
Jin Goo Nails the Exuberant Male Lead in Character Poster for K-adaptation of Legal High — 6 Comments

  1. You cant expect kdrama addapt jdrama hairstyle or outfit. kdrama need to look pretty lol not a bad thing though..
    quirky style is jdrama trademark, kdrama need to tone it down on their adaptation so it feel like a kdrama

  2. I haven’t seen Legal High, so were the other characters as quirky as the male lead?

    Quirky Shim Eun-kyung in the k-remake of Nodame Cantabile turned out to be a misfit because the other actors and style of the Korean version didn’t gel with her.

    Hopefully, they get everything in this one right.

    • There were some quirks in the other characters, especially the female lead, but not as much as the male lead who dominated the show. And it is one of the few “quirky” Japanese shows that appealed to me. It totally worked on every level and I was captivated by the whole thing.

      The point you have made makes perfect sense to me although I have not watched Korean cantabile (even the original didn’t appeal to me and I love classical music)

  3. Legal High is one of my favorite JDorama and Sakai Masato was briliant and so does Aragaki Yui. Don’t know how this remake will be but i hope they create a brand new Komikado Sensei’s signature hand move which for everyone who watched the drama must know.

  4. Loved Legal High. It’s an awesome quirky J-doroma and I’m not confident they k version will work…can anyone recall the remake of Hana Yori Dango???

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