
Stills for 3rd Episode of Memories of Alhambra Unveils New Details of Mysterious AR Game — 45 Comments

  1. I was legit excited for this drama but now that its aired i really dont care about it anymore. This drama is not boring but it doesnt make me excited to wait for the nexr episode gonna give it a try to couple more episode.

  2. I can’t wait! I don’t remember the last time i had so much fun with a drama and this one feels so refreshing and i like the pace. I have a few small issues with MOA but there’re still 14 ep to go so they can fix that! I feel the story from here will get better and better.

  3. OMG I seriously can’t wait for episode 4 and 5 to air. Love this drama so much because it has everything I’m looking for. Hopefully it won’t turn to be a melodrama I’m the last section. Hyun Bin is such charismatic actor. I love the Park siblings too. I can’t wait for the ost to be release.

  4. Yeah tomorrow then I’ll get see the the next continue parts. Have never been so excited over a drama like this since I’ve watch My Name Is Kim Sam Soon, Sad Love Story, The Snow Queen, Full House and Padam Padam. So hard to find a good drama nowadays so please Memories of Alhambra don’t fail on me. Anyway a bad idea because finals is coming up. ?

    • You speak my mind here, while waiting for tomorrow episode their still finals to worry about. Hopefully everyone did good on their finals.

      ❤❤❤ Memories of Alhambra is a must watch.

  5. Hyun Bin did it again with his remarkable performance. He seem to really enjoy his role and make it look so real. I don’t know why people make such big deal over the ratings? If the script is good and the actor can bring his/her characters to life, that’s the winning drama already. Park Shin Hye look gorgeous in that red veil but her performance need to be a little natural. I love the innovative gaming ideal of the writer. The last part of episode two left me thinking what happened to Se Joo why is Jin Woo wearing his sneaker?

    • Ratings will be a big deal ofcourse.
      The production team, network, the casts and fans will always concerned with positive result.
      It reflects how gen audience will accept the drama they worked hard.
      It will always be a big deal as it draws more advertiser/sponsor to drama, new ppl for cast to endorse, more invite for more good drama offer for next project and buzz, popularity and Awards.

      So far this drama is successful in the rating game considering this is a new genre in kdramaland in a cable network, but it’s too early to tell,I hope that writer won’t disappoint.

  6. My Kdrama slump finally over!! :)))
    And boy what a drama…
    SJJ creative well knit script to keep one’s mind always guessing
    AGH’s slick detailed direction successfully implementing AR game in real setting…and Gish what superior action and CG work of movie standad leading to a sensational production
    Last totally immersive performances by the cast
    The role of Jin Woo promises to be Hyun Bin’s best one of his career…superb in every way. Also, never seen him look this good
    PSH looking lovely in every frame. Together with HB in my eyes the best visual couple with what looks like a build up to great chemistry going forwards.
    One thing that I have to mention is the Humour sprinkled throughout …..
    That alone pulls me in…
    With the setting in place…in the first two episodes it’s going to be a roller coaster of a story…
    A not to be missed drama

  7. I really can’t wait for the next episode! I never was this hooked with a drama before. At first I was a bit interested BC of the leads but when I watched the first two episodes, I was thrilled and didn’t feel the time! What surprised me is that I really feel like I’m the one who is playing the game not hyunbin, I felt immersed & we could already laugh, get thrilled and curious. I love how this is the first kdrama ever to revolve around a technology that exist in our life and keep advancing! They are going to show the fun and bad side of it. Last scene showed how damaged hyubin is.
    Just hope they will focus more on the characters too BC I can’t wait to know who is the one that is wearing the red veil and how’s Heejoo’s character and how she will change ???❤❤❤

  8. Thanks to my awesome Asian club for the recommendation of this drama.

    I finally watch it and wow just the first two episodes I’m hook. Hyun Bin is flawless, he kept me captivated by his natural acting. Park Shin Hye is also very cute and agree she is a bit lacking other than that she’s perfect where she is. Chanyeol did great too though his screen times is very short. Omg can’t wait until more episodes come out to spazz about this drama.

  9. I like it that the drama makes one think! We are not really sure what will happen next. As a fan, I just want Shinhye to have more screen time. But overall drama did well with how it can hook those who are not familiar with AR. I love the opening graphics … it looks like a big movie to me. Another thing, kudos to the Spanish actors and extras, the acting were once natural for a kdrama.

      • Same, we fans of her hiding in the cave for too long waited for this drama comeback of her, and we saw little of her part, disappointed too, however I understand cause it needs to make the audience understand the game so ep1 &ep2 show the premise of AR game,and it is cool and addictive.
        I haven’t watch any drama from this writer so maybe I don’t know how he/she will lead this drama but the mystery and fresh idea in kdramaland is something to look forward to each episode.

        Some from our fandom were disappointed because of her character too, doing candy character after kick-ass woman in doctors, and with little screentime, but I trust shin hye with her choice, I hope there’s more to her character, ? I hope this drama to be successful one.

    • True, the opening credits is really something!! now, if this drama will hit big time I wonder if they will create and launch the game,Memories of Alhambra like Pokemon Go, or maybe not exactly an AR (cause too ambitious, risky &expensive) , just a game with world in Granada or maybe in Korea.

      ah the pop culture they can create.

  10. I was never a game fan but watching Hyun Bin playing the AR game in the first and second episodes make me somehow wanna play the game too. He’s so handsome, funny and so good with his part. I’m interested to see if both his ex-wives will play a big part of this whole drama. I’m not really a fan of Park Shin Hye but somehow i like her in here. She’s cute and quite cringey. Her lashing back to Hyun Bin scene is so funny. Dam she can talk so fast. Love her so far and Chanyeol part got me wondering if the guy in the train have a part to connect with the game. Last park of episode 2 is so cool. Maybe Jin Woo’s prediction to Hee Joo during their talk backfire him in the future.

  11. This drama is addictive. I love the cinematographic and everything. The writer and producer chose the perfect cast. I can’t imagine anyone playing Jin Woo role because Hyun Bin killed it.

    Lol my Korean professor even love it too. I don’t know Korean entertainment and their actor is that much of an impact to their everyday life. She even mentioned some of the big hit production.

  12. I wonder if the game will develop an AI, then will then turn against its creator and players. In short I’m curious how the story will turn out. I hope it doesn’t crash and burn like W did.

  13. I love this drama, so promising and the CGI is just so amazing.
    The AR game is interesting as the historical places and characters in Granada are incorporated.

    Looking forward for ep3 as how shin hye character will connect to story, who is the red veil woman?

    I hope writer Nim won’t waste shin hye on this one.

    Come on!Let the girl kick and swing a sword.Let her find her brother in the AR game world too.

    I am glad for otp though, the chemistry is there ,loveline is not forced, and I hope it will stay that way, I wish a slow build romance with good story in this drama with full of action &humour. Ha.

  14. This drama is love i hope it keep being good and entertaining until the end. The ending ost will be released tomorrow at 6 pm in Korea.

  15. OMG I can’t wait to tomorrow episode. This drama is getting so good and addictive. The plot twist at the end of episode 3 is so interesting. Hyun Bin is so sexy in the robe…??? Park Shin Hye now sold me with her acting. She is so cute and funny. If she keep up with this, I’m hook.
    These two are so funny and cute.

    • No offense but If you find Hyun Bin good looking and sexy, you have bad taste. Nothing about him is appealing not even his acting is worth the praise. Of all his generation he is the most unattractive explained why his fan base is so little compared to everyone else. He barely had any fans but just shippers.

      • So what if I have bad taste, I didn’t ask for your opinion on who I should like. If I like him then that’s my problem so mind your own business.

        Unless you are from one of the two most annoying shipper of his I’ll probably understand. I recall this kind of pathetic nonsense is usually from those two craziest fallout fan shipper. Poor thing! you really need to move on.

  16. Lol on these fans who’s raving over this drama. It’s a copycat of SAL and the director could have chosen a better actor instead of Hyun Bin. What is so cool about him, he’s not gonna bring any viewers to this production. Park Shin Hye has always been on hit production but i doubt she’ll be on top for this. Why do fans keep comparing this drama to Encounter everywhere. Encounter is so much better since it original and have capable actors.


      • Dam all these MOA’S fans really can’t take any criticism. Memories of Alhambra is not that good and also ratings is so low too when it’s two hallyu starts that’s leading the drama. Extra bonus points for it to hit big is there’s a famous idol who take parts in the drama.

        It loose to a drama like Sky Rocket so you guys need to chilled. It’s not wrong for her to speak her mind because people are comparing Memories of Alhambra to Encounter everywhere on these drama blogs. Except it or not Encounter is a better drama with better plot and both characters are top notch.

      • This is not the article to mention Encounter. No one cares to make any comparisons except you. There is no need to change usernames to leave multiple comments of the same thing. You are the one who need to chill.

      • “Oh so my retarded ass came in here to randomly hate on that drama, and one fan speaking up about it means MoA fans are defensive and can’t take any criticism!!!”

        You sound absolutely dumb and illogical. Go take some English classes if you have the time to talk crap here.

      • @Lover has become @Xxx – for sure you will need some English classes because you cannot even get your name right. Didn’t your parents give you a proper name? Your next username will be @AV… LOL…

      • I will reply back when all these funny fans learn to accept others opinion that it’s not only their that matter. Y’all need to grow up.

      • @Lover: You should be glad people even talk to you here. You seem like a pathetic outcast in real life.

    • 1. FYI the director is not blind to have chosen him for the role.

      2. He’s awesome because he’s able drawn a hater like you to watch him slaying this drama.

      3. Sorry but I like Memories of Alhambra more than the other dramas you mention.

    • I did not see Encounter being mention in this post so stop trying to start fan wars. Do me a favor and go praise your amazing dramas at their original post.

  17. The latest episode is so exciting! I can’t predict what will happen next. Production value is just top notch, the actors delivered! Now I understand why Shinhye took a long time to decide what her next project was going to be… this drama is perfect so far! Keep up with the great job, MOA team.

  18. This drama was worse than hide jekyll me, I don’t understands why the writer make binnie kill someone in reality on the game. Too bad this is pre production so they can change the story line. Why waste time kill second lead? Even the rating going down after binnie kill someone. This drama was worse than W. Poor binnie and park shin hye you all deserve success.

    • only ep 3. You are not that stupid to assume the second lead is dead, are you? hahaha… You are trying too hard to find trash to write… You do not have to report everytime after you finish watching this drama, do you know? LOL.

  19. This drama is so good and so addictive. Waiting for Jin Woo to encounter Emma more in the next coming episode. The ost is so good. Hyun Bin is so charming. ??

  20. I was doubting this drama at first but now become my one of my favorite. Finding myself waiting for every weekend to come by. Hyun Bin stole my heart again with his charismatic performance and that lovely dimples. Love his chemistry with Park Shin Hye. She’s so cute in today’s episode. OMG Emma is very gorgeous and knowing she is a moster in the game got me even more excited. Chanyeol is still a mystery so I’ll wait to see what happen to him. Poor Jin Woo killed Mr. Cha and now confused. OMG I’m dying for tomorrow episode.

  21. I love this drama. I love HB &PSH together. I specially like that I can watch it on Netflix HD and not have to watch it on my laptop^.^ This is why I miss Dramafever, I could watch all the dramas on TV. Would be nice if it came back^.^

  22. Not really a fan of the first two episodes, but the third one is good.
    Can’t wait to see the game world where Se-joo and Hyung-seok apparently got sucked in, and for Emma to finally talk (when Jin-woo gets to level 5, that is).

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