
Filming Wraps for K-movie Real with Kim Soo Hyun and Production Drops Visually Intense Teaser Posters — 33 Comments

    • I understand what you’re saying. The lone figure cloaked in darkness. Ugh. Was scared of my bedroom for weeks after seeing that film.
      This movie looks intriguing. I really like the colors.

    • Ah I was about to say the same thing. That was a very old film. I remember watching the film with my dad at home and I was scared of going to pee by myself at night afterwards. LOL

    • If you mean the female costars, maybe those are questionable entity at the moemtn.
      but my goodness he has an array of great male costars. Lee SungMin, Sung DongIl and Lee Gyoungyoung. Those are 3 actors that I love watching in any genre. Excited to see what role this 2 will play in this movie…

  1. It took 9 months to produce (since September 2015 though actually filming in 2016) this movie and so it should be good. Just worried about the bed scene.

  2. he’s been pretty low key since The Producers. but I gotta say,the poster looks unique. looks like those Hollywood movie posters. I’m impressed.

  3. btw @nada. there really is no need to bring LMH into this. are u looking for fanwars? should’ve just commented on soo hyun’s article without dragging Min Ho along.

  4. Dumb fanwars aside, this looks fantastic! Every project KSH has ever picked was such a massive hit. The pressure is on, but his choices have never let me down so I’m really excited for this.

    I’m very certain he’d pick a drama next so I’m also really looking forward to that. Personally, I’d love a Sageuk and the writer of Princess Man would be dream! I was rewatching the drama recently and realized the writer hasn’t written another since.

  5. Hi Sylvie, Soo Hyun is a very honest actor. He admitted all weak points of human when most of others denied so strongly as to nearly break their blood vessels. To me, because of his honesty, he is like an angel to me. I don’t expect an angel to do well in bed scene. Please don’t have it at all.

  6. Why the need of dragging others into this article and mention someone by name. You should be proud to promote him alone and don’t link him to anyone. it just reeks of insecurity

  7. It is not good to mention name. That I totally agree. But how to differentiate between good and bad or white and black? Obviously one must describe all four that is the good, bad, white and black. why does that reeks insecurity?

    • Well All I can say is living vicariously through someone… won’t bring anyone further. be rather confident in your skin is the way and one should promo that way

      • Lol, since when have KSH fans felt insecure when it comes to mentioning that chicken LMH in their talk? We know where his value is, and what has made it. Definitely not similar to what has made your idol’s. Keep that in mind.

    • I’m quite contented with KWB as her leading man in UF now 🙂 But as HyunZy fan also, I need another drama or movie for KSH and Suzy ♡

      • Yeah, I’m also a HyunZy fan and I want them together in a new drama in the future. For now tho, I’m also loving the Suzy and WooBin’s chemistry in UF.

        I still support both of them individually tho…Suzy’s drama & KSH’s movie.

    • Huh? Shouldn’t you need her boyfriend for that project instead? Since she has dated that guy, I just wish no more projects between her and KSH. Hyunzy deluluness has gone forever.

      • Hmm. When has suzy ever dated KSH? Why would she dated someone she is tall’er then it dosen’t make sense

      • Ewwww I’m not delulu. just hoping. Because Soohyun more better than Dinosaur

      • @baesu: why don’t you just try harder to improve your language skill before writing some silly comment based on your failure of english reading? And who is taller than who here? Suzy is “taller” than KSH? It would crack me up, if that’s what u meant.

        @suzypretty: I should have said “MY hyunzy deluluness has gone…” to avoid confusion. Out there, other hyunzy deluluness still remains. Suzy can pair with anyone who is better than dinosaur or else, except KSH who would unlikely go back to school dramas, I believe.

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