
Star Duo Pictures from the 2017 Baeksang Arts Award Doubles the Cuteness — 17 Comments

  1. AHHHH… PBG and KYJ keep giving me those puppy vibes… they are seriously too cute.They are so many fancams and bts pictures of them interacting together and it makes my shipper heart flutter…

  2. My fav picture is the one with RJY and KGE. They look so good together. Plus their interaction on stage is too cute.

    • This is my favorite moment!
      They are really lovey-dovey and uber cute. I thought Park Hyun Sik’s lovesick-look is the best, but this video reminds me that Jo Jung Suk has the most radiant loving look ever in dramaland.

  3. Kim Hye Soo has a really different aura altogther. The rest of the actresses can move aside haha.

    Hope to see her back in dramaland soon.

  4. nothing beats the awkwardly cute that is RJY&KGE, they seriously cuteee on the stage, i lol’d so hard seeing KGE be like “oppa pls say somethin” and RJY “what shud i say” lmao and i kept thinking abt how BYH feels seeing these 2 lol
    i hope writers/PDs took a notice on them and give them projects together again, be it drama or movie 😀

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