
Jo In Sung Becomes Instagram Worthy in All Peach Suit at Movie Premiere for The Great Battle — 16 Comments

  1. Wanna bet this movie will be flop like in rang:the wolf brigade. What’s happened with hwang jung min new movie? It’s flop or hit? Since spy gone north competition with ha Jung woo movie along with god.

  2. I think the worst style was the one of Jung Eun Chae. In the first press conference, she already wore a awful dress. I don’t know why she chose oversized clothes…

    Seolhyun looked beautiful and her fans were funny :p

    What’s wrong with the voice of Um Tae Goo ?

    • Seolhyun is a pretty girl with great proportions and in a way, a more conservative looking dress fitted the event, but I just simply hated that dress. It had ugly puff sleeves, weird Amish collar and a nun-like color palette that just made a pretty girl look plain. What’s up with these puffy sleeves these days? They don’t flatter anyone.

  3. The number of people who pull off peach color and maroon shoes is very small. I guess this is the reason why Kim Min Hee couldn’t date him anymore. Him taking those selfies make him look so.. weird and childish.

    • I know why Kim min hee break up with him because he’s gay, Gong Yoo and him was dating each other. You can find them from Lee byung Hun box ex-file. That’s was the reason I really hate mr.santa clause cause he write dark world from k-entertaiment industry. But his drama still hit big rating and got bigger than goblin because magic of mother Kim eun sook.

      • Why do you think Jo In Sung is gay? Just because he had a sex scene with a man in A Frozen Flower? Isn’t Jo Jin Mo gay then too? We don’t know about their sexuality based on characters they play. By that definition, you can call Neil Patrick Harris, who is openly gay, heterosexual too because he had romance and sex scenes with actresses in movies and dramas. Also, Mr. Sunshine is not bigger than Goblin. Goblin had higher ratings and way more internet hype.

  4. NJH looks like an ajusshi in this suit. SMH. He cannot act and he looks so “dim” next to JIS. He is lucky to be in the movie with JIS. LOL.

  5. Wow , such handsome guys , and very fashionable . A lot fans to support them, so much love. Wish them the best, I am sure they give their all. Fighting .

    • Because of the Korea vs. Japan game airing on MBC, which fared stronger (13.6% ratings versus Mr. Sunshine’s 7.7%) and preempted the weakly-performing “Hide and Seek.”

      • Even the rating falling because asian games I’m happy that santa claus drama get 5% rating lols.

  6. Jo In Sung, what a star…just love his shows and he is all that a celebrity should be. Love his outfit and only he can carry a peach suit so fine. Wishing the best for his movie.

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