
Hwang Jung Eum to Reunite with Namgong Min for SBS Romance Drama Handsome Guy and Jung Eum — 19 Comments

  1. Yayyy…….My Maroo and Bong Uri are getting their shot at romance finally. Hopefully, the writing will be good. Yayyyyyyy.

    • Haha IKR? I ‘m just be happy they finally an otp… But It won’t be the same feeling since they will play different character…

  2. I’m so happy she is back,even with a lot of negativity vibe (sigh) from other people who judge her based on one or two series…anyway HJE and NGM fighting!!!

      • Thanks @honey.I actually realized that we cannot change peoples view/perspective on somethings, it is easier to make blind people see and deaf people hear than those who are completely normal but refuse to see or hear…I just wish the cast the best and entertain us in the best possible way.Looking forward to their collaboration.

        PS.thanks Miss Koala for the good news!

    • I always think it’s funny when int’l drama watchers tend to hate a particular actress (and it’s almost always an actress not actor) while they are loved and appreciated by local Korean audiences. Too bad all their negativity means jacksh** and she will keep getting lead roles in prime time dramas as long as she’s an attraction.

  3. I didn’t even tune in for Falsify, but yay NGM! I’m so looking forward to this.

    Also, bad acting is a hit or miss for me. Sometimes I notice it. Sometimes I don’t. For HJE, even though she’s criticised, I don’t. In fact, I love her from what I’ve seen in Secret, KMHM, and the little bit of CYHMH.

    So I’m glad for this reunion of a favorite actor and actress.

  4. @Lin… I agree.. My most fav on screen couple from Hwang Jung Eum… Their story in Giant move me so much.. Joo Sang Wook please.. LOL

    • LOL I was also thinking that she should reunite with Joo Sang Wook next. Really looking forward to this. Hope the writing and chemistry are top notch

      • amin! I actually waiting and waiting for their reunion but it’s never come. LOL… Since they both already married, I just can ship the character peacefully if they both reunite again…. At times for some reason I’m not comfortable enough watching drama which lead dating aftewards, I keep thinking “their real life persona” instead of character they play LOL

  5. Joo Sang Wook& Hwang Jung Eum were gold together. I watch over and over again when they finally get together on rooftop. Their relationship was so moving and i cried along so many times.

  6. My favorite actress is coming back to dramaland and that is enough to make me watch dramas again. I’ll be waiting for this!

  7. Really surprised to see her back acting..after her marriage i was expect her to retire especially considering how wealthy her husband and in-laws are..

  8. so many negative comments… Even though some of her characters are a bit loud and annoying, I like all of her dramas that I have watched. High kick, CYHMV, Full house II, Secret Love, HMKM, SWP, and even Lucky Romance, she had wonderful chemistry with all her co-stars. Can’t wait for her drama to end my k-drama drought.

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