
Jang Geun Seok Does tvN Variety Show Candy in My Ear and His Candy is Sweet-voiced Yoo In Na — 15 Comments

    • He’s annoying when he’s with Baekhyun because they’re cutesy and stupid and just there for comic relief.

      But he had a scene last week where he was alone with Lee Jun Ki and it was like his acting switch just got dialled up to a 10 because you could see so much more in his character – frustration, misplaced anger, even shame. It’s like being with LJK made him actually raise his game.

    • He is annoying, but not the most annoying. There are other people worse than him. There is a bad acting rank in my opinion
      Baekhyun>HJH>Ji soo>IU,
      I am kind of impressed with NJH’s acting in last episode, He improved a lot. LJK and KHN are the ones who are carrying the whole show.

  1. Why does Jang Geun Seok looks so different here? Maybe because I am so used to seeing him with long hair and that I love too much his “Hwang Tae Kyung” look. But he did put up a decent performance in Jackpot. I wonder when will he enlist for MS.

    • He cut his hair exactly to be no more associated with ‘a boy from outer space’ – that were his words in the 4th episode.
      JKS is a versatile artist – he can act, he can sing, he proved to be an wonderful MC in “Produce 101” and he also debuted as a short-film director.
      And people still discussed his long hair and how he was different 10 years ago in “Hwang Jin Yi”.
      Well, now he looks like “the boy next door”. People will see his true self at last?

  2. I love Ji Soo but yeah, I don’t think he’s ready to lead a sageuk yet. He needs to be in more scenes with Kang Haneul and Lee Jun Ki and less with Baekhyun, KHN/LJK bring out better from him as an actor.

  3. So that’s what this show was. I saw it a few times while I was in Korea and was wondering not understanding the language hahaha. Good to know for when I have to go back end of this month.

  4. “Candy” is changed every couple of episodes and Jang Keun Suk talked a lot with his “noona” Jang Da Yeon, who is a comedian. The next one will be younger and the mood will change again.

    Seo Jang Hoon is very good in this show as well.
    Sorry about Ji Soo, but his segment is my time to go make some coffee. He is not making a difference between a reality show and a drama, I here lines, not confessions.

  5. Anyone know where I can watch this?

    Sound like a breezy fun watch.. I’m so glad to see JGS trying a different look now! And his voice has always been my weakness!

  6. I wonder, if these could lead into romance kekeeke…because i always think phone chat is more intimate than chatting. Especially if it happen regularly. Which is why there are trends with online bf or gf. It would be nice if the talks continue after that ehehe…They would make such cute couple, Yoo Inna n Jang Geun Seuk ?

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