
Yoon Eun Hye Mixes Reel and Real Playing Top Actress Character in MBN Drama Fluttering Warning — 19 Comments

  1. I liked her styling in MHIYD, I didn`t like how the story progressed. They couldn`t decide between Yong-hwa and Lee Dong Gun. I can`t belive it`s onle a week to premiere.

    • It’s because JYH’fans didn’t want the female lead have had a happy ending with the male lead (LDG). They wanted YEH’s character ended with JYH’s character who’s just the second lead. They (fans) have made a petition to the production co. So as a compromise the producer changed the ending to appease the fans, which IMO is a bad decision. That’s what you get when your costar has a huge followers ?

  2. I easily get bored with plain rom-com drama but I so excited about this drama. I can’t wait for CJM to be back in rom-com & pairing with EYH, I am expecting this drama to be epic.

  3. She looks plastic, bald and good luck coming back after all those flops and as the most hated celeb in Korea. Lmao…
    She is hopeless

  4. Her acting and pronounciationd are so bad.
    She has terrible lisp and now her face looks full of botox
    Sh can’t even move her mouth properly
    Don’t see any chemistry btw the leads too
    She needs to stop and just continue on with China and her plagiarism

    • Maybe its better if you talk to yourself first before you say negative things about other people. You are not even perfect. We aged because we are human. So if you cannot understand that. Then, probably your’e from Mars.

    • Maybe whom they really hate is themselves.
      They can’t help but boost their poor self esteem by writing mean comments about someone who is doing well in life, making a comeback and looking glamorous like that.

      • Haha yeah too bad guys. No worries. YEH unni will not be happy if we take revenge and do the same hateful words to them. Let’s continue to spread love and support our YOONEUNHYE. She’s back and ready to face the Kdrama by the grace of God. She’s a changed person and her faith to God is stronger than ever before. Fighting unni! I love you no matter what. ❤️?

  5. O My GOSH! D haters’ words r so full of venom. Nobody is pointing a gun at yr head to watch this drama. Just go n support yr favourite actress n stop condemning othr actress. GOD Bless yr poor soul!! So funny people like you still exist in this world. Wonder what colour is yr heart??

  6. Haha yeah too bad guys. No worries. YEH unni will not be happy if we take revenge and do the same hateful words to them. Let’s continue to spread love and support our YOONEUNHYE. She’s back and ready to face the Kdrama by the grace of God. She’s a changed person and her faith to God is stronger than ever before. Fighting unni! I love you no matter what. ❤️?

  7. Some people are so pathetic that they want other people to feel the same way too. Good thing Eun hye yoon knows herself and what she can do.
    We are a Fan and no one cant take that a way from us… So if you dont like hye then dont read or comment at all noone is stopping you. If your’e not happy about your life spare us (eun hye’s fans) coz we will be with her all the time.
    She’s our idol the moment she act goong whether shes all pretty and not who cares as long as she acts on tv and dramas.
    Do you have any idea how her dramas affected us her fans? We waited for 5 freakin years for her to be active again.
    If you hate your life or self again spare us.

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