
Character Previews for Hwarang Put Goofy Action in Sageuk Setting — 4 Comments

  1. I’m anticipating this drama has potential and I would say lets wait and see before we jump on conclusions. Fair chance.


    Koala I have a bone to pick with you regarding some very interesting that you perhaps skipped on your Blog that I would have loved and many of the reads would have loved to see these things report here.

    As you know all the things happening in Asian entertainment I find it rather absurd that you haven’t Mentioned the BIGGEST BUZZ BRINGER OF THE YEAR ***THE LEGEND OF CHUSEN*** I see alot of nostalgia postings about C-Bu Bu Jing Xin and other uninteresting C-shows.

    THE Legend of Chusen broke the record of all records on Viewership of all times which makes it the MOTHER OF ALL DRAMAS currently.

    Some other interesting things that I didn’t see was Ice fantasy? I mean like how can you lose out on that even tho it had mixed review it sure did have alot of hype and buzz.

    BTW: glading tidings to all I-fans of Legend of Chusen season 2 is out just after 2 months of season 1 ending.

    • Actully both leads Li Yi-Feng and Zanilia Zhao won at the awards tonight.. @Tencent most popular Actor and Actress while the chemistry was off the charts.

      These two have become extremely popular. Absolute fan-faves alot of ppl are hoping for another cast with them.

  2. IDK I’m just not feeling this one…’s like a weird mix of BOF and Sungkyunkwan but looks worse weirdly enough. Nothing stands out enough for me to be totally interested in this

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