
Excitement and Romance Heats Up in 4th Teaser for tvN Drama Memories of Alhambra — 27 Comments

  1. Omg the 4th teaser is so amazing given me the Goblin vibe. Hyun Bin with the sword is a present view. Park Shin Hye is very pretty in this drama. I’m loving the cinematographic so much. My hope is up for good ratings. Please let the drama be as good as the teaser. 20 more days to go.????

  2. Looove it, Park Shin Hye and Hyun Bin make a beautiful couple, and I believe in the writer and the director, so this is a must watch drama for me, can’t wait!!

  3. Nice teaser! This drama had been filming since May and I read that they are still finishing now and December? Crossing fingers that it will pay off , do gang busters in ratings with great reviews.

    • They were probably filming 1 episode in 2 months like many of the so called ‘pre-preduced’ dramas that when the actual broadcast comes, it becomes a live-shoot production.

      • Nah they already have at least 13 episodes on hand and need to wrap up next month. Park Shin Hye has her movie lining up too

    • I don’t think they will film in December. They filmed 12 episodes by November already so pretty sure they will be done by the time the drama premieres. The production team needs time to do the CG and special effects.

      But still, six months for a drama is really long. I think Hyun Bin and Park Shinhye took alot time off during the filming as I keep seeing them fly back and forth for events.

      • They will still film in December according to a staff on Instagram.
        Pre-produced dramas tend to take a long time in general. Mr. Sunshine took almost a year to film.

      • Haha you know what I mean. I hope the writer doesn’t give all the fun things for the male lead and only let her be the useless love interest. PSH has proved she can do action too. So don’t waste it!

      • yes i do agree PSH has so many talents and she can almost do everything, maybe she can dance as well on the drama hahaha xD

  4. Omg my beautiful Mr. Kim is so gorgeous and his look reminded me so much of Kim Jim Woo. Miss Secret Garden very much. Fighting my wonderful man.

  5. I dunno why korean writers like basically recycle their own ideas. Especially the ones, who catch fire with one of their “hits”.

    • Lmao what are you even implying?
      At least reading up what’s this drama is even about first. People love assuming and don’t try to educate themselves. And you must be new With fantasy right? Did I say this drama is sci-fi?
      I have some issues with SJJ such as she is too ambitious and her dramas tend to focus on the male leads or that she doesn’t give much care to the ending too. But copying others isn’t one of them

      • Yeah, typical agressive k-drama watcher and koala-netizen, nice to meet you. Have a good day and mind your own education and etiquette before speaking to someone.
        And, you should read what others write more careful. I said “recycle their own ideas”, maybe you should google first what is it.

      • Lmao you haven’t even watch the drama But already make judgement on something you don’t even know?
        So who is aggressive here? And original or not? How do you know? Since you haven’t even watched it? I guess you can see future. Well, then good for you. At least to me her dramas aren’t like others and yes, each writer has their own significant style but I’ll hold my judgment until I watch the drama

  6. What I have seen of SJJ’s work she is one o& the most imaginative and creative writers that I have come across. One can never guess what’s next in her dramas..( W, Nine)
    Keeping this in mind I doubt it’s going to be like any other drama.

    An exciting, stunning full of suspense trailer!
    There may be some elements similar….every writer has her/his trademark but am hoping this will just be that and we will not be thinking of any other drama as we watch Memories of the Alhambra.
    Have not seen Goblin or Train to Busan.

    Do hope PSH is part of the amazing action scenes too. She has proven herself to be great in them. Also, it would make for good viewing to see a slim frail girl pitted against a ferocious looking warrior wielding a scimitar 🙂

  7. Teasers have been looking good so far. The leads have amazing visuals. Just hope the writer won’t fall apart halfway through like the drama W. Will PSH have any action scenes other than running? Will she fight/marital arts?

  8. Hyun bin bin really busy this year but his last two movie was flop in box office. I thought hb fans will blame park shin hye if this drama getting flop in rating. I hope next year’s hb can choose good movie and good drama instead continue flop after flop.

  9. I want to know why I’m seeing more Chanyeol than Park Shin Hye in the teasers. This drama better not waste Park Shin Hye especially since it has both music and action which is what she excels at. I’m looking forward to what they do with this concept of AR games because it looks very cool.

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