
A Passionate Farewell Kiss Sends Ratings Back Up to 21% in the Penultimate Episode 19 of Legend of the Blue Sea — 18 Comments

  1. Though I love Lee Min Ho, I don’t know why I feel he isn’t really a great on-screen kisser. He opens his mouth really awkwardly and that doesn’t look nice. He must take some tips from Jo Jung Suk who nails a romantics scene with the most passionate kiss.

  2. His kiss scenes with her are a bit subdued hahah. And he isn’t as close to JJH as Kim Hee Sun (they were great friends during filming) so I think he doesn’t dare to go all out.

  3. Nice heading but I doubt the so called passionate farewell kiss had any influence on the ratings. Ratings are usually dependent on previous episode or anticipation. Either people liked the previous episode better than we think or they are tuning in again for the final sprint towards finale.

    Kiss wise, there’s nothing to shout about. Recently, I’ve watched quite a number of awesome kisses and very good chemistry. The same cannot be said of this pair. The angle didn’t let us see much of the kissing. Yes, JJH did opened her mouth but I can’t see anything else on her part. All I saw was LMH’s movement. His mouth seemed to be moving from side to side, what kind of style is this? Signature kiss? Well, at least it wasn’t as terrible as that horrible vacuum cleaner kiss in Heirs.

    • His kiss in this episode looks like someone administering rescue breathing during CPR… I am surprised the director would accept it! Where is the passion? ?

      • I think the title of the article on omonatheydidn’t’livejournal left such an impression on me – “Lee Minho is sorry for his vacuum cleaner cosplay” It was in reference to LMH and PSH’s kiss in Heirs.

  4. I Love Lotbs and I’m so sad it is going to end because that means no Lee min ho for the next 2years and i love that despite all the controversies and hate this drama went through it still was a hit ratings wise and one of lmh’s best performance great chemistry from lmh/jjh and to the queen of acting Jun ji Hyun hope to see you in more dramas…Lotbs fighting!

  5. I thought the kiss was good!!!
    Passionate enough and he went for it.
    LMH does good kisses and damn it’s abt them we have one in this drama.

    He’s pretty much the rock in this drama for me – as joon jae is the one i care abt and this episode – some solid acting, great crying scenes.

    I think it’s safe to say he’s going to the army in a good state – it’s not a monster hit but ratings were consistently good and a very impressive performance from him. He prob kept the ratings from slipping – working hard to keep it together esp the chemistry. Everything when I felt something off or have doubts abt the OTP, he levels up and you just feel awww joon Jae loves his mermaid

    He won’t be so easily forgotten, at least for me, as an actor he’s definitely worth checking out for the long term if he choose to stretch himself in good projects (no heirs ever ever pls)

    • I’m sure she’s paid well though not sure if she will reap the same kind side of benefits like CFs and such as she did from YFAS.

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