
Impeached Former South Korea President Park Geun Hye Sentenced to 24 Years in Jail — 9 Comments

  1. My experience watching several hundred Korean dramas tells me that, no, they weren’t alone in their misdeeds and no doubt happened before. Hopefully, maybe, perhaps things are a tad bit cleaned up now but probably not.

  2. The list above is astronomical and unbelievable. The corruption of power. They may not have been the only players, but they were certainly the two main offenders.

    I’m glad the law has caught up with them. It demonstrates even the President of the country is not above the law. Hope it acts as a deterrant. If you do the crime, you need to do your time.

    She had the honour of being the First Female President, yet was ruined in the end for greed. Now they will have to spend the rest of their lives incarceration.

  3. Sad.Women who were supposed to be a source of inspiration and motivation for many other aapiring women leaders are icons of disappointment.

  4. The amount of greed and corruption is so huge that it staggers the imagination. There were probably many others who received “gifts” for being part of this but remain free. How can two people be so incredibly corrupt?

  5. Some get caught most never will and we will contine to idolise those without knowing unless they too are exposed…the fight must continue to expose as many of the glorified as possible.

  6. This whole scheme to take down Park Geun Hye is a total farce. Interesting that all of her “crimes” were against huge corporations like Lotte Group and Samsung. Just goes to show that you can’t make corporations angry because they run the world. If she had only raided social security or welfare funds for poor people instead, she would have been held up as a hero.

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