
HK Singer Ellen Joyce Loo Passes Away After Battle with Depression — 7 Comments

  1. Mental health illness is such a horrible disease, it’s not an external pain but something that eats you away slowly from the inside until nothing is left.

  2. So many celebrities suffer from this condition the numbers are overwhelming including South Korea. I can only send my sympathy and wish them strength on a difficult life journey and get out of the industry if it’s not helping you find the happiness peace and self worth deserved..lots of love to these poor tortured ones who deserve so much more out of life than being judged and scrutinised every day of their lives.?

  3. only 32 times around the sun for young Ellen. I hope she is at peace finally.
    So very sad, so much promise, so much pain. In the end we’re all the same, just human and mortal, just trying to survive each day. When will the end come, we usually don’t know, she chose. again, so very very sad. There is always pain, but times of joy as well, so much joy never to see and experience again.

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