
Ruler: Master of the Mask Tops Suspicious Couple and Mystery Queen in Premiere — 16 Comments

  1. You have it wrong the winner is Ruler of the mask


    RulerMasterOfTheMask : 9.7% | 11.6%
    MysteryQueen : 8.7%
    SuspiciousPartner : 6.3% | 6.8%

    • Yes, dramas with big actors always get high premiere numbers (Saimdang, Doctor Crush, Legend of the Blue Sea, Descendants, Goblin etc). Unless they are really bad, they most likely will remain on top.

      • Big actors are not anymore interested in Kdramas due to China Ban. LMH will enlist soon followed by KSH. PSH only interested in Movies and JJH probably will return to movies. SJK? probably movies. The Chinese market was worth billions.

  2. um no. ruler and suspicious partner had their ratings divided into two. 9.7 and 11.6 for ruler. 6.3 and 6.9 for suspicious partner. mystery queen got 8.7

  3. I watched the first episode of Suspicious Partner and I really loved the chemistry between the leads actors. The actress is really brigth and lovely. I’m curious about Ruker Master of Mask so I will watch it.

    • Totally agree with you @Kurama . The chemistry between the leads of SP is sexy in a good way !I didn’t expect that and it’s a really good surprise ! I like the 1st ep too of RM but the chemistry between the leads is not the same kind . Good to see 2 dramas with good actors !

  4. I watched both premieres and loved both of them! You can’t even compare the two because they are so different! I will definitely keep watching and tbh I liked Ruler as much as I thought I would from all the readers and trailers, but I wasn’t expecting to like Suspicious Partner as much! The latter exceeded my expectations, I adore the characters especially the female lead (so glad she get to be pretty, fearless, doesn’t take crap from pole and is nice and likeable) but I’m also quite taken with Ji Chang Wook’s character who already showed a soft and emotional/vulnerable side. Love their chemistry and bickering banter!

    Btw the half episode thing is driving me bonkers… It’s really annoying!

  5. the 30 minutes half episode thing is being done to help them generate more income from advertizers as they will show the adverts during the middle of each thirty minutes so that viewers are compel to watch the various adverts when waiting to watch the other half of the episode.

    sbs is resulting to this since they lost money last year.

  6. in western isnt it having ad every 5 mins? The problem is not the split, the problem is how they count the episodes.

    After watching first two episodes, there is nothing ground breaking about Ruler. The first few episodes of Rebel was amazing, and it has 30 episodes. The odd thing is Yoon So Hee has even more screen time than KSH.

    Nam Ji Hyun is amazing, her character is so loveable. She is not afraid to ugly herself. SP might not be a big hit in rating but im sure you will love her character from beginning to the end like in shopping king louis

  7. I watch both of those new shows, I just want both of them shows to do well, but *sigh* one of them has to get the lesser rating… it’s sad 🙁

  8. I’m holding off until they are a little further in their run. I’m watching Queen of Mystery, and I like it though the pacing and story are uneven. I will love an episode, then like an episode, then there is a “meh” episode …rinse and repeat. I think I’m a sucker for this set up. I always liked Castle and Scarecrow and Mrs. King. I also find the lead actors appealing.

  9. Ruler is intense and tightly written and fast paced! While I wish for more screen time for KSH I still really enjoy it! And YSH is killing it! Truly his best role till date!

    That twist in epi 4 (7-8) was really something! Can’t even fathom how the story is going to progress! Anticipating!

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