
Hyun Bin, Kim Sun Ah, Cha Seung Won and More Attend VIP Movie Premiere for Luck-Key — 9 Comments

  1. K-celebs’ red carpet looks always left me scratching my head. I don’t understand how they always looked so good in dramas yet frequently looking hideous on the red carpets. Hyun Bin looks mighty fine and despite having a forever soft spot for Kang Ji Hwan, I cannot accept that weird blonde locks on him. His ensemble is great but blonde just won’t do for him.

    • my guess is they were locked in some room with a pile of random clothes mens´ and womens mixed and had to get dressed in 10 seconds.

  2. No, no, no! Cha Seung Won and Hyun Bin cannot be in the same drama. I know I’ll definitely suffer from serious case of second lead syndrome whoever that it if it happens.

  3. most actors/actress should sack their stylist as they look hideous in those outfit esp joo won, he even had stains on his garment..and what happened to his face. he look different not in a good way? PS maybe?

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