
MBC Releases Script Reading Stills for Female Lead Centric Sageuk Rookie Historian Goo Hye Ryung — 11 Comments

  1. I don’t think it counts as a youth historical drama if almost everyone involved is in their 30s. Isn’t it just the regular historical drama with noble leads with a cause, birth secrets, political intrigue and evil scheming. Basically the regular korean drama tropes but at least this one has a feminist touch to it.

      • Isn’t shin se kyung 29 this year? Her birthday is next month if i’m not wrong. @Jay its not a youth drama and was never marketed as on either i think that was a misnomer.

  2. This is the only drama since Empress Ki to actually have the female character name in the title. It already sounds better than other dramas.

  3. I hope that his acting improved since ID Gangnam Beauty because he was very bad in that one. You could tell from one scene that he was an idol and that he was depending on his face to save him.

    • SSK is actually ok in sagueks. Horrible only in rom-com modern dramas. She is definitely not versatile. But I think this saguek should be watchable… I worry more for the male lead, first time saguek… Anyway I will watch because of the visuals and may stop if it is unbearable. No one can beat YJG in sagueks in my mind for now, I am still mesmerizing over The Crowned Clown…

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