
Kim Woo Bin’s Agency Celebrates His 30th Birthday and He Promises to Return — 4 Comments

  1. I appreciate getting an update on him. It actually feels longer than a year and a half to me since we got the heartbreaking news– I guess time flies in some situations and drags out in others.

    I hope he recovers fully soon and get on with enjoying his life– I know it’ll be a huge relief to many of us to see him on our screens again (and not just because we miss him).

  2. Miss him so much. He is my only reason watchinv Heirs and Uncontrollably Fond though sadly, I couldn’t pull through to complete watching them. Hope he recovers well.

  3. Even if he decides to walk away I can only wish him the best…sometimes after going through a life changing challenge people re-evaluate goals priorities and life objectives…I know it happend to me with my diagnosis..The jobs we do suddenly don’t become as significant any more compared to our connections and were often inspired to go in a new direction in life for our own personal reasons. Anyone been through this truly understands how things change from
    experience…Good luck to him and lots of love.

  4. I miss as him and his talented self!! He’s in my top 3 favorite Koreans males actors!! I love all his work! I’m a fan. My sister is recovering from breast cancer! I lost my mom almost 2 years ago also from cancer also. My sis had to get both removed and this was all in 3 months. Now she’s fine with both radiation and chemo, the real healing starts now. She has a long way to go with recovery so I know it will take time. Plz take care of yourself and take your time! Wishing you and my sis s healthy recovery. #CancerSucks

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