
Kim Nam Gil and Kim Ah Joong’s tvN Drama Live Up to Your Name Breaks 6% Ratings for Episode 6 — 23 Comments

  1. The chemistry is spot on and the writing so darn good, I see a bright future for this writer. Kudos to these two prominent actors for taking a chance with her script as well. Especially Kim Ah Joong, she’s very picky in her dramas, turned down Oh Hae Young. Also Kim Nam Gil for picking this after a four year break. Not a dull moment, and episode 8 really takes the cake in navigating the story’s direction into deeper waters. I love this drama sooo much and am now a Kim Nam Gil convert. P>s – My only complaint is that I’m watching it live and darn – the number of ads are appalling. Guess I shouldn’t complain, its a good problem and it brings in more revenue for TVN to give us better productions. Honestly they seem to be the only station able to attract the A listers/veterans at the moment.

  2. Looks like Kim Ah Joong is hitting the jackpot again, after her glory days from 200 pounds of beauty. Her acting is really lackluster but I guess she has found a better character to play this time…

    • I don’t agree. I like her acting. She does not over act to make a point. Her charisma onscreen and nuanced acting sets her apart really.

      • I agree with Jenna. I actually like her subtle acting. Loving her “cool” portrayal of her character here.

  3. After so long, i finally found a drama that keeps me rooted! Was not a fan of the female lead until this drama. What promise did they make if this drama hits 5%? Something about coffee?

    • They promised to give out free coffee if ratings broke 5%..

      And they did fulfill their promise too!

      Anw I love this show so much and can’t wait for ep9!

  4. I’ll wait till it complete.. watching on going drama isnt good for my health hehe
    Love KNG and KAJ. I am really happy that lately kdrama casts mature actors and actresses, with interesting storyline. Maybe I am just getting older, but cliche romance story doest interest me anymore 🙂

  5. Kim Nam Gil is so sexy one moment and goofy the next. The latest episode got me tearing and I could feel his anguish, indignation, resentment hidden in his cries. His eyes evoked embarrassment and the crushing of the last ounce of his pride as he looked upon Yeon Kyung.

  6. This drama reignited my love for BIDAM.
    I have forgotten about Kim Nam Gil since he is so low key and has not been doing much dramas. Love love love “Live Up To Your Name” to pieces. The only drama I truly enjoy so far this year and I truly appreciate watching Bidam in his vagabond phase being all charlie and comedic again. And KNG and Kim Ah Joong’s chemistry is so fierry, even with lack of skinship still so intense.

  7. While I currently follow this drama and relatively enjoy it, I have to say it’s pale in comparison to Secret Forest’s quality. No problem with acting, in fact I just now realize how good Kim Nam Gil is in portraying different emotions. Others actors also act decently IMO. But writing, directing and editing need to be improved. Episode 7 seems like a filler episode, sometimes a scene is shown a lot longer than it needed that I’m afraid the writer doesn’t have enough story to tell. The suppose to be poignant scene towards the of episode 8 lacks camera work. While I understand what kind of emotion this drama wanted me feel as a viewer, I can’t totally immerse my self at that feeling because of that. Maybe Secret Forest set the bar so high for me, ottoke?

    • Dramas that are that high calibar only come around every few years so it’s a sort of unfair comparison but I understand if it can be helped. I was the same way after watching the first season of True Detective, I couldn’t watch kdramas and even some american tv shows for awhile because nothing compared.

  8. Loving this drama a lot! The acting’s great, the comedic scenes are funny without being slapstick and over the top, and the chemistry between KNG and KAJ is fiery hot. My only mistake is watching this live because waiting for new episodes week after week is torture, LOL. Happy to see the ratings rise and I hope it only goes higher in the next few weeks!

  9. Such a nice drama its something that would enjoy watching the comedy scene is very timing and realistic so as the drama scene with KIM NAM GIL and Kim Ah Joong talent surely this drama is a hit. Highly recommended

  10. Im in love to this guy! He has a strong sex appeal… I can’t get over after watching queen seondok, bad man, shark and pirates… so handsome and sexy… He is the one of most great and best actor in korea… He is not typical the korean look guy… iloveyou…

  11. Im in love to this guy! He has a strong sex appeal… I can’t get over after watching queen seondok, bad man, shark and pirates… so handsome and sexy… He is the one of most great and best actor in korea… He is not the typical korean look guy… iloveyou…

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