
Korean Women Polled Most Want to Spend Valentine’s Day With Gong Yoo Followed by Park Bo Gum and Song Joong Ki — 36 Comments

  1. I would have picked Lee Min Ho he is the funnest of it all with his dorkable personality, he seems to always radiate sincerity and that is my one top priority 🙂

      • Just because others don’t share the same taste with you, you have the audacity to refer to others as childish. I guess you should be excited with a polygamy – you surely can share your boyfriend and husband with others since you want everyone to share the same preference with you. LOL. Get a life.

  2. From the goblin special episodes you can just tell that gong yoo and Lee dong wook are boys who never grew up, but Lee dong wook is more to my taste ?

    • Yes I have had a huge crush on him in a way I’ve never had for any celeb for quite a long time now. I would marry him in a heartbeat especially since he’s a homebody like me haha.

  3. It would be fabulous if FOR ONCE you cite the source of your information. I’d like very much see the whole list and also, of course, the freaking source. I wonder, why the heck you never cite, nor add sources?

    People learn that to do in High School. The heck!

  4. Seriously, the source is not even vaguely mentioned on the post. That, at least, would be something @_@. If you are NOT going to properly cite, give sources and/or credit, you should at least mention the name of the poll, or website/magazine that published/created this news/poll.

    Otherwise, this site is total crap!

    I guess, according to your criteria, I could totally just steal your news and make them “my own” without even linking to you site, much less mention it.

    • You could’ve been kinder in addressing that. This isn’t vital information and being rude is not going to make the writer want to help you.

      • I know right? This is a K entertainment blog. Even if she cited it would the poster be able to read Korean? That’s presumptuous. Now what reputable source would be reliable for K entertainment news. That’s a laugh to me.

        Even when I cite references for my essays I choose which journals or the size of the studies as references. And she/ he is asking ockoala to cite an article which is written in Korean. If she could have read it then she wouldn’t need to come to an English blog.

        And @Jardis is just plain rude and hostile. Plenty of other sites out there for you to comment and read then. Everyone is free to find a ” reputable ” site.

    • I’m shocked at the level of rudeness in your posts. Jeezzz….then go somewhere else to get your news if you need to know the source.

    • Haha i read that one too. In soompi or allkpop. But for the girls, most of them are idols. Hmm… kboys love female idols more than actresses…

  5. not surprise GY is first. his drama just end. he way hotter then the other on the list. his acting is also above those on the list

      • KDW and GY would be a close call depending on the role. But i don’t think PBG is anywhere close to being in the same league as these 2. Not yet.

      • Kang Dong Won and Gong Yoo in the same level in Korea both are talented actors But park bo gum is still young we can’t compare him with great actors like KDW&GY
        Also, GY is successful in movies and dramas nearly all his works are hit

      • No offense to anyone. It’s just personal preference and I am not undermining Gong Yoo. IMO, PBG is young but the boy simply has that gifted talents. His craft achievement is what other actors many need years to develop. At least, that is how I feel about him and yet, he is not even my bias.

  6. Yass! as expected..Gong Yoo

    I think Kang Dong Won and Lee Dong Wook should be in 2nd and 3rd place. *3 hot guys in their late 30s*
    I dont mind selling my soul to grim reaper if i can get these hot guys for my valentine date.. LOL

  7. Haha!! It’s funny how we all have very different tastes. Bogummie is young but I cannot put him in the puppy/baby category, maybe because he is so cheeky and playful, I find him sexy. Instead, for me this happens with Song Joong Ki, he’s so baby-faced, I could never date him.

    Anyway, if I had to choose, for me these days it’s all about Park Hyun Shik, I’ve been smitten by him in Hwarang. He would make a great dream-date 😀

    • Aww…Park Hyung Shik is dreamy. He is so good in Hwarang, the only one worth watching and the only actor who delivered a true sageuk performance in the drama. Those puppy eyes really set my heart a flutter.
      I used to have butterflies in my stomach whenever the mentioning of Lee Jun Ki but these days, I am so totally consumed by PHS. I would want him as my Valentine.

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