
Grim Reaper Thriller Black is Chock Full of Solid Acting and Unexpected Laughs — 19 Comments

    • Mte. Glad that i could relate to your comment above. Kim tae woo is baddass as ‘real’ black. But then, yups, this is so far the vest performance of song seunghoon. I like go ara in here. And the rest cast daebak!!!

  1. Haha, Koala, great to know that we share the same taste in genre and character. Yes Black is wonderfully intriguing to watch, once you decide to give it a go. So many people are put off by the first two episodes which, I agree, can be off-putting and confusing. I admit this writer relishes complexity (sometimes unnecessary) and playing tricks with her audience, but her dramas are so addictive. God’s Gift is one of my favourite K-dramas, and while this one is not really up to that standard and urgency, it does have the additional allure of a reaper character and parallel universes. Song Seung Heon is so sexy and cocky here, and what wonders a combed-back hairstyle and funereal black suit do. Episode 7 was so good, focused, suspenseful and extremely moving. But be also warned. The writing tends to be unstable, and often meanders and loses focus. Today’s episode 8 is a bit of a let-down.

  2. I really love him in this drama… but the story is so a mess. I understand nothing. I think the writter give us some clues step by step but it’s more confusing. And the character of of Ha Ram is boring, all her acts are messy and she’s always crying.

  3. I’m at the opposite end here. I thought the writer was just throwing random plots into the story and Go Ara acting was just too laughable. I cannot take it seriously.

  4. my drama crack at the moment.ssh is very good here and i have always said this song seung hun is a good actor but only when the writing and the pd is great as can be seen here unlike actors like kim rae won who can elevate bad scripts with good acting.

    i understand those who finds the show confusing,you really have to watch attentively and again to understand it.

  5. Loving Song Seung Heon in this Drama. And agree with some comments that you need to watch this drama attentively to understand

  6. Again totally in since with Koala. I was only into the first episode when I dropped it. Then picked it up again cos Hospital Ship was* disappointing n was still armoured with Suzy in WURS. Caught my interest when the imbecile cop is possessed by the reaper. The whole play came alive n SSH is really cool in the all black attire. Definitely one of my favourite drama streaming at present.

  7. Lol…welcome all new members aboard. I can’t leave my eyes off a moment because every single little pieces is crucial to linked the storyline.

  8. i am so loving this drama right now! attention to detail is needed when watching this, nothing can be taken for granted no matter how small or immaterial the information might be. i’m also liking ssh and go ara in this. i think both actors just really need good scripts, pds, and director to be able to bring out their real acting potential.

  9. The storytelling is quite haphazard and inconsistent. I am still watching but I don’t know if I can keep up with the messy plot.

  10. This is a very good show. OCN is consistent in turning out quality dramas even with actors whose acting has been very sub par. The whole production team and crew deserve an award for this show along with the cast.

  11. I’m also watching and enjoying Black. Song Seung Hun and Go Ara are doing very well. I never liked them in anything before but I like both of them in this, they are well chosen for the roles and delivering.
    And the story is thrilling, with all those mysteries. I don’t mind that it can be a bit messy sometimes, I prefer this to boring stories for sure, and it is very entertaining to try and guess everything that is going on there, which is a lot.

  12. Based on koala’s review, I decided to give this one a try but I’m now at episode 4 and really struggling. IDK… there’s just a messy randomness to it that’s annoys me more than grabbing my attention. I’ll probably continue watching it but more than likely it’ll be the last one I watch at night to help put me to sleep…. zzzzzz

  13. black is so funny and the drama didn’t sugarcoat their death story telling so iI am very much satisfied

    it’s a confusing drama because that’s what they aim for, but when they give you the puzzle, it clicked and I love that feeling when I know something is bigger than what is shown

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