      Refresh Man was actually pretty interesting for me for the most part. And I like the Joanne-Aaron chemistry. If Joanne was the lead in Parfait Tic, I would’ve given it a try since I have read the entire manga. The manga is a little draggy and some parts annoyed me but for the most part, I could enjoy it so I wouldn’t mind watching the drama if I like the leads.

  3. I watched Aaron Yan’s Fall in love with Me. It was good because of Aaron. I liked Tia but she wasn’t an outstanding actress. But i didnt mind.
    Then i watched Bromance. Now i am no longer capable of watching Korean dramas and can only watch japanese crime dramas. Bromance istoo addictive. Despite the fact it is poorly written. The actors and director are the one who saved Bromance.
    Because of Bromance, i am learning Chinese and I am planning to visit Taiwan.
    but most of all, i rediscover the love i have for taiwanese dramas and i have to admit, i always drop by to read Koala’s blog because she is the only one who is continuously giving us all, the Taiwan entertainment news in English.
    Koala, thank you very very much. I am a fan of yours.

    • Totally agree with you. Being a K drama freak for awhile, I’m afraid my obsession with K drama is about to die down. Bromance rekindled my interest in T-dramas again. And I also thank Koala for her constant update of Asian ent. Basically Koala’s website is the ONLY source for me to search for interesting Asian dramas to watch. I usually followed her recommendations or what she’s currently watching. Many of her recommendations are actually very good, e.g., Nirvana in Fire. Even I don’t completely agree with her opinions from time to time, I appreciate her exquisite writing style and quips. LOL…. Yes, she’s funny. I’ve been a regular reader of her blogs on almost a daily basis.

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