
Uncontrollably Fond Off to Chinese Streaming Success with 44 million views in the First 6 Days on Youku — 28 Comments

  1. Im not sure how the story will go but im sure we will have the typical “leads finally fall in love but the female lead finds out that the guy’s dad is her enemy”and then they hv some problems.

    • @Skin, I didn’t expect much from Magic School Bus KWB. But he’s actually doing fine. So I don’t remember how he looked like Tyrex before. LOL..

      Other than Beautiful Mind, this is the only drama left for me to look forward to new episodes.. :(((

      • What if she is? It only means she has built up a site that is worth being courted. As to why UF is on the site apparently you came by just to comment on it so must mean that it generates eyeballs.

        Anyway the comment is as stupid as asking “Anon which rival network paid you to spray the comments section:)”

      • Yes koala got paid by Suzy herself. No it’s the other way around, koala is Suzy’s sponsor.

      • I’ve been reading this blog for years and suddenly koala you have some annoying commentors who appear just ruining my likings to reading comments. I love this blog and what it represents and now i have to read childish comments just because they think they have to right to say something?

  2. Was Dots 50mill also for it’s first 2 episodes? Thats a feat. I only know of the internet phenomenon Go Princess Go which got 3 billions views. That is impressive indeed.

  3. Streaming is the new money maker now so flop or no flop….?KBS is still making their papers.
    Honestly uf is not the worst drama out there…so I hope it increases …

  4. Its too early to celebrate!
    I find UF hard to watch.
    I will try keep it up until ep 3 & 4, if its worthy to watch.

  5. @KOALA : Please up date about my shooting schedule, and my partner Lee Min Ho, okay. My fans ask me to update in social media, but I need more site like this, I trust you koala.

    & Koala please I beg you to update about my agency’s friend, Jo Jung Suk, please update about him with his current drama… Thank you so much.

    With Love

  6. I tried watching Uf I said what the hey maybe I’ll enjoy…sorry to say I got to the part in ep. one where she was giving out drinks to her office mates and she was late and I turned it off…aigooo…aigooo cringed…
    I guess I’ll skip this one.

  7. Shows like Pinocchio and It’s okay it’s love that more then 44mio views… it’s nothing to write home about… btw DOTs was pushing well over 160mio in just episodes

  8. if chinese fan can watch blood who sux. no reason they cant watch this one. SUZY/LWB both acting sux. chinese fan are watching for their pretty face not acting.that the reason the view is high. for me. drop after 10min of SUZY bad acting. the polt didnt help. drama was bore too.
    try the second time fall asleep while watching ep1.

  9. Koala, where are your comments about Suzy’s bad acting like you did to Goo Hye Sun ? You even commented on Goo Hye Sun’s bad acting in her dating, engagement and her wedding. Wonder whether you will still start of your articles about their acting before writing about her having babies in the future ?!

    You remind me of Park Shin Hye’s mum in Pinocchio.

  10. I don’t really know why u had to delete my comments but its a good thing u removed the others too.
    BTW,u should put the warning sign after each articles. thank u

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