
Descendants of the Sun Episode 8 Recap — 79 Comments

  1. the confession part is actually quite realistic though.i usually recorded some of the lectures I’ve heard and that somehow got played along with my other playlist.hahaha
    the fact that we have to wait another week to see the flirty duo is killing meee!!!

    thanks for the recap!!!

  2. The part where Moyeon said she’s going to abandon Shijin when he asks if she’s leaving feels so out of place. Her tone doesn’t sound like she’s joking with him and it’s a line that carries quite a bit of emotional impact on Shijin but there is no follow-up so I don’t understand its purpose. Anyone has any thoughts on this? 🙂

      • I think Mo Yeon’s human failures are that she can be a little gossipy and hold on to grudges.But that makes the character so much more relatable and lovable? In one translation I viewed, she said something to the effect that this is her chance to abandon him..a bit more cryptic and open to Shi Jin’s interpretation. The effect may good learning for Shi Jin since he always seemed a bit more macho and cavalier about leaving her behind. Shi Jin can come across as too macho/cavalier/egotistical(?) as in the way he answered her before,on that part of his being good in his job is that he would not get hurt..maybe it’s fun to hear a man say that to another woman, but it would drive a real girlfriend crazy if her boyfriend consistently gives that kind of answers.

        I thought that after Shi Jin’s last confession, Mo Yeon was more open about her feelings and concerns towards him. And it was good to see that she mentally and physically readied herself to run to help him,when they thought that he was badly hurt or even died in the rubble.She has guts and would go to help her man whenever and wherever needed. I think that she is the more serious of the pair, so she balances his sometimes precocious boy-man characteristics in that relationship. We should be so proud to have Mo Yeon as a representative for women.

      • @Pohyoke Interesting perspective! 🙂 I agree with you about Shijin being a bit too cavalier in his answers whenever Moyeon asks him questions related to his job. Besides his personality, I think it’s possibly intentional on his part as he wants to shield her from understanding the actual gravity of his job. His reservations may stem from his observations of her crying often, making him think that she’s emotionally weak. But we know that Moyeon is emotional but definitely not emotionally weak, so I’m pretty excited for him to realise that in the weeks ahead and be more impressed + fall more crazily in love with her 😀

      • @pohyoke
        Yes, I think she was a lot more open. Smiling when he said let’s run away together and being openly worried about him. People mistake her coldness as rejection (he did too), but she was cold because she was annoyed with his behavior. He was making light of his injuries, and making a joke out of the whole thing. I can understand why, but I can also understand why she was upset with him.

        The part about her leaving didn’t need be resolved, and he left her alone immediately because she wasn’t really leaving and it was to prove a point that he does the same to her (while asking her to date him all the time).

    • @ okray: I think it’s a good sign that by epi 8, Mo Yeon is the one woman who could control Shi Jin, even making him stay in bed when his commanding officer came visiting. Shi Jin could not meet her eyes when she reprimanded him for joking after is ‘life and death’ incident, was cute.He was like an errant boyfriend/husband scolded by his girlfriend/wife. The commander/army has a lot of problems with Mo yuen who would followed her principles and not fell obliged to follow their rigid rules and hierarchy.But Mo Yuen would fight tooth and nail for her man if she thinks he is not wrong as even from the beginning,she stormed to see Shi Jin’s officer about what she thought was possible unfair ‘imprisonment’.Shi Jin would be so lucky to marry such a beautiful, smart and brave woman.So yes, we wait for Shi Jin to be so crazy in love with her, and give his life some other meaning.

    • my thought is maybe…she just want him to feel how is it to be abandoned this time..just like what he always did to her back then…

      • I agree. If the translation is correct, she felt ‘abandoned’ each time he left suddenly, without any notice or reason given. A terribly sad and lonely feeling? How does one cope with that repeatedly? He was never abandoned.. he who rappels down ropes from planes with comrades to save the world..he always has a ‘greater’ and ‘nobler’ mission to follow. And the danger before your eyes must be frightening as even MJ would have stopped DY from going back into the rubble if she could and she is a soldier.

      • Arn’t we silly, discussing the characters as though we are taking a university course on literature 101? Hmmmm..but are you serious are just being flippant and speaking tongue in cheek like Shi Jin always does? Should we glare at you from the corner of our eyes like Mo Yeon does?

      • @pohyole, I meant both way. hahahaha, why can’t one be playful and serious at the same time? That’s why Shin Ji’s charm is immensely irresistible and mesmerizing. His quipps do not downplay his sincerity. Actually a guy who’s eloqent at banters in regular dialogues has become an endangered species nowadys. So women all find it charming with witty jokes here and there. You’re aĺl welcome to look at me as MY does to SJ. LOL….It’s my honor. I actually think MY enjoyed SJ’s repartee a lot. That’s part of the reason why SJ is appsaling to her.

  3. The end scene was honestly one of the best things I’ve seen in a very long time. So brilliant. I think SJ/MY breakthrough. Dae Young isn’t there yet at all.

  4. I too am grinning, my husband throws me a bewildered look.
    Nice recap Capt. K

    Ahm, that phone went down with her right? Must be a water proof phone. ^^

  5. I like this drama very much but I’m a little frustrated with the very obvious weak delivery of SHK. Her eyes does nothing when the scene called for a delivery of unspoken emotion. She’s supposed to be conflicted and I can’t see and feel that in her.

    • I don’t agree. She says a lot through her eyes. She also should be hard to read. She’s controling her emotions. This episode she’s also purposely cold in her actions at times because of sjs attitude

    • What do you suggest?lol..she is doing her very best.This has the most lovable character she portray and i guess its her inner self reacting too.

    • When is there any acting rule saying actors must show emotions outwardly like frowning all the time when confused, for example?

  6. Thanks for the nice recap. I’m surprised that you only come to love SHK’s in recent episodes. To me, she has been great from the beginning showing a character with integrity and capacity, lively but thoughtful, strong but emotional, adventurous but cautious, realistic but dreaming.

  7. I totally agree! I was watching and enjoying but not really super into it until this THIS episode. The last part! I watched it twice and squeed twice and my husband thought I was mad. And I keep shooting him these silly random grins when I think of the show. He is going to send me to the nut house soon. Haha.
    I also love the humanness they portray the doctors to have. I really like that they brought in the emotional and ethical dilemmas faced by doctors in crisis situations. I’m a doctor and we really do struggle emotionally every day during emergencies to do our best and we are always our harshest critics when things don’t go well or as planned. I feel for Chi Hoon because you never want to feel like you didn’t do your all. 🙁
    But all in all, I’m loving the show and it’s making me squee and I haven’t felt this way about a show in a long time!!

  8. Seems like I am the only one that was disappointed in this episode. I really loved the ending, actually laughed out loud. But the rest of the episode was a little too.. draggy, for me. Am I too impatient? It seems like a lot of fillers and the plot isn’t moving forward. And Chi hoon’s emotions and reactions were something I just could not relate, like isn’t it the right thing for him to leave the unstable area first before coming back to rescue. Sounds like the correct protocol to me. May be he could have said he will come back or sth so the guy won’t be scared to death. But otherwise he did the right thing and I just don’t get why he is going nutcase about it.
    It was fun to watch but the episode didn’t draw me into the story.

    • What I can see is that she’s not overacting. She does just fine. Chi Hoon was a bit over the top to me. I wish he would be more authentic..

    • I liked this episode more than episode 7, but I am in just for the lead relationship (because honestly the secondary love story is pretty minor). It seems KES knows her bread and butter of this drama is the Song/Song relationship. I do like that it is treated as a mature relationship between adults trying to figure things out that we don’t always see in other k-dramas that focus on chaebols etc. Yet the pacing for me is definitely off, but I guess KES is right because Song/Song are keeping me invested in this drama.

    • The disconnect might be due to two writers present. Lets not forget the other writer. Most KES dramas focus on the main lead to the exlusion of everything happening around them. Yet here, their day jobs take a precedence over their love lives, which is how it should be. In real life we are not at the center of the universe, neither are the drama characters.

    • I think it was a bit of a filler/transition episode. Really, the last 10 minutes were the best part. I also liked MY being the disappointed GF and not taking SJ’s shit for most of the episode too.

  9. LOVE this episode. Actually I love all episodes. SHK is really bringing her character more depth. Cant wait for next Wednesday.

  10. Love your recap! I feel like the ending of this episode is a nice, subtle payback for all of SJ’s love persistence.

    • If what happened to MY at the end of this episode happened to me, I’d wish for the ground to open up and swalllow me whole. She, though, deserves it for being so rigid?

  11. Love! Love! Love! I didn’t expect that I would return to this state ever again after Cheongdamdong Alice’s 6th episode. I’m loving this!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I think Chi Hoon is suffering from a bout of PTSD. I think the part where Min Jae scolds him is actually a hallucination, because right after, you can see the camera pans out and shows that the area he is in is empty and Min Jae is actually still inside the surgery room/ICU area.

    • Woah, nice observation. Poor guy he just isn’t build for this kinda work environment. He will need a lot of counciling and he needs to go home immediately before the baby is born.

    • Oh then that would make sense. Otherwise it just seems over the top for me. I hope they develop this angle a little further so we all can understand his reaction.

    • @jejunee: Maybe I have a different perspective, and can offer some insight? I don’t find it that crazy how Chi Hoon is reacting, even if it may be a bit dramatic. I don’t think it’s just guy he let go of, but in general he has been extremely out of his element for many patients, like the first one who died because he triaged him “wrongly” and then he suddenly collapsed and died. I cannot even explain to you how awful and terrible you feel when a patient you thought was ok, suddenly turns sick and dies. It’s soul wrenching because you blame yourself and wonder if you could have done anything else and changed the outcome. But Chi Hoon cannot let his fear/self reproach stop him so he buries it and carries on. He feels better about himself after he helps the pregnant lady, but then after he “fails” to save the guy in the rubble, it’s like all his guilt comes back and hits him. It’s not his fault, but he will still feel lots of guilt. And I actually can believe it that the injured guy would come back and blame Chi Hoon, because he is scared and injured and he is responding by lashing out at people who he feels “abandoned him” or haven’t given it their all. But yeah, @shapby could be right and it was all his imagination (I haven’t gone to rewatch), but to me that part wasn’t super unbelievable.

  13. This was a cute episode. KMY still throws me off with her comments about SJK’s job. His own superiors are not going to make him do something that’s dangerous to his Job unnecessarily. She really needs to understand why discipline and command is important in the military. Besides that I’m happy she cares enough to be mad at him when he is just joking about the dangers that sorrounds him. I can’t blame him though because soldiers need to be optimistic and have the kinda personality that YSJ has or else they would be on constant depression over all the death that sorrounds them. If she want YSJ to be vulnerable and open up about his fears to her she is going to need to do the same thing first.

  14. I love all the characters in this drama, especially the female characters. I think that I really understand where KMY stands and that makes her very relatable to me. SHK is really a talented actress,

  15. Hi Koala! Greeting from Portugal!

    It’s my first time posting a comment here, although I come a lot to this blog, because I love your news and recaps.

    I’m loving, loving, LOVING this drama. I already saw a lot, but I have to confess that, besides I’m a fan of SJK since the Nice Guy drama, I’m really enjoying the story line, also because is full of such strong characters. I really like the OTP, since he they are like the opposite, but that only seems to draw each other more and more.

    I have to confess that I quite admire SHK character, and I think that she is an example as an woman.

    I loved this recap, and I was so much looking forward to it. It’s always a mess to find a decent episode on the web for me, and even to wait fro the subtitles, makes me even more anxious! I can’t wait for Wednesday. I really feel that the amazing ending of this episode, with the confession of Mo Yeon revealed, and in the way that it was revealed, will encourage that flirty and naught side of Shi Jin, that I love so much, even more, and I really think that she can’t escape anymore from what she feels. Basically she is trying to escape from her own feeling, and not exactly trying to escape from Shi Jin. She quite enjoys his company, his humor, but it seems that shes afraid of what shes feeling, mainly because of his job, and the danger that is involved. But, fortunately for us and for Shi Jin, she lost the battle, and it’s only a matter a time that she will admit it. I’m just loving it!

    And I also love your blog and the comments. I’m sorry if I wrote worng any name, but my Korean sucks. I can’t even memorize the names well, they are quite complicated for a person that speaks a latin language.

    Well, we have a week ahead, and I only hope that Wednesday comes really fast.

    Greeting to all! 🙂

    • Love your comment regarding SHK character! Yup, she’s strong, it’s not that she’s wishy washy about her feelings towards SJ…she’s probably contemplating of what kind of relationship will they ever have considering the line of job she has and of course SJ too. I love the adult conversation in this drama. I love love the ending!!!

  16. this is one of drama that feel better when you watch than read recap but still feel good after doing both,
    I like that this drama make me feel good after watching it, like so relax and I am gonna tune in next week

  17. i love the reaction on her while running towards grabbing her phone…OMG!!! she will be teased a lot by him on the next episode…i hope Wednesday will come fast…cant wait:-)

  18. Koala what a BEAUTIFUL recap of DOTS! You are killing it darling <3 many other recappers who are recapping this show are not putting half the emotion and thoughts that you are! Love you!
    Second I seriously screamed for 10 minutes after that ending. KES u genius!

  19. The ending for this episode made my heart flutter! His smirk and mischievous eyes indicted to me that he now has the upper hand in this relationship again. Song hye kyo character wants control, now that everyone heard her confession, maybe she can’t lie to herself anymore. This episode and the last episode foreshadow lots of things that I hope don’t indict what would happen to our leads. The next preview to the drama indicted that again their date would be ruin by external factors. I really hope they can get to be in a date together without being disrupted and it better not be the last date between them. The second lead was funny. At least he was jealous. The scene where she walks into doing ki room calling him son-in-law was just histerical. The comic relief and the closeness between them was sweet. Loving this drama!

  20. I get u when u said that many scenes maybe foreshadow of bad things to come…. I was thinking that too. Especially the scenes between Team leader Go’s death and she having to break the news to his wife… I wondered what went on inside MY’s head to have to repeat Team Leader Go’s dying words to his wife of spending more time with each other’s pictures than spending time together. Much like how she feels about SJ’s job taking time away from them. Although, to me, it will be poetic story telling if writers used these scenes to show us the circle of life and how things foreshadow things and nothing is new under the sun, I’m not ready for it. Simply because I have a soft spot, a very soft spot, for Song Joong Ki’s portrayal of SJ. Those big innocent eyes…. Nothing bad must happen to him.

  21. I have read many of your recaps and this is the first time that I can really feel the heart. It seems like you finally found a drama that can touch your heart and I finally found a recap of yours that touch my hear. Thank you.

  22. I’m very much looking forward to next week when episode 9 shows us new revelation of the romance between SJ/MY couple. LOL @ the ending running scene and super love SJ’s smirks. He delivered it well. I would expect SJ to take more aggressive approaches to his love interest, just like an Alpha male who charges to take control of his cases in battlefields. We’ve seen quite a lot of our Alpha Captain Yoo as a commander-in-control of his squad at ad hoc scenarios. Now I want to see the Alpha side of SJ in his dating battlefield, yes, before all the ominous events loom large in later episodes.

    I pray the writer, who usually loves fairy tale endings regardless of all the hell mishaps through drama runs, will once again deliver another fairy tale ending, for the sake of my poor heart. LOL…Yes, Captain Yoo, please stay safe and healthy and don’t vanish into ashes and live happily with your Dr. love forever and ever in the dramaland. I may cry a bucket along with your Dr. MY if you dare die at the end.

  23. As usual Ms. Koala, you nailed it. There is no one who can recap a drama as good as you.

    I simply love DOTS, no amount of words can describe it. Can’t wait for the next episode.

    As rumor is going around regarding the ending, I’m pushing it at the back of my mind and just enjoy the two leads continuous travel on life.

  24. I enjoyed your recap of DOts…. I was bored with so many korean drama until i’ve seen DOts. First because of Song Hye Kyo.but after episode 2 the story become more interesting. Not boring at all. They all act almost naturally. I really love this episode 8 because SJK n SHK made a progress on their relationship. Sometimes a nature disaster can bring couples closed to each other because they don’t want to loose each other. That’s why they can cry, smile, expressed their feeling even more. I agree with the conclusion that SjK n SHK should make a lot of scenes to decide how they should be. I hope in a romantic way?. About the rumors of sad ending… I hope it won’t happen. But SHK known in some sad ending korean drama. Too bad if this happened with DOTS

  25. Well, the reason you couldn’t connect with KMY, was mostly, because of your bias against SHK, so that’s fine.

    Glad you’re loving this drama now. 🙂

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