Fantasy and Reality Collide in Spain in Third Teasers for tvN Memories of Alhambra
I’ve been excited about tvN drama Memories of Alhambra since the casting of leads Hyun Bin and Park Shin Hye were announced but now I’m legit stoked just to see the story unfold. The third set of teasers are out and it provides glimpses of elements fantastical such as empty train stations and a knight with arrows sticking out of his back riding a horse in the middle of a Spanish square. The visuals are super neat and the two leads look incredible individually and together. The drama doesn’t premiere until December 1 but it’s clear that tvN is putting the effort into slowly stoking interest the right way with nuggets of information.
Third teaser for Memories of Alhambra:
PSH looks great in her red costume.
OMG I’m so excited for this to air soon. If only this is my queen. The most beautiful girl in drama land, I 100% sure they will have explosive chemistry just like how they slay Secret Garden. No one make brings out Hyun Bin’s acting like Ha Ji Won did. He need to reunites with his precious girl soon so they can hit big again. Fighting BinWon Amazing couple. Cheering for Hyun Bin drama.
When I though his two past prettiest actress are Song Hye Kyo and Han Ji Min.
I love the concept already…mysterious and probably dealing with times traveling. Glad that he is pairing up with different actresses. Not to be mean but am I’m the only person who don’t find Secret Garden that much of a great drama? I also watch the drama because Hyun Bin was in it. So I never really understand the hype of Secret Garden and the couple. But I’m looking forward to this new pairing with Park Shin Hye and Hyun Bin. TvN is in the game to have all the Hallyu stars on their side.
@Passerby You don’t have to like Secret Garden or my amazing couple. Usually people always blah about how over hype SG is because you simply don’t like Ha Ji Won with him. He don’t show that side of affection towards your favorite so it’s not wrong to be jealous. I watch WW with Song Hye Kyo and their chemistry is not on the same level as SG when Song Hye Kyo is his girlfriend. WW is so freaking boring that it’s become a super big flop. Han Ji Min and him are unbearable to watch. He seem to give up haft way through the drama because she was such a horrible actress. He don’t even care to give her any credit, just silence. The biggest flop he ever facing.
As for Park Shin Hye she has never really wow me so I’m crossing my fingers on this drama for her to show me some acting skill.
I guess we have to see you in every post of this drama in upcoming months?
Can you just go you your shipper thread or something?
HJW is the best to you but she isn’t the lead here. So let people enjoy their drama, can you?
@HLD what’s your problem about me being here to support and see updates of my amazing man. I’m just stating the true. So don’t be to shallow because even the administrator of this forum love my Amazing couple. It’s because theirs to many anti jealous people my couple don’t have a thread together.
@ReignSg1023 – everyone is moving forward but you are staying in the past (SG in 2010). Do not call others shallow as I don’t think you know what “shallow” means. This world is a much bigger place than what’s happened to you in 2010.
@ReignSg1023: Do you even know the definition of Shallow? How am I shallow when I simply asked you not to be rude because the female lead isn’t HJW? Since you might need to look up for Shallow definition, might as well look for “delusional” and “disrespectful” since they fit you perfectly
I feel bad for HB and HJW to have fans like you.
@ReignSg1023 Chill girl I was just stating my opinion as you do yours so why being green about his other dramas. WW and HJM is not your favorite as SG is not my kind of drama. I don’t care if he have chemistry with SHK or HJM. I only watch what they can deliver on the screen so your point of chemistry level leave it to you. Ha Ji Won is the prettiest in your eyes but not in mine.
This is Memories of Alhambra with Park Shin Hye as the lead actress, not Secret Garden. I don’t see Ha Ji Won’s name or face in the script so why bother to bring her up. Just let everyone enjoy Hyun Bin new drama. Doesn’t matter if Park Shin Hye is good or not. He’s her leading man and she’s his leading woman.
If you miss Ha Ji Won and Hyun Bin so much then go back to watch Secret Garden. No one stopping you.
Lol just ignore that attention seeker/troll. She’s just seeking to find people to talk to here. I recalled she first tried to promote her instagram here lmao. Pathetic.
@Candycane Can’t help it if I’m stuck in 2010 because Ha Ji Won is the one whose giving me hope. She’s giving Sega fans hint of their whereabouts. You’re still living in the same era as I am because your love for Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won is no different from mine. Why not just admit your a Sega fan yourself before. So stop preaching here because you are as shallow as I am. Just don’t want to admit it.
@Passerby You know you care that’s why you reply. Admit your hate Ha Ji Won because of Hyun Bin.
What? you must be crazy that I live in the same era as you… hahaha… LOL… To me “Sega” is the video game centre in Akihabara where I played while visiting my Obachan. I don’t need to ship anyone, those shippers are delusional.
@ReignSg1023 Why do I felt bad for you and those other loyal Sega shippers out there. Going around bragging Hyun Bin dating Ha Ji Won secretly when he know her for a decade. It’s really sad and so low of Ha Ji Won when he only met Kang Sora for 2 week and is already claiming her his girlfriend but not Ha Ji Won. SMH!!! He don’t love her after all then.
Don’t turn every Hyun Bin post into a Secret Garden war with his other female actresses. You’re making other people dislike your gorgeous goddess because not everyone dig her beauty like you. Like many have said here this is Memories of Alhambra not Secret Garden or Ha Ji Won.
This teaser looks really good. I think pairing HB with a younger actress (like PSH) is a better idea.
Both have insane charisma on screen and I can’t wait for their smoking hot presence in the camera plus both are great interpersonal relationships with colleagues and staff that it will for sure create a wonderful synergy where everyone will shine. I’m so curious with the story. Will PSH be a figment of game HB gets to play? Hope this drama will have a cohesive story till the end. But the pretties….sigh so gorgeous.
Are people sure now that it’s game related? I was guessing in the other post about it being game related. I had no idea how I came to that conclusion either lol
Whatever it is, I am now 100% on board! December is too far away :\
Yes, it’s game related but how? We don’t know yet.
I’m excited!
After so many teasers I still can’t tell what story to expect. It looks very mysterious. Eagerly waiting.
It’s the story and writing first and foremost and if that is signed sealed delivered then everything else will fall into place. HB n PSH would have the script handed to them on a plate and they’ll work their magic from there. If not Im gonna be so flipping wild!!!! Please be good I just want this drama to be successful for everyone’s sake x
OMG This looks soo good!
And PSH is gorg in the red veil. I need it now.
Please be good drama.
I became suspicious about fantastic dramas. It tends to start very well and to end up so-so. So I really hope that the story will be good during all the drama, I have no doubt about the casting, they look good 🙂
All the teasers look phenomenal, I can feel the great chemistry between these two main leads already. Anyways I’m so down 100% for this drama, December pls come little bit faster.
Can’t wait for this drama…..I’m pretty sure Shinhye will have great chemistry with HB as she did well with KimRaewon. The commenters said too old for her at that time but another of her ship was born.I think she has the most number of them compared to all others, just saying. It’s just imagination anyway.
Just have a good story drama and fans are good to go 🙂
Ugh Secret Garden shippers are super delusional and annoying just move on already it’s been 8 yrs e i g h t fuken years MOVE ON. Hyun Bin has acted with other actresses and dated other women in between he doesn’t give fuk about SG ship and stupid shippers delulu
love love love the teaser. Can’t wait. Haven’t watch dramas since the last drama PSH starred in. Coming back to watch her!
There are so many delusional Sega shipper out there it’s not just her. I’m applause for them that still exists and activate until now. Cheers.
PSH looks so pretty in the red veil. I cant wait for this drama to air december please come soon 🙂
@ReignSg1023 OMG why can’t this Amazing Sega Couple shipper learn to be polite and let people enjoy a project of Hyun Bin with other actresses.
Seriously no one have interest in Ha Ji Won in this topic so stop bringing her up. You really make her name even more annoying now. If the post clearly state Hyun Bin is marry Ha Ji Won then you can go on with your bragging of how beautiful Ha Ji Won is. This is Park Shin Hye not your most gorgeous Ha Ji Won in the world. Dam i felt bad for Park Shin Hye she’ll be compare to Ha Ji Won after this drama like Hyun Bin’s other actress.
Lolz I second too think Secret Garden is overly hype because I don’t even know where to start.
Anyway hopefully this drama is worth my wait. Please let December come by soon with Hyun Bin and Park Shin Hye. The teaser really is teasing everyone’s long wait.
Wow so excited for this drama.. ilove shin hye much more any actress.. she lovely and good acting as well.. love her so much..