
Ha Ji Won Means Brand Business in Beautiful All White Outfit at Event in Seoul — 11 Comments

  1. I miss Ha Ji Won. Hoping she will have a new stellar drama soon. I could not bring myself to complete her last 2 dramas. Here’s hoping for a reunion with So Ji Sub? or is she still considering that new action spy drama with Joo Ji Hoon?

  2. The white outfit suits her perfectly. She seems to be picking up after the tragic death of her father then her brother. Wishing her all the best.stay strong, HJW !

  3. Wonder if we would see a happy ending for her and Hyun Bin.
    Haha a girl can dream right?
    She has a successful acting career,now hope someone would love her well.

  4. Now thats more like it..she looks gorgeous.Outfit and makeup is on point????.I still like her very much so here is to crossing my fingers so that she finds a good drama or movie project to shine again

  5. Gorgeous.
    I can totally see her as the internal sercurity agent in Vagabond, alas wishful thinking… why does it have to be Suzy???

    • And retire to NZ where she purchased her house or holiday home. We’ll welcome her here with open arms! ? Glad she’s looking well and pretty stylish n chic in her suit. Can’t wait for her drama with Joo Ji Hoon too. So many great drama pairings this year! Too much!

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