
The Ending of tvN Fantasy Romance Mama Fairy and the Woodcutter Makes Me Interested Again — 24 Comments

  1. This drama did my head in so I parked it at episode 4 but because I trust your judgment Mz Koala I’m willing to give it another go. Seo Ji Joon is a real honey and it would be mainly for him that I would venture back to continue watching. Thank you for the heads up.

  2. That is only few of you dont like second lead as Seo Ji Hoon. People are falling in love with Seo Ji Hoon. Boy is amazing. He stole thunder from CN Blue singer from the previous drama too. Boy is one of the actors we should watch out in the future. I am staking on my 20+ drama watching experience haha. Beautiful, tall and emotional. Just beautiful…

  3. Don’t bother to watch it. It just waste of time. why did it makes like the prof is the husband and make me root for him? I feel deceived! They gave him signs that he was the husband, even Ok Nam gave him hope, but in the end he was the one hurt by the truth. I just don’t get it.

  4. Good to know that you plan to watch koala! This is a cute show overall although the story suffered in the hand of this writer. I loved moon chae won and seo ji hoon together and this is one rare drama where second lead wins the girl haha. Watch it for the cutes and you’re gonna love kim geum if you have liked seo ji hoon in the first two episodes. Let us know what you think of how it faired!

  5. my comment didn’t go through. Anyway I was praising SEo Ji Hoon acting and chemistry with MCW was sizzling. Drama had flaws but I really enjoyed it. Hope SJH will have great scripts and more work. He is charming..

  6. The drama dragged alot in the middle I’m not even sure if I want to endure it just for the ending.
    But from what little I’ve watched, Seo Jihoon is good.

  7. Seo Ji Hoon is so good. Now he is my new crush, hope to see him more in future. He and McW chemistry is very good. I have rewatched two times already. Really in love with Sjh character

  8. The drama is not as bad as some people are making it out to be…it was decent and even enjoyable for the most part (minus the annoying three stooges)
    Acting was great. Also have to agree with majority’s opinion: Seo Ji Hoon is a talented rookie and had very sweet/cute chemistry with MCW. Geum/SJH is adorkable and it’s probably thanks to him I managed to watch the drama till the end…. I’ll for sure keep an eye on his career from now on.

  9. This drama is quite well written with lots of new creative ideas, but just not executed properly. All the main cast act well and Mina is very cute. I just cannot stand the three stooges, too much overacting, but they are easy to FF. MCW is very pretty and it is a pleasant surprise that she ends up with the second lead whom I prefer more actually. Overall a creative and enjoyable drama ?

  10. Actually the beginning of the episode gave hint who is her husband. If you look back, the 2nd lead is the first person to see her in her fairy form and he is the one who saw his daughter too. The male lead only saw her fairy form much later. So in the beginning I was confused who 2nd saw her first instead of the male lead. And 2nd lead dreamt of her and other stuff. So after awhile I dropped the drama because it was focusing on male lead and he not knowing her etc … it got boring. I was more interested in 2nd lead and his interaction with female lead and his daughter – the cat.

  11. I really love Yoon Hyun Min… I didn’t feel he was overacting so much, I’m sorry to hear he’s not getting much love. The main problem I had with this drama was Ok Nam herself – typical perfect sweet female who everyone loves (but exactly why it’s hard to say). I thought it could have had better reception as a summer drama, with all the fantasy elements – I thought it was cute and quirky – and even deep towards the end. The fact that part of the angst was that of the female celestial being not having a chance against the Male was something you don’t see much of in K-Drama, even as a hint. I don’t think this was a bad drama – but very unique. The one real mystery was who was the professors father! (Not everyone has a nun for a mother…). That was one confusing and ultimately unnecessary detail! I’ll give it an 8 – certainly the ending did make it unusual and it of the ordinary! (Not all fantasy can be Goblin!)

  12. I watched this drama, and I am surprised to myself that this is one of the on going dramas I am rooting, and looking forward to watch every week. I dunno why koalaplayground don’t like Yoon HyunMin’s acting there but I like it because this drama proves that he can act as his character here from his last drama I watched (the Tunnel)is a complete 360 degrees turn. Meaning oppa has skills, but guys, I dropped the drama at the last episode and I dunno why.

  13. LOVED the ending! It was atypical and not your conventional ending so it must’ve pissed off a whole bunch of people, but I felt the ending gave the drama an added but necessary plot twist, kept things interesting and tied things up neatly in the end. Kudos to the cast and crew. They all did a good job.

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