
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon Sets jTBC Record and Nearly Breaks 10% Ratings with Episode 8 — 16 Comments

  1. happy for cutie pie park bo young.she has the knack for picking great projects and she is talented as well.she will go far.

  2. My sweet moment of the week ! Bring on more dramas like this ! And that ‘s what i call GREAT CHEMISTRY ! PHS stole the spolight in “Hwarang, “High society”, here the 3 actors shine together!

  3. My new baby Park Hyung Sik. He stole my heart in “Hwarang” and I could not feel happier and prouder that he has proven himself of being worthy of a leading man status. Hope the drama will continue to rise in ratings and break more records. Congrats.

  4. I rarely ever do this anymore but when Minhyuk took a step closer to Do Bong Soo, I literally squealed. Park Hyungsik Is doing such a great job acting the love smitten role. I love it!

  5. i love this drama to bits!
    i love Park Bo Young!
    I love Do Bong Soon!
    I love Park Hyung Sik!
    I love Ahn Min Hyuk!
    I love Jisoo!
    Ah, this drama is just too awesome for words!
    Min Hyuk is so squeeeee-worthy and Hyungsik-ie is nailing the role!

  6. The moment PHS pinned PBY on the floor……Swoonyyyy
    Strong Woman has become my comic relief of the week. PBY is a piece of sweetiepie. Ji Soo is doing a good job interpreting that uncompromising cop. And PHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just can’t get enough of him.

    I also have to give credits to the rest of the cast including the thugs, mom, and dad…LOL

  7. I am so happy that jTBC managed to rival TvN with this drama. And I am most happy for all the casts especially the three leads in particular Park Hyung Sik over the success of SWDBS. The boy is extremely talented. I mocked him for being “Wang So wannabe” in Hwarang’s earlier episodes only to fell head over heels and rooting for him all the way. I am so glad that his first foray as a leading man is widely applauded.

    The only thing I am dissapointed with is how little scene Min Hyuk has with Bong Soon’s dad. One of the element that I am so looking forward is to watch a cute reunion between Jinheung and his adorable bodyguard Pa Oh in modern world.

  8. Love the three of them together – but dont see the need for the serial kidnapper and all the crap associated with that story line.
    Not easy to disassociate the two. –

    CREEPY creep kidnaps young ladies and then they switch to a cute love play between the three. The PD and or writer should be ashamed for the way they are making light of what is happening with the missing girls. The entire story line is UNNECESSARY!

  9. I am so happy for the show and all 3 of them with their triangle of chemistry. The show is funny with a bit of romance brewing and has some edge to it. More romantic scenes like ep 8’s “One step closer” will continue to make my eyelashes flutter! Excellent directing, scriptwriting and acting. Am glad they are getting into more character development. would like to see more on Ji Soo’s character background.

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