
Kim So Hyun and Jang Dong Yoon Cast for KBS Cross-dressing Youth Sageuk Romance Mung Bean Chronicles — 38 Comments

  1. Will watch anything with Kim Sohyun and I like the genre!

    On a side note, Sungkyunkwan Scandal is apparently having a Chinese remake and the visuals for the new cast is very high.

  2. Slight error – its a boy cross dressing as a girl to avoid marrying a child bride and girl with boyish mannerisms training to be a gisaeng. This drama sounds like a fun youth sageuk. I’m happy to see them even considering a male lead not in his 30s for this drama.

    • There are many errors in this article. The tag for mung bean is misspelled and kim sohyun isn’t even tagged. Oh well I’ll just be happy we are getting a drama. 🙂

  3. If they go through with it this will be a fresh pairing. I have a lot of goodwill for both these actors and want them to hit big.

  4. You forgot to mention his stellar performance in Solomon’s Perjury! He’s had my heart since then and I was cheering for him in A Poem A Day! I’ve loved her since Bring it On Ghost! She’s got great spunk and so much talent!

    • Mmmm…. agree. He’s been good in everything I’ve seen him in, Solomon’s Perjury, A poem a day, School 2017 and I learned he was even in Mr. Sunshine (although I didn’t stick with that drama long enough to see him act in it). His resume is pretty impressive considering that his debut was in 2016. He’s talented and has a good eye for scripts. As long as he keeps his personal life clean, the sky is his limit acting-wise.

  5. I’m on board with this pairing, they are close enough in age and acting talent so if the script is great, they would be a delight to watch.

    • I read on soompi the writer is the same as school 2015, moonlight and the drama special: if we were a season. I personally loved the youthful vibe of the 3 dramas especially the last one. If they can infuse the same into this drama I’m going to enjoy watching it. Either way I’m behind this pairing both on a visual and acting level.

  6. They have all the right ingredients for a youth historical drama so one can only pray they execute it properly. I have a lot of love for both. Good luck.

  7. Jang Dong Yoon is become an actor I really liked since watching him the first time in Just Dance. He is so natural opposite Park Se Wan I just love watching them on screen. It might be the first time I will like the male lead opposite Kim Soo Hyun since she make her adult roles as a leading lady.

    • You didn’t like Yook Sung Jae and her? I’m still hoping they’ll reunite someday and cash in on that amazing chemistry. I like her acting a lot but her male leads so. This time I agree with the male lead casting if it confirms.

      • I’m really not a fan with any of her previous leading man. Her best chemistry when she take an adult roles so far is with Taecyeon, though it’s not reaching on emotional level of chemistry for me.

        If Jang Dong Yoon can continue his good performances from Just Dance, I can be optimist her partner with Jang Dong Yoon will be a good one.

  8. Jang Dong Yoon is a good actor. In Solomon’s Perjury, his first drama, his performance was great! He danced and dressed as woman in Just Dance and was good. So I think he’s perfect choice for this drama.

    The last sageuk of Kim So Hyun was really bad, so I’m happy to see her in a new one, I really loved Moonlight Drawn by Clouds, so I think it will be a fun ride.

    • Ruler is the laziest most disconnected writing I’ve ever seen and it did great disservice to the leads. Poor girl was so traumatized by it I’m surprised she signed up for another one. Kudos to her spirit.

  9. School 20151?! The drama that got me hooked on kdramas in the first place! It will forever remain an iconic drama! I’m so in on this one!

  10. Don’t care who, what, how just bring back this angel to dramaland. Her acting always amazes me. A complete natural.

  11. Kim Sohyun my girl crush since Pageturner. Its been a while since I’ve seen anything in this genre so I’ll have to check this out. Reverse cross dressing sounds interesting.

  12. She sure is the hard worker, just 2018-2019 alone

    She hosted a music competition show, the Reality traveling show, radio romance, love alarm, hosted awards shows.

    And maybe miss granny.

    And now mung bean.

    Her work ethics makes me look like a sloth in comparison lol

    • She’s always been a hard worker. Her and yeo jinguu have commendable work ethic which must be why they keep growing as actors. I don’t think miss granny will happen got a feeling she passed on that already. Last year has been the most relaxed year for her in the past 5-6 years. I’m ready for her to make a comeback.

  13. This drama is going to go up against some tough competition so I wouldn’t peg my hopes on high ratings but as long as the story execution is solid I’m in for a fun ride.

  14. How Jang Dong Yoon entered the industry was very interesting.He was a Uni student when he cleverly capture a armed robber in a store. Saving the staff in the store. He got a awards and lots of media attention for it. Thus he got offers for acting roles…. Good deeds does pay off.

      • Its true he got scouted because of his act of bravery. Another fun fact is that he is an alum of the same university that Kim So Hyun is currently attending. They are both from the prestigious Hanyang University.

  15. I just read the beginning of the webtoon and I’m very looking forward to Jang Dongyoon sporting long, luscious locks lol

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