
Park Seo Joon Channels the Modern Rat Pack Look Jetting Off to London — 36 Comments

  1. The weird thing about WWSK is that the mediaplay is on overdrive mode after the drama ended. I basically came across up to three articles on the drama every single day on soompi. I don’t understand for whatever reason that is.
    Park Seo Joon admitted that he is a fashion enthusiast but tbh, I never find him hitting it right with the styling.

    • Since Soompi changed hands to Viki, there are a lot of articles about dramas that are translated on Viki, even if they are really bad like The Great Seducer…

    • @alexa They need to milk it as much as they can.Once another glossy, shiny rom-com drama comes along.The meiaplay around this drama will die a natural death.It was the same with “Strong Woman Do Bong Soon”.It looks like Park Seo Joon is also following the pattern of his predessors IT Boys.Song Joong Ki, Park Bo Gum, Jung Hae In.Rake all the CFs while the hype is hot and when he gets replaced.He would have earned astronomical amounts of cash.

      @annjoel is also right.The cycle of media releases articles of these two..whether its about their outfits or about their thoughts on their career and people bashing them is getting annoying and boring.Its so predictable what the content of the articles will be and the comments that will come out.I really dont understand what is the obsession with their dating status.

      From the way, PSJ responded to the dating rumours.I dont see him as the type to cave to delulu ahjummas and “dress filial” just to appease them.He seem to have the “my way or the highway” personality.Whether his attitude will have long term negative effects on his career has yet to be seen.It could be like Jung Hae In who got switched out so fast.Or like Lee Byun Hun who despite getting venomous comments on his articles.They will watch anything he puts out.I predict PSJ is in the latter.Whether they like him or not, once he comes out with some rom com..They will watch it and start fangirling over him again.

      • I don’t mind if park seo joon getting all fame and became CF king and jung hae in i wish them getting all fame too i will support them as long is not Lee Byung Hun getting all CF and fame after Mr sunshine ended. And of you now mr sunshine getting petition being shut down because pro japanese and glamouring now how korean people hate japan. And why the bettleship island movie getting so much critic and we will see how petition will affect Mr sunshine.

      • They already deal with that by address drama is fiction. Most of comments under mr sunshine on naver are positive. MV trend high on naver every weekend.

    • Thanks for the enlightment everyone. I am ok with both leads (PSJ and PMY), it’s just a bit bothersome to come across articles after articles on the drama and casts when the WWSK already ended airing. Like give me a break, pls!

      Anyway, anyone can just tell me to ignore them. So, ok. I am fine.

      Mr.Sunshine no doubt dominating the rating but the drama is not buzzy enough. Pretty much same like Lawless Lawyer, high ratings but not buzzy. So, Idk how far will LBH rake in on the CF.

      • @alexa.You are absolutely right about Mr Sunshine.It will probably be Kim Eun Sook’s least buzziest drama.Especially when you compare them to “Goblin” or “Descendants of the Sun”. Or even her earlier hits like “Heirs” and Secret Garden.

        “Lawless Lawyer” wasnt as buzzy as say “Secretary Kim” but I wouldnt say it was completely under the radar when it was airing.During its timeslot from start to finish, the articles about the drama were always first or second on Naver in Korea(thats a feat considering it was world cup period).It wasnt completely under the radar either with the international audience either.

        I would put LL together with “Live”, “Mother”, “Life on Mars” and other dramas in the past like “Secret Forest”, “Tunnel”, “Voice”,”Defendant”, “Signal” etc.All had good ratings and good reviews but not too much mediaplay and buzz.If you notice most are legal+thriller+crime.These genres usually get good critical acclaim but rarely buzz.I only remember “I hear your voice” and “Suspicious partner” that buzz but that was because the romance was a lot stronger than the thriller aspects.

        I actually thing buzzy dramas are good for young and trending actors and those actors who also earn their money from doing many CFs.For veteran actors and actors who dont really do CFs like Jung Kyung Ho for example..A buzzy drama or not buzzy drama has very little effect on their careers.As long as they consistently put out good work and good performance.They will still get more offers and will always have an audience ready to tune in to their projects.

    • Probably in a some, still doesn’t mean they are dating. But they both left something on the interviews about possibilities of dating in the future.

      • Read the same article of PSJ on netizenbuzz. Seems like knetz are so sure that they’re dating although no dating pictures.

        Btw, he looks good.

  2. With that being said, now I kind of want a Korean Ocean’s 11. Now who am I going to cast? Ma Doeg Seok for sure.

  3. PSJ and PMY overload once again so it’s getting boring and I’m going West. So I bid you all Good bye and it’s been a blast being part of koala’s playground these past few months and I’ve learnt a lot too so thank you all. Enjoy the banter and keep it real and honest. My interest in K dramas has waned and I’m dropping more dramas then I’m picking them up plus I’ve gravitated more towards C and J dramas. Koala has been a great source of info and entertainment and I’ve thoroughly looked forward to her daily posts. Peace n love n happiness people, Ann Joel signing out ?

    • We are going to miss you ?

      Last note… Please do take time to check on “My Ajusshi”. It’s worth your time investment. I assure you that.

      Much love @AnnJoel

    • What C dramas are you watching? Majority I’ve watched were worse in than kdramas in terms of dragged out plots and overused cliches.

  4. Either necklace or glasses park seo joon-ssi(the glasses look ok, its the necklace thats distracting).Wearing both makes him look like a polished loan shark.And get rid of that hairstyle honey.Maybe the girlfriend likes that do.But frankly it doesnt flatter his looks.

  5. His style is so tacky and screams “nouveau riche” which I personally find unattractive. His acting is only okay. Better than Lee Jong Suk’s or Lee Min Hoo’s. Somehow LJS’s black T-shirt, casual jeans and black cap seem much more attractive than PSJ’s fashion…

  6. I’m ok with his hairstyle but I prefer his brushed up look. It’s good that he’s striking while the iron is hot. He has all the tools that he need – talent, great physique, charm & hard working (he seem to take on project after project which is good in being relevant).

    • Another refreshing comment. I’ll be real for a second and it will probably annoy some readers here a bit but it honestly gets exhausting coming here and reading unecessarily harsh comments towards actors and celebs who are busting their butts trying to please an extremely picky and fickle audience in South Korea while trying to do what many of them love. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older or maybe it’s the social and political climate here in the US that has worn me to the bone but I find I want to distance myself from unecessary negativity these days (not to be confused with constructive criticism devoid of vitriol which is always welcome). I’m also trying to change my words and what I say to others and about others including actors and celebs I don’t particularly care for.

  7. Hmm… Still couldn’t finish secretary kim. Since romcom isnt my cup of tea. Psj is so underrated, when i found his acting was so so comparing to Mr. sunshine boys or Jung Kyung Ho. But well, it’s about LUCK. 90% of luck.

    I dont find him handsome either. He looks boring in those outfits. Well, just not my fave. I prefer looking at wonbin’s last appearance with his so called messy her instead of this one. At least, wonbin still has that ‘it’ charisma.

  8. Yikes. Both PSJ and PMY continue the same hairstyle as in WSK, a drama that I could not finish… Boring! PSJ – ditch those shiny lip gloss, it’s soooo ugly on a man.

  9. I like that he basically told the delusional commenters to take a hike. Just carry on with business as usual and go about your life, that’s the best approach.

  10. He looks good, it seems like he liked the way he was styled on WWSK and has kept the style for a little longer. Or maybe his agent encouraged him to do so to keep association with WWSK although I’m not so sure that’s the best idea. He looks in a good mood despite all the BS going around with the dating scandal.

  11. He doesn’t look like a gang member and he doesn’t look like he’s about to case any hotel. Maybe he could have worn a pair of black and silver wire sunglasses but the short thin chain looks good. He looks hot and ready to make some money and ladies’ hearts pound. He’s a grown sexy man. NOT A BOY!

  12. Paris , London! Lol. Which girl group or solo singer is about to debut ! Does he have to promote someone! Lol. All this feels sooooo familiar! Lol. Believe me! Lol

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