
Screenwriter of Fox Star Bride Switching Dramas to People of Incheon and Park Shin Hye Reconsidering Project — 50 Comments

  1. Maybe this screenwriter wrote the story of Fox star bride with Hyun Bin in her mind but then he rejected the offer so what’s the use of continuing the project. People of Incheon sounds bore to death though. I bet PSH will reject….ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • IA. There must some script issues that caused the switcharoo or why this script is languishing. If I”m on PSH team I’d think it over a hundred times before considering.

      Sounds like they shopped the film banking on Hyun Bin accepting the role and also persuade PSH to accept but lost their leverage to ink financing when he declined.

    • There are two that popped up in my mind immediately: On the way to the airport with Kim Haneul from 2016 and the currently airing Good Witch with Lee Dahae.
      And I’m not even that much of a dramaholic!

      • I was thinking more of Take Care of my Captain and Air City type of dramas, which features the different occupations in an airport.
        On the Way to the Airport was more of a mature romance drama than anything. Didn’t watch Good Witch, so I don’t know. How was it?

  2. Kang Eunkyung is good at writing slice-of-life dramas like King of Baking Kim Tak-goo and Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim. This might be better actually. I feel like the melodrama genre is overdone nowadays.

  3. If SBS is so eager to get her, why don’t they offer her Vagabond? 😀 Would love to see PSH kick-ass in an action drama.

    • maybe the writer of vagabond have another actress in mine, the writer of foxbride wants psh, writers sometimes have favorite to cast in der dramas,

  4. Lmao no wonder Yang Sejong said he didn’t receive the script for Fox Bride Star. They must have handled him a completely new script without telling him beforehand.

      • @amy, at least hong sisters have Master’s Sun.. although it was good solely because of Gong Hyo Jin and So Ji Sub

      • Hong sisters might have failed in their last two dramas but they have created many classic rom-coms. They used to average one hit drama per year. Meanwhile the Oh My Venus writer has written one drama special and one bad drama. How can you compare the two?

    • I know LJS and PSH were never confirmed to have dated. But it really seems like they did nd they broke up. They have mutual friends like Yoon Kyunsang and Lee Sungkyung but have never hung out since. So I don’t think they will work together again in the near future.

  5. I have waited this long for her comeback drama already. It doesn’t matter if I have to wait a little longer. The most important thing is a good storyline with a well fleshed out female role. I don’t want her to pick a boring role and drama.

  6. i think the story about people work in airport is interesting, good luck from takuya kimura drama,or tom hank movie the terminal is good example. it will be great if it like semi documenter.

  7. Okay so SBS made the writer completely change the setting and plot in this short notice of time. This doesn’t sound good. I know fans are waiting for comeback but great fans will wait a little longer for a better project. I personally think she should take up more movies and comeback in dramas that will be actually good and not a mess. Why are the fans worried about the co-actor though? If she is a good actress, any co-actor would be okay though. Or is it the shippers? Not again… not even her dating news will make shippers stop dreaming

    • You can be a good actress/actor and a bad partner can drag you down, we have seen it many times . It is a distraction. So, does matter the costar, at least that is someone with a decent acting skills and open to create a good synerge!

  8. Who puts this information out? I can only assume it comes from her Agency PR to maintain an interest and drama around her choices…We see so much about what she might take lets here what she is actually going to take because to me that all that matters cause i just want to see her act and i think it should be in films. KDramas to me are now becoming a thing of the past and will continue to struggle for half decent ratings…time to move on and reinvent…My opinion anyway.

    • Her agency is too small to do anything for her. Much less mediaplay about her choices. I honestly think she should move on to a larger agency which could score more big projects for her. But yeah she won’t.

      • Not fair to say her agency is useless. They have been managing Shin Hye’s career and image very well, one stone at time to build a solid house. Shin Hye is very thankful and recognizes that she own her success to God, her Agency hard and methodical work, her , her family, and fans that are by her side!

  9. Lol why do I always see PSH fans (and random passerby) complaining about her projects? You don’t know how good or bad something is till it actually airs, right?

      • They will wait until they die! With God’s will that will never happen, and if happen one day, she will get up and do it again, it is part of life! Shin Hye is a fighter, a warrior, what she has she earn it , it was not given to her in gold plate! She is loved and adored by billions! Peace !

      • One thing about PSH and her agency is that they don’t media play, hype .”Shinhye was even worried Doctors was going to fail, was very modest in her expectation ,she mentioned maybe getting 15% rating when the cast was asked. SBS even failed to promote the show , it was mostly her effort to do it for them! My observation. I’ve seen lots of shows heavily promoted which were big flops at that time and was glad hers was a success despite no effort from the station.

  10. Take a jtBC, OCN or TVN offer Shin Hye ya..or is SBS the only one that gives her offers?If push comes to shove..even KBS is slightly better even though they already have two high profile flops..

    • I second this. Love their chemistry in FBND. And most importantly, Yoon Shiyoon needs another hit drama! It’s been eight years (or five if you consider FBND) since his last one and oh gosh, the guy is talented but is lacking terribly in the luck department. He worked with the writer before too so its possible 🙂 He looks young enough to pass off as someone in his 20s anyway.

  11. People of Incheon sounds refreshing. There are actually all sorts of interesting events happening at airports, during 2 of the most celebrated rituals of our life – saying hello (arrival) and saying goodbye (departure). All sorts of characters and subplots can be introduced – pilots, flight attendants, travelers from all walks of life, plane engineers, etc.

    • I’m not sure about this drama. But if she’s going to do tough female lead that works as traffic controllers / pilot or even plane engineer, than I’m in

  12. It was already embarassing enough that Hyun Bin rejected the romantic plot to go to a better plot story. Im sure this switch is for the better, so we wouldn’t compare so much.

  13. Kang Eun Kyung is a pretty solid writer who delivers ratings hits (Kim Tak Goo, What’s With This Family, Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim) so I would understand if PSH sticks around even for a totally different story but this is still weird.

    • The writer is great, director certainly has produced hits although I don’t particularly like his style. The biggest problem here is SBS. It’s better for any actor to switch to cable channels because of their more original stories. Just because Kang Eun Kyung wrote couple of hits, doesn’t mean this drama will be good, especially now that they changed the premise completely in such a short time.

  14. I hope they execute this drama better than Air City. This genre is quite new to dramaland. We have so many dramas about doctors, lawyers, policemen in K-drama so it would be nice to see a new profession as well. Is it too much to expect something like Triumph in the Skies?

  15. Ah!!Just another recycled poorly written idea that belongs to the past and done many times before…we have reality airport shows these days..Would you really you bother with something so campy ? Hey but maybe the idea is still fresh in S.korea…Time maybe to get maybe a real Airport reality show..most countries have them☺

  16. Something changes are good we just never know maybe People Of Incheon will turn out one of the best drama for 2018. I’m going to put all my trust on writer Kang Eun Kyung cause I have positive feeling about this. PSH choose whatever your heart desires to do and what make you happy. Fighting ??

  17. I think she should consider the lead in the drama with Park Seo Joon that was offered to Park Min Young. I can see Park Shin Hye playing a passive aggressive secretary more than Park Min Young.

    • Knetz were rooting for PSH and Han Hyo Joo as the female lead. But it all depends on the production team if they want to cast her :/

  18. This drama is becoming a great mystery to me.
    I remember it was first announced in Jan and now its March already. Tons of other dramas which were announced at the same time or later has its cast members confirmed.
    Now that Yang Sejong was announced to be in another drama, the possible candidates for the male lead is shortening. Since this drama said it would cast actors in their 20s, the only possible male leads are Park Bogum and Yoo Seungho, considering not many actors in that age group can match Park Shinhye’s status. Or Hong Jonghyun? Anyway I wish SALT can make a decision soon. They were said to have had a meeting but still no word yet :/ Hope she can decline it fast so that she’s open to other projects.
    If she accepts, then there must be a reason for her to do it. Then I wish her all the best and prove the naysayers wrong for putting so much negativity to this project before any concrete details have been released.

  19. If Shin Hye accepted, I hope she will play a bad a* head of airport homeland security agent, female center drama, please!
    Even though, I would like for her to continue to develop her movie cv, but she is her own boss, and I will support however decision she makes!
    Many interesting things happen at the airports from legal tourism, to smuggle people and different type traffics, political conspiracy, murder, celebrities hide out and media playing, with crazy fans, cheaters getting caught, etc, mix with daily common people life, working hard and honestly, falling in love and breaking up, ad on the #Me too movement that is going in full force around the world, a good writer can make it work, in a realistic, dramatic, funny way, with a mix cast, maybe giving the opportunity to a few foreigner artists that are already working in SKorea television( good opportunity to address discrimination against all) . Maybe starting a new Kwave! Lol! Hope they give me credit for it! Lol.
    Did I write the whole plot? Lol
    Baby girl Shin Hye will wait for you, until you head! This is for you only! Lol

      • I really have been waiting to see someone talking about this sort of things that really happen out there, airport is a huge place and as chaos as police stations / hospitals if not worst like what you have mentioned before + the responsibility of being a worker there which means dealing with those situations every day or be responsible of many people’s life as they need to make sure they will travel safely so yeah this drama can be really interesting if its well written

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