
First Adorable Posters for tvN Drama Romance is a Bonus Book with Lee Jong Seok and Lee Na Young — 7 Comments

  1. I’m definitely looking forward to this, although also with some sadness, as I think it has to be LJS’s last drama before military service. (I think all 89ers have to enlist in 2019…) I love his acting. Haven’t seen LNY in anything yet, but I am liking what I’ve read of her in interviews for this. She seems like someone with a great sense of humor.

  2. I am looking forward to this …..LYN has depth to her unlike one-note actors like Suzy and SHK who look perfect but are so inert.
    LJS ‘s pale vampire complexion and surgically enhanced looks used to make me uncomfortable but he’s got a great screen presence and can act. It’s funny how he can be so attractive onscreen and natural beauties like Suzy and Song Kye Hye bore me to death with their wooden performances.

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