
Yoon Eun Hye and Han Ga In Reviewing Scripts for Drama Comeback in 2017 — 77 Comments

  1. Shameless Yoon Eun-Hye… After she steals other people’s fashion, she still has no shame to come back to the limelight. Trash remains trash.

      • I’m dying for her return in a good drama even if it’s not a hit. And a good Partner, not necesary an A list actor. Popularity doesn’t mean quality for me.

    • You are the one who should be ashamed of yourself because you judge without even knowing the truth behind that issue that has long been forgotten and now you want to revive it? What is your problem, are you a high and mighty or you just don’t have anything nice to say regarding Yoon Eun Hye, she has been punished for not doing anything wrong and don’t call her trash, your mouth is garbage.

      • I agree with you @Incognito that “Irit” shame on you!!…should not say like that to Yoon Eun Hye, because in the first place she doesn’t know really what’s the truth!…
        Ang Judging YEH like that its not right!. You should look at the mirror first if you haven’t done any mistake in your life before you Judge to others. And I am looking forward for YEH new drama.

    • Well…shameless of you irit who accused her without legit evidence and only based on accusation from that designer u know who…

    • Shame on you! Don’t speak as if you know the truth. you can’t go anywhere by criticizing other people. Anyway, you’re such a nobody.

    • Yoon Eun Hye, a trash?!?…whoever you are you’d better find out why and how she got to where she is now…She is a very talented and a witty woman…probably her only weakness is, she does not know and she does not want to fight back…especially with people who are like you!
      And you’d better take a look at yourself…because the way you sound and judge, I believe YOU ARE THE TRASH…hhmm…you are smelly!

    • I don’t think she is trash as what you said but she did a stupid thing which will be forgiven and forgotten as you said we are humans nor angels we aren’t perfect .
      The God can forgive so the people should do .
      I am really sad that she did that bcz I love her I hope she can do a drama will be memorable .

      • @Nilechololate, your statement is ambiguous. You said that you love her but in the same time YOU BLAME her for doing what she didn’t do (that’s IF you follow the case). So what you’re up to really ?

        What’s up with PSH’s fans doing in here anyway ?

      • 1st I am fan for YEH I watched her dramas before shin hye and yes I love her so I think YEH made a stupid thing or move you can’t deny the fact but at the same time who are we to judge we aren’t the god I want her to back and do something memorable so she can move on and the k netizen forget
        Before you attack my comment just read what I mean

      • @Nilechocolate…the only STUPID things that yeh had done is that she’s too nice to counterattact the accusation by that designer. Well, she can bring the situation to the court and sue him for damaging her image with that baseless accusation without a legit proof. For ur information, the designer don’t even have documentation of that piece given to yeh when she asked him to show the proof that she received the dress. And yeh even asked him for face2face discussion to resove the misunderstanding, but then the arrogant designer badmouthing her in his blog. Even his friend joined him by posting pictures of artists wearing that designer clothes, hence further increased the tension and publicsl hate against her. I hope that u understand the situation first becoz from ur words it seems that u don’t believe her and u’re dissappointed with her when she in the first place didn’t even do any mistake as accused by that arrogant designer. Peace!

      • For me YEH did nothing. I dare say that that if it was a Anonymous this designer would’t have brag about a “supposing plagia” . The only thing that she did was to state a truth that knetz took for arrogance. Why apologise for something you didn’t did? But she made an apologize at STHAVASA event wich must have been hard when you’re not guilty ! All that to calm down the polemic ! They are a bunch of hypocrites! And YEH unlike others celebrities has never sue anyone. That’s what i call a REAL LADY . From Her long time fan!

      • Once again sorry for my average English but i just can’t stay still when YEH is mentioned. And thanks for all the kind souls who gave me strengh to continue to speak my mind in this blog. You’ll never know how you helped me to go throught difficult times.

      • @Eclipse : please can you send me more links about that it isn’t I don’t belive her I watched the design so I believe that from this point of view forgive me .

      • @Nilechocolate…u can google’s all over the soompi, allkpop netizenbuzz…but from the start, there’s one yeh’s fan I’m sorry i forget her nickname…she defended yeh and even exposing the truth and logic about the difference between yeh’s design and that designer’s design as well as state that he badmouthing her in his blog and then deleted it before being known by media. Even her agency spoke about no proof of documentation to the media but only certain media that reported the truth while others wrote otherwise in a way to blame yeh in order to gain publicity becoz you know yeh is a big name and negativity= more clicks.

      • And another thing, the public didn’t know that the show (the fashion show yeh participated) is recorded 3 weeks ahead of its screening and that designer was lying and claimed that yeh received his designed piece a week before competition when in fact the accused plagia piece by yeh was created by her 3 weeks before and she claimed that it was inspired from another international designer and not that young and arrogant designer.

      • I feel sorry and pity her for this trouble that sometimes, i just want to give a lesson to that designer by attacking him in his insta..huhu…well, we just need to be patience and wait becoz one day, the truth will be unveil just like the case of t- ara. Well it goes by the saying, what goes around comes around.

      • @nilechocolate..for statement released by yeh’s agency, u can read it out at koreaboo.blogspot…and from there i hope that u can uderstand the real situation.

      • @Eclipse @cahill thanks a lot for helping me giving explanation to @Nilechocolate

        @Nilechocolate no hard feeling OK 😉

      • @Eclipse thank you for illustration and @LAl nothing happened dear I love that Lady so I want for her the best as everyone here just an explanation made me regretting my superficial knowledge for the topic bcz my work and I didn’t read the whole story so thank you all:)

      • @ Lal @Eclipse hope the next time we post here it will be exciting news about our girl and her comeback.

      • Chères amies @Lal et @ Eclipse merci de faire partie du bataillon ” les guerrières de Yoon Eun Hye” et d’éclairer les ignorants! A bientôt, pour d’autres discussions… Une fan française de la première heure. You’re the best ( vous êtes les meilleures!)

    • Excuse me, who are you to accuse someone like eun hye yoon? Are you God? If you don’t have anything good to say then just shut up okay? Don’t throw your trash here and live your life and sleep endlessly.

    • She is not trash and in case u were ignorant of the outcome of the issue,it was nowhere proven that she did steal the design..
      Why are u so angry about it?!
      Are you in any way related to the alleged designer? (yeh hater alert!)

  2. YEH should make her comeback a big success because her last drama (Mirae’s Choice) flopped really hard and her reputation now in Korea has been tarnished due to her plagiarism issue. She must pick a good drama. Meanwhile, HGI should showcase her improve acting skills in her comeback drama. Her performance in TMETS was forgettable and dull. Can’t believe that the younger version of her character was able to pull off that character better compare to her.

  3. han ga in and yoon eun hye are both gorgeous but looking forward to yeh more since she is a great actress.her drama princess hours is one of my all time fav.she should choose her drama carefully since it will be a make or break for her becos of her scandal.i pray that she will be welcome back by koreans.good luck to both of them

  4. It’s not really about the old-school Hallyu stars that making an impact, it’s more about whether they are fortunate enough to be involved in good projects that turn out to be mega hits. Gong Yoo is lucky to have been picked by Kim Eun Sook whom is a renowned hit-maker and catapulted him into second round of fame, same as Lee Dong Wook. He may not hit the jackpot should his works did not turn out to be such a big success and for the most part, Goblin is a big hype because of KES, coming off fresh from the even bigger hit DOTS. Lee Young Ae, being an even bigger star is unlucky to have picked the boring Saimdang and a wrong move from her side for selecting a project that is trying to be too similar to Dae Jang Geum.

    • I also think that Dae Jang Geum is such a powerful role for Lee Young Ae that maybe producers are not ready to risk casting her in something different to have the public not connect because they feel like she’ll always be Dae Jang Geum…

  5. I’m happy for both. I hope they’ll get success. Love both of them especially Yoon Eun Hye. She should choose her drama carefully. Ratings doesn’t mean quality. As long as the story and her performance is good, people will give high appreciation since ratings is out of our hands.

  6. Mrs. Koala, are you’re sure YEH will be making a DRAMA comeback ? cause Korean news didn’t specify it. It could be a movie you know…
    But whatever it is I’m glad she will have an acting project this year. Her fans are really miss her 🙂

    • real gorgeous not overhype, and goddesses incarnate in Korean entertainment, nothing comes close to them even with new generation of Korean idol actresses, in terms of looks and screen appeal, but my bias will forever be YEH coz I like many of her drama even the old ones dont care if some dont rate well in that godamnit small country S.Korea, I only saw HGI in that duality illuminati drama of Moon Embracing Sun lol.

  7. I saw naver comments on YEH articles. Seems like Knetz haven’t forgiven her and the top comments are very insulting. Please choose your next project wisely YEH and shush the haters with your performance!

    • knetz are really something ! but they tend to forget easily too . a lot of stars have been their target and still going strong so i wish the same for YEH.

      • What i really wanted to say is : who cares about knetz ! Let them be as long as YEH can do what matters to her. I’ m not hoping for a Big Return a la Song Hye Kyo Or Gong Yoo . I just want her back ! Quitly but surely !

      • if her next project is as successful as DOTS or Goblin, knetz will forgive her, just as they did Song Hye Kyo and Kim Go Eun, actually I’m not so sure about Go Eun tho, but SHK’s huge scandal is far gone now. Do not say who cares about knetz. Look at IU and T-ara. They actually may not care about international netizens, but Korea is the home ground. No one wants to seek shelter in China even if the Chinese pays loads more.

      • It’s sad if knetz reaction is so important. Something that i cannot understand. I’ m a french native. But que sera, sera…

  8. My YEH!!! she is really unfortunate in 2016. i pitied her. With movie that seems like never will be released and gossip of plagiarism that is not her fault at all. Hope 2017 will clear things up for her coz she is so kind and have a good heart. Really looking forward

  9. u dont want to get on knet bad side. they will dig up all ur old dirt.
    only way for YEH to get back on knet good side is come out with a good drama. SHK was lucky she hit big with DOTS. or knet will still drag her name throuh the mud with her tax scandal

  10. yeh like shk is a veteran in korean industry.they were both loved and had many fans before their scandal unlike kim go eun who is relatively a newcomer and is still establishing her career,that why knetz still hasnt forgiven her even after goblin.she doesnt have the fans both yeh and shk enjoys.
    korean ent.industry thrive on image of its players becos they earn most of their income through cf rather than doing movies or dramas which need talent.that why is important to avoid scandals of any form.
    all yeh have to do is choose a CRITICS adore and importantly HIT drama or film, this will give her many fans the incentive to counter her haters and all will be well for her again.

    • Kim Go Eun has a scandal ? What kind of because i didn’t know about. It seems that only a few actors are not targeted yet by knetz.

    • So true @alexghana, I don’t know much about SHK but YEH still has many loyal fans around the world. I often chatting with them, mostly are her long time fans (from Gong and Coffee Prince era even from her Baby VOX era). They are still solid till now despite being hit by her scandal. New fans can be faltered but not her loyal fans.
      Anyway I appreciated your assesment, you’re looking beyond the facade 😉

    • @alexghana ,@Lal, i’m a her fan since 2004 but if the knetz are not on her side , do you think that she still receive good offers ? because from what i see only the writer of DOTS and Goblin can do wonders ( still don’t understand why ) and a lot of celebrities must be knocking at her door !!! So you’re worrying me.

      • @cahill Yes I know that you’re a warrior/neri (YEH’s longtime fans) that’s why I appreciated your loyalty & I’m glad we’re in the same boat sis 🙂

  11. during cheese in the trap era when knetz was furious becos park hae jin was abruptly sidelined as the main lead and focused on second lead seo kang joon.knetz was lamenting that there was a deliberate attempt by production team in conjuction of seo kang joon powerful agency to raise his profile to the detriment of knetz darling park hae jin.
    to make matters worst,park hae jin vocally and publically showed his displeasure to fan the flame.citt which was based on a webtoon also diverted from it adding to knetz suspicion.
    all this time kim go eun was not in trouble until she decided to speak against knet fav and sympathizer park hae jin for the way he is handling the issue.
    knetz assumed that she is in cohort with production team and seo kang joon to do what they did to park hae jin.she was bashed very much.she should have remained silent.
    even after goblin became a huge hit and there was a rumor that she broke up with her boyfriend and hook up with gong have to read the comments of knetz chastizing her and saying that she doesnt deserve gong yoo etc.
    the success of goblin still hasnt wiped knetz hatred of her even though gong yoo case was just a rumor.

  12. I don’t understand why Yoon Eun Hye is still judged harshly by other people…I learned that she tried to sort things out with the designer who accused her of plagiarism, but this designer was rude that he even badmouthed her in blogs…
    She made a public apology…I believe she did not do that because she was guilty ..I believe that she made the apology because she was thinking more of how people were displeased with what had happened, especially her fans and as well as her family and friends who she knows may have been hurt, too…It was not easy to ask for an apology especially if it is to be done publicly…she bowed her head and body down with total humility in the public’s eyes…
    What more do they want?…what else do they want?
    She went into almost a complete hiatus…doing something just enough for her to continue to earn, to make a living…away from home…
    What do people want more?…Did she make A REAL BIG SIN?…did she physically hurt anybody?…did she maltreated anybody?
    My gosh…three years not on TV…three years not in a movie…three years in reflections…three years in solitude…
    Dear People out there…are you not satisfied yet?…isn’t it ENOUGH?…where is PITY and COMPASSION in your hearts?
    “Let the one who does not commit mistake throw the first stone”……..

  13. @cahill.before someone is cast in a drama or film,there are deals and negotiations that we do not hear about happens in the is like i scratch your back and you scratch mine, bribery etc also happens .these deals are done by the agencies for their clients.
    YEH because she is well known still get dramas or films offers but i think she refuses becos it not to her liking or maybe she was not ready yet to be in the she is ready and all she has to do is negotiate and use her connections to get a better project with safe writers and directors to make a stars does that,that why for eg. lee santa who owns bh ent. always have someone from his agency acts in his films and dramas like han hyo joo in masquerade and han ji min in age of shadows.lee santa is best friends with kim jee won who directed age of shadows and has acted in most of his films and even did an extended cameo in aos as a favor to him.its all about connections, deals and negotiations for better projects.
    that is why someone like lee santa despite his numerous scandals hasnt have a flop project in years.he works only with the absolute best directors and producers and writers. luck is also needed too becos sometimes you get a good project becos of luck.
    there are a lot of good writers apart from dots writer eg.park ji eun who wrote love from stars, lobts,producers etc. hasnt failed yet, even the writer of romantic doctor has 6 or five straight hits etc.
    what i fear is if she does a project and God forbid it bombs, knetz and the shakers and movers of korean ent. will falsely assume that it failed becos of her scandal making it even harder for her to get good project for another comeback.
    if song hye kyo can be forgiven, Yeh can be forgiven too considering her scandal is not as serious as shks.

    • Thanks @alexghana, because after your 1st post about knetz reaction i made some search and they’re no joke. but they do much ado about tiny things and women are more targeted!!! What a surprise !!! i ‘m aware about the deals and negotiatons in Eworld “The player” of R ALTMAN…same goes on politics, and other areas . Thanks again for your kindness .

    • agree with most of your assessment, for some reason there is a faction of knetz who seriously dislike YEH, and I don’t understand why! For those of us who really enjoy her work, we don’t care what the general public thinks but unfortunately ratings do matter. IMHO, I enjoyed Marry Him if you Dare, the premise was good and different…to me, but I think it didn’t go down well b/c there was NO chemistry between YEH/LDG, she and JYH had much better chemistry. YEH is fantastic at creating believable chemistry, but the guy also has to respond…some!!!

  14. Gotta love these bully type of negative comments, bully girl/boys are a dime a dozen…they know it too…so insecure.

    YEH needs to get with the likes of LDW….hot couple.

  15. YEH Please in anything!!!!! Why didn’t she do Goblin with GY, would be so great to see both together more mature 10 years later. Agree with @cahill about not necessarily a popular A List partner although Lee Joon Ki is an incredible actor, would like to see both act together too!

    • To @ emchi , we can allways dream about that pairing. It doesn’t hurt right ! And LJK with a partner of same age and range acting like Yeh… Too much to handle !

  16. YEH is a versatile actress. I love the way she acts. People may tend to accuse her but for me, people with a pure heart cannot be shaken by lowly critics.I believe that more blessing will be granted to her. Go Eun Hye…Looking for a good drama ahead with Gong Yoo or Hyun Bin

  17. Yoon Eun Hye is the crème de la crème…. the best of the best in Korean entertainment!!! What are the haters talking about??? YEH is the composite artist! Beautiful beyond description!

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