
Short Hair Definitely a Trend in 2017 with K-actresses in Real Life and Drama Roles — 13 Comments

  1. Not feeling most of these looks either. Jung So Min’s style looks pretty in that picture though, the short hair with the pink dress gives her a gamine charm. And Shin Se Kyung’s hair is the best look of this bunch, like you said – it looks modern and feminine.

    IU also has a great short hair look right now, the style she had in her music videos for Palette and Through the Night are really pretty.

  2. Jung So Min sport that bob really well, she has a small face and the short hair made her more unique looking.

    Ha Ji Won is beautiful with short hair also.

  3. Of all the pictures shown above, only Krystal’s seem to be out of place. It has aged her by many years, which, I’m not sure was the effect she was trying to go for. Maybe a curlier bob would have suited her face better?

    Long or Short, it’s a lifestyle choice, and so long as they are content with their looks, little else matters.

  4. Korea and their trends… Sometimes I would prefer they follow the common sense… in this case, the form of their face.

    Like the mullet haircut… except in Gargoyles, it’s a big no !

  5. Love the shorter hair styles and admire the guts of the actresses who cut. Krystal could use a few highlights around her face. Cutting it all off is a very liberating experience.

  6. I associate bobs with “aunty” actresses. The only two actresses who have looked good in short hair in my opinion are Lee Min Jung(in boys over flowers) and Kim Ji-Won(in descendants of the sun). It made them look classy and badass without looking old.

  7. From the pictures above, only Jung So Min and Shin Se Kyung rock that hairstyle.Ha Ji Won gets away with it by a slight margin but it makes her look aunty like.I think I liked her bob cut in secret garden better than this one.But also she is one of those actresses who looks super beautiful in long hair and her youthfulness is highlighted.Like in that atrocious “the time i never loved you.That drama was horrible but her wardrobe, makeup and hair was on point.

    I think from what I ve seen, this short bob cut hairstyle seems to fit women with small heartshape or oval faces and soft facial features.The ones with small but round faces can get away with it although it tends to make them look like babies.

    Oblong faces like Krystal’s..this style is a no doesnt accentuate her beauty at all..It makes her look like five years older than she is..and since she has very strong facial makes her look intimidating.

    I remember it was the same with Moon Chae Won last year.I am glad she ditched that style and grew back her hair..I am hoping she grows it even longer.In the March/April Marie Claire shoot, she looked so gorgeous and glamourous with her wavy but longer hair.She has the same sophisticated aura like Kim Sung Ryung when they style her right.

    • That’s so true, it’s really dependent on the face shape. Someone like Kiko Mizuhara looks amazing in a bob of any length because it really highlights the facial shape and features, and she knows how to style herself right so she looks chic and modern.

      But if you don’t have the face shape/features for it, it can really emphasise facial features in all the wrong ways, as it does with Krystal. The line of the bob is too harsh when combined with her already strong features, and her styling doesn’t look good with it.

  8. Variety is the spice of life. Even though I might agree that a couple of them look better and/or younger with long hair, I’m all for changing things up for a while. They all look fine. And honestly, I get so tired of looking at 90% of young women in k-dramas sporting the same long-hair look. Yeah, it’s pretty, but it feels Stepford-y when nearly everyone has it.

    My only real objection to a look in this spread is to Shin Se-kyung’s lipstick color. Love her hair, though.

  9. I just realized that a lot of my favorite Kdrama female characters have short hair. PMY in Healer, JSM and LYR in Father is Strange, HYR and PEB in Age of Youth, SHJ in Romantic Teacher Doctor Kim…There’s probably more.
    I agree with nickie about long hair looking stepford-y when everyone has it.

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