
Jeon Ji Hyun Latest C-ban on Hallyu Casualty as Her Recent Oppo Ad Switched Out for Angelababy — 26 Comments

  1. I think the picture above is not Angelababy’s ad for Oppo. It’s her past ad picture for Meitu’s phone.
    So it’s not right to start comparing their ad for difference company. Wait for her new ads from Oppo come our instead. Tho I don’t think the new ads would be as good considering the company alr lost so much money over this deal.

  2. The hallyu world has truly lost China. the most profitbale and generous market for Hallyu has withdrawn its support and in fact they pay the money for most of the big budget dramas such as Heirs, MLFTS, DOTS etc etc.

    SJK started making good money from DOTS on while JJH have been in the chinese commercial market for a very long time together with LMH and KSH. these 3 have been longest in the chinese commercial market which is one of the most lucrative CF markets in the world. I saw some stats indicting that they made ridiculously amount of money

    • These were the days of Hallyu peak. I remember it was 13-14 and funny enough it was in the same time they were all trending in china and everyone of them had like 30+ chinese endorsement deals and everywhere in China you would find LMH, JJH and KSH. I also recall JJH and KSH was in a controvers over a water mountain CF.

      Honestly speaking these days were the peak of Hallyu and never will we see Hallyu bigger then these days. The absolutely peak of Hallyu. Loosing china is a big blow imho and the new generation may never experience china which is the place to be at period

  3. For someone who is impartial to both actresses, I really don’t mind who is on the billboard. It truly makes sense to have Chinese actors/actresses on their own advertisements. However, it would make more sense to improve the quality of dramas/films coming out of China rather then trying to suppress a country that has successfully transported its own culture.

    • Well said! I grew up watching Chinese martial arts movies as a kid, bear in mind I’m not Chinese. It is a bit hypocritical of China to be doing something like this. In a time of supposed free flow of information such restrictions does sound a bit harsh.

    • @abc – Not sure where you are getting that the quality of China dramas/films are not better quality. In fact, there are some really great dramas/films.China already has a big population to view them, so there is no need for them to export as much as S.Korea. Don’t get me wrong, I watch S. Korea dramas and films and like them too, but there is always something missing in the S.Korea films. China has always had Female strong dramas, unlike S.Korea.
      Either way, let’s not put down a country’s drama or Entertainment and boost up another country entertainment value. There is space for both countries. As far as culture goes, Most of K culture are a blend from China, with China having the most influence.

      • You said it, China has enough of its own viewers mainland so it produces things their people watch and I don’t like any of them for example they film many period dramas – which I find difficultly connecting. When is it going to produce a modern piece that I can watch?

      • You can try some of the Hong Kong dramas, since they were more westernized. There are some good Modern Time Chinese drama, such as Ode to Joy where it is about Women dealing with work, love etc. There aren’t many that are subtitled in English unfortunately, so perhaps that is why you are missing out on a lot of the wonderful dramas from China. Or the one with Yang Yang in Love O20 if you are into Romance. There is also another drama called “The best of us” that is youthful romance which is cute and a throwback to the 90’s. Either way, just because you are missing out due to language barrier, you shouldn’t say one country Entertainment is better than the other. Since, most Chinese dramas are hard to find in countries other than China. Perhaps, you can’t fully understand the Chinese culture, that is why you don’t get the ancient dramas.

      • truly agreed that china has more strong female-centric dramas, which I love. Wish S. Korea will have more female-centric dramas.

        I think China has improved their dramas and I’m actually looking forward to C-dramas now than ever.

    • Not really agreeing about the idea that China makes less quality dramas. They can be less in persue of trying to be visually appealing, pretty or idol-esque but their themes, plots, ideas and acting can run much deeper. They can be harder to watch perhaps compared to kdramas but that doesn’t mean they’re all less quality.

    • SK has agreed to deploy the US THAAD anti-missile system to protect itself from NK missile attacks. China thinks the deployment threatens the security of the countries in the region. The Hallyu ban is a direct consequence of the Chinese government’s disapproval, some sort of a retaliation.

    • Chinese government stated that the Hallyu male image is too weak and not manly, they do not want that to influence the male generation in China.

  4. C business likes to pay Hallyu stars for endorsing their products b/c these Korean celebrities are not only well known in Chinese market, but also popular in other parts of Asia and the west. Certainly they want to expand business to other markets, not just C regions. Is Angelababy or Eddie Peng is as famous as JJH or SJK? Be realistic! Those C businessmen of big corps have certainly calculated how much return they are gonna profit from their investment in the endorsement from these hallyu stars. Of course they are frustrated. Not only do they have to pay big chunks of $$$ for breaching CF contracts, but also they won’t have equally powerful spokesmen/women to advertise their products outside China. Don’t be naive thinking the ban is no big deal to the Chinese business and instead the Hallyu stars are the only losers. Just to the opposite from business perspectives, the ban hurts both Chinese business and the future hallyu stars. But I don’t think the ban will last long since the Chinese authority isn’t all stupid either. They want Chinese business to expand too. The ban will be only tempotary and symbolic. The ban will be lifted soon and business as usual. In othed words, it is just some drama that C authority put on the political show. LOL.

  5. The ban in imposed is stupid. It’s actually an open secret in the K-industry but Jun Ji Hyun is actually a “hwa-gyo” (Chinese ethic). Her parents have Taiwanese citizenship but she was born and raised in South Korea. I guess since she’s a hallyu star, she is seen as a “foreigner” but I still find it ironic.

      • She definitely looks Chinese and I knew it from the moment I watched her in My Sassy Girl. She definitely looks like she can be from Northern China. Her real name is Wang Ji-Hyun. Her parents names written in Hangul are from translated names in Chinese. There’s her phone cloning scandal back in 09 and JJH admitted in a hearing that she is ethically Chinese.

        She denies this in public because there would be huge backlash from the Koreans that are nationalistic but most fans do know about her but she’s still very Korean since she’s born and raised in South Korea.

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